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2015-2-4 17:37| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 514| 评论: 0|来自: WHO

摘要: Report by WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan to the Executive Board at its 136th Session

Report to the Executive Board at its 136th Session



Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization

世界卫生组织总干事 陈冯富珍博士


Geneva, Switzerland

瑞士 日内瓦


26 January 2015



Mister Chairman, distinguished members of the Executive Board, Excellencies, colleagues in the UN system, ladies and gentlemen,




We are meeting at a time of profound economic, social, and demographic transitions in a world in turmoil from multiple causes. Social inequalities have increased, with more of total global wealth held by just a few rich and powerful people. Numerous conflicts, sectarian clashes, and terrorist acts show the bleak side of humanity’s inhumanity.




Last year provided a brutal reminder of the continuing threat from emerging and epidemic-prone diseases. Ebola is by far the biggest and most tragic example.




Currently, we face threats from the Middle East respiratory syndrome virus now circulating widely throughout the Arabian Peninsula, multiple new strains of highly pathogenic avian influenza that have devastated poultry farms, and continuing human cases of H5N1 and H7N9 avian influenza with a high fatality rate.




The WHO Constitution refers to the “common danger” of unequal development and the importance of activities that contribute to the “harmony of human relations”.




If public health has something to offer the world at large, it is this: growing evidence that well-functioning and inclusive health systems contribute to social cohesion, equity, and stability. They hold societies together and help reduce social tensions.




As I have said before, universal health coverage is one of the most powerful social equalizers among all policy options.




Health systems and supporting infrastructures, like laboratories and hospitals with electricity and running water, backed by road systems and enough staff and ambulances, are not a luxury to invest in when funds are available or other priorities have been met.




They are an essential cushion against the shocks our 21st century societies are delivering with ever greater frequency, whether from a changing climate or a runaway virus. Without this cushion, a shock to health can take on much broader dimensions. What begins as a health crisis can become a humanitarian, social, financial, and security crisis.




Ladies and gentlemen,




Your agenda covers some of the most pressing public health problems of the day: the health effects of a changing climate, the threat from the failure of more and more antimicrobial medicines, and the need to overcome the dynamics of market failure that left clinicians empty-handed when treating a long-established and lethal disease like Ebola.




Last year’s WHO conference on climate and health reminded the world that humans really are the most important species endangered by climate change. That conference, which attracted around 400 participants, was also the first carbon-neutral meeting ever held by WHO.




Many vector-borne diseases are highly sensitive to climate variables. Dengue is one. In recent years, the principal insect vectors that transmit this disease have silently spread worldwide and are now present in more than 150 countries. Dried mosquito eggs travel very well as stowaways in international cargo. Climate change may propel even wider spread.




Resistance to antimicrobial medicines is happening in all parts of the world for an increasingly broad range of pathogens. The consequences for human health are severe, especially with so few replacement products in the pipeline. The world is moving towards a post-antibiotic era in which many common infectious diseases may once again kill.




In the absence of effective antibiotics, some of the most advanced interventions available to modern medicine, like organ transplantations, hip and joint replacements, cancer chemotherapy, and care of pre-term infants, could become too dangerous to perform.




The consequences can be succinctly expressed: the end of modern medicine as we know it. Clinicians managing some cases of tuberculosis and gonorrhoea are already empty-handed as even “last resort” medicines no longer work.




Clinicians are empty-handed for another big reason as well: the failure of current systems and incentives to stimulate the development of new medical products for diseases that disproportionately affect the poor. If we are serious about our commitment to fair and inclusive health care, we are morally obliged to use the powers of scientific research and pharmaceutical innovation to reduce some of the health-related misery of the poor.








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