中文版:世界社会公正日致辞.doc Message
on World Day of Social Justice 世界社会公正日致辞
20 February 2015 2015年2月20日
World Day for Social Justice
comes at a pivotal moment for people and our planet. Around the world, there is a rising call to
secure a life of dignity for all with equal rights and respect for the diverse
voices of the world’s peoples. At the
core of this movement lies the need for social justice.
This year’s commemoration focuses
on the scourge of human trafficking and the plight of approximately 21 million
women, men and children in various forms of modern slavery. New instruments such as the ILO Protocol and Recommendation on Forced Labour
and Human Trafficking are helping to strengthen global efforts to punish
perpetrators and end impunity. We must
continue to do more. We simply cannot
achieve development for all if we leave behind those who are socially and
economically exploited.
今年社会公正日活动的重点是针对贩运人口这一祸患以及约2 100万妇女、男子和儿童所遭受的种种形式的现代奴役。新制定的国际劳工组织《关于强迫劳役和人口贩运的议定书及建议》等文书正为加强全球努力、打击罪犯、结束有罪不罚现象做出贡献。我们必须继续开展更多工作。假如我们不顾那些受社会剥削和经济剥削的人,我们就根本无法实现所有人的发展。
In this crucial year for global
development, as Member States work to craft a post-2015 agenda and a new set of
sustainable development goals, let us do our utmost to eradicate all forms of
human exploitation. Let us strive to
build a world of social justice where all people can live and work in freedom,
dignity and equality.
在今年这一全球发展的重要年头,当会员国致力于拟定2015年后发展议程和一套新的可持续发展目标之际,让我们竭尽全力消除一切形式的人类剥削。让我们努力建设一个社会公正的世界,让所有人都能在自由、尊严与平等中生活和工作。 |
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