from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of
International Mother Language Day 教科文组织总干事伊琳娜·博科娃女士国际母语日致辞
Inclusive Education through and
with Language – Language Matters 以语言为手段和内容的全纳教育——语言至关重要
21 February 2015 2015年2月21日
2015 marks the 15th anniversary
of International Mother Language Day – this is also a turning point year for
the international community, as the deadline for the Millennium Development Goals, when countries will define a new
global sustainable development agenda.
The focus for the post-2015
agenda must fall on the priority of advancing quality education for all –
widening access, ensuring equality and inclusiveness, and promoting education
for global citizenship and sustainable development. Education in the mother
language is an essential part of achieving these goals – to facilitate learning
and to bolster skills in reading, writing and mathematics. Taking this forward
requires a sharper focus on teaching training, revisions of academic programmes
and the creation of suitable learning environments.
UNESCO takes forward these goals
across the world. In Latin America, with the United Nations Children’s Fund,
UNESCO is promoting inclusive education through bilingual intercultural
approaches, in order to include both native and non-native cultures. For the
same reasons, the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific,
based in Bangkok, Thailand, is working to deepen understandings of multilingual
education based on the mother tongue, across the region and further afield.
Mother tongue education is force for quality learning – it is also essential to
bolster multilingualism and respect for linguistic and cultural diversity in
societies that are transforming quickly.
Since 2000, there has been
tremendous progress to reach the goals of Education for All. Today, we must
look ahead – to complete unfinished business and to tackle new challenges.
International Mother Language Day is a moment for all of us to raise the flag
for the importance of mother tongue to all educational efforts, to enhance the
quality of learning and to reach the unreached. Every girl and boy, every woman
and man must have the tools to participate fully in the lives of their
societies – this is a basic human right and it is a force for the
sustainability of all development.
自2000年以来,实现全民教育目标的工作取得长足进展。今天,我们必须把目光投向前方--完成未竟的事业并迎接新的挑战。国际母语日为我们大家提供了一个机会,彰显母语对各种教育所具有的重要意义,提高学习质量并帮助未获得帮助的人们。每一个男孩和女孩、每一位妇女和男性必须掌握充分参与社会生活的手段。这是一项基本人权,也是促进一切可持续发展的力量。 |
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