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2015-2-2 22:41| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 289| 评论: 0|来自: UNDP

摘要: Opening Remarks by UNDP Country Director Christophe Bahuet at E-waste Recycling and Disposal & Low Carbon Development Seminar

Opening Remarks at E-waste Recycling and Disposal & Low Carbon Development Seminar



Mr. Christophe Bahuet, Country Director, UNDP China

联合国开发计划署驻华代表处国别主任 白桦





21 January 2015



Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon.




Thank you all for coming today as we discuss a challenge facing not just China but the whole world, a challenge which affects human health and the environment in both developed and developing countries. I am speaking of the problem of electronic waste – the tonnes of obsolete electrical equipment thrown away each year which need systematic and supervised disposal to mitigate the harmful effects of the toxic chemicals they contained.




My thanks go first to the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Baidu, the China Resource Recycling Association and PricewaterhouseCoopers for your role in opening a debate over this issue and your support in holding this workshop.




As you know, UNDP together with FECO MEP is implementing a GEF E-waste Management Project in China. There are three main targets for our project: National Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment management system development; Demonstration of Best Available Techniques (BAT) and Best Environmental Practice (BEP) for e-waste management; and the integration of the informal sector into the formal Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) system. UNDP and Baidu have entered into a ground breaking partnership to support the GEF E-waste project through big data and online solutions. In a moment, we will share with you the progress made for the online and offline solutions for e-waste collection by Baidu and TCL.




Solving the E-waste issue requires both effective policies and smart business models. At UNDP, we believe that greater public-private partnership is key to the solution for truly integrated, systematic and coordinated solutions to e-waste management are required. The goal is to make e-waste processing an inherent part of the whole e-product production process – a roadmap laid out which functions as a national guideline for the production, consumption, recycling and reproduction of electronic products. This requires the involvement of both e-waste processing companies and e-product manufacturing companies, and we are pleased that both are here today to discuss this integrated business solution to e-waste. 




One can ask what is hindering the implementation of such a systematic life cycle for e-products. Clearly, one of the biggest current bottlenecks for the e-waste industry is that the increased costs to legitimate waste processing industries through health and environment requirements cannot be adequately translated into increased profits. Due to this, registered companies are simply unable to compete with the informal sector for e-waste collection and disposal.




However, we believe that big data and low carbon development can offer solutions, allowing the registered e-waste processing companies to generate sufficient income to maintain a solid business model and incorporate the informal sector. This would allow for a stable and sustainable model and is one of the reasons we have also invited the best IT companies and low carbon consulting firms in China to join today’s meeting.




As we see, the E-waste issue cannot be solved by one actor only – only when all relevant sectors sit together can a comprehensive and systematic solution that is sustainable and environmentally sound be implemented. We are therefore very pleased to welcome government officials and joining them, representatives from associations, research institutes and the private sector.




UNDP sees China as one of the most promising countries in proactively pursuing a solution and a country that can take the lead in tackling the issue of e-waste both domestically and globally. I wish you all a fruitful discussion today and hope we can work together through our platform in identifying and implementing an effective solution for China and the world.  Thank you.







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