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2015-3-14 17:47| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 795| 评论: 0|来自: UNEP

摘要: Keynote Address by UN Under-Secretary-General and UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner at the Opening of the 15th Session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment

Vienna Convention Celebrates 30 Years & Eliminating HFCs



Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,




Two weeks from today, the world will mark another 30th Anniversary; that of the adoption of the Vienna Convention.




The efforts, commitment, collaboration and action by the parties to the Vienna Convention and its Montreal Protocol towards protecting the ozone layer continue to serve as a model for united action globally.




The Montreal Protocol has so far led to the phase-out of 98 per cent of the historic levels of production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances globally. As a result of thirty years of concerted global efforts, up to 2 million cases of skin cancer may be prevented each year by 2030 and the ozone layer is healing. The international community has demonstrated what humanity is capable of achieving when nations reconcile their different needs and act as one on a global challenge.




African countries should be proud of their immense contribution to global efforts to protect the ozone layer. All 54 countries in Africa are parties to the Convention and its Protocol and all of its amendments, and have demonstrated unyielding commitment to the ongoing mission of ozone protection.




UNEP supports and works closely with the 54 National Ozone Officers across Africa. Over the years, the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol has provided African countries with US$286 million for the phase-out of over 23,700 tonnes of ozone-depleting substances. This includes over US$32 million supporting National Ozone Units in 53 countries.




The Fund is also supporting the world’s newest country, South Sudan, in phasing out controlled substances by providing funding for institutional assistance and for preparation of a phase-out plan that would be funded once it has been completed.




With the Fund’s assistance, African countries were able to completely phase out the consumption of ozone-depleting substances chlorofluorocarbons, halons and carbon tetrachloride ahead of schedule.




Now, in the meetings of the Montreal Protocol, parties discuss a new challenge: HFCs.




Like the ozone-depleting substances they replace, most HFCs are potent greenhouse gases. Though HFCs currently represent a small fraction of the total greenhouse gas emissions, their global-warming-potential is very high, and their emissions could rise even up to 40% of annual carbon dioxide emissions by the middle of the century if society continues to accelerate their use. This could offset the climate benefits achieved by the Montreal Protocol.




The parties will have to decide whether the mechanisms and institutional infrastructure of the Montreal Protocol could be leveraged to address the urgent task of managing HFCs to protect the climate.




Africa and the Sustainable Development Goals



Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen,




Environmental sustainability is a pre-requisite for sustainable socio-economic development and poverty alleviation.




Integrated solutions can generate structural and transformative change and will help ensure that the Post-2015 Development Agenda are inspirational, inclusive and universal.




As we move forward towards the September 2015 Summit, the international community will need to focus its efforts on reforming and retooling governance structures at all levels for greater integration, transparency and accountability.




At the same time, the evolving SDGs show that efforts to eradicate energy poverty, promote universal access to cleaner forms of energy, and double energy efficiency-if fully realized-would go a long way towards putting the world on a path consistent with the climate target.




Not only does energy efficiency reduce or avoid greenhouse emissions, but it can also increase productivity and sustainability through the delivery of energy savings, and support social development by increasing employment and energy security.




For example:




– It is estimated that between 2015 and 2030, energy efficiency improvements worldwide could avoid at least 2.5-3.3 Gt CO2 annually.


·据估计20152030年间,世界范围内能源效率的提高可减少至少年均2.5-3.3 亿吨二氧化碳的排放。


– About half the countries in the world have national policies for promoting more efficient use of energy in buildings.




– A growing number of national policies promote electricity generation using renewable sources, reducing transport demand and modes, reducing process-related emissions from industry, and advancing sustainable agriculture.




Such transformational policies present great opportunities for Africa.







Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen,




The world stands at a cross roads. Pivotal to the success of international efforts to move forward on climate change and sustainable development will be how principles translate into policy at the international, regional and national levels. And it is only when we see key sustainability principles translated into national development planning that we will know our common efforts have paid off.




This AMCEN meeting is the culmination of 3 decades of inspiring and untiring efforts. The decisions you reach here have the potential to define the fate of the continent for the future.


I wish you a fruitful meeting and once again our sincere thanks to the Government of Egypt for hosting this landmark event.




Thank you.








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