Keynote Address
at the Ministerial Meeting on Universal Health Coverage: the Post-2015 Challenge 在全民健康覆盖问题部长级会议上的主旨发言:2015年后的挑战
Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General
of the World Health Organization 世界卫生组织总干事
Singapore, 10 February 2015 新加坡,2015年2月10日
Excellency, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Minister Gan, honourable ministers,
distinguished experts, colleagues in public health, ladies and gentlemen,
It is a great honour to address a
ministerial meeting on universal health coverage in Singapore, a city-state
with an inclusive health system known for its affordable excellence. Last year,
Bloomberg’s second annual ranking of countries with the most efficient health
care placed Singapore at the top.
WHO also places Singapore at the
top for key health indicators, especially maternal and infant mortality, two of
the most sensitive indicators of a well-functioning health system. Through
foresighted and visionary planning, Singapore achieved first-rate health care,
with outstanding health outcomes, at a cost lower than in any other high-income
country in the world.
This achievement was firmly
anchored in a value system that places a premium on fairness and inclusiveness
as a route to social cohesion, stability, and harmony.
Research guided individual
strategies, but so did the wishes of the public, with opinion polls undertaken
and conversations started to ensure that changes in the health system won
public support and approval.
As we have just heard, Singapore’s
version of universal health coverage balances the advantages of competitiveness
and other market forces with the need for state intervention to steer these
forces in the right direction. It balances freedom to choose providers,
services, and facilities with an obligatory health savings account, the
MediSave plan, with its emphasis on individual responsibility.
There is no free lunch. The plan
works to protect against the over-consumption of care. To help inform
responsible decisions, the Ministry of Health publishes hospital bills for
common illnesses on its website.
Another innovation, MediShield
Life, embodies the principle of collective responsibility through risk pooling.
This is the safety net. It protects households from falling into financial ruin
when medical bills are especially high. Studies conducted by WHO show that
catastrophic medical bills force 100 to 150 million people below the poverty
line every year. While many governments are working hard to lift people out of
poverty, these efforts can be offset when the health system and its financing
actually contribute to poverty.
As Singapore’s Minister of Health
observed earlier this year, the scheme tells people that they “need not face
life’s uncertainties alone, especially those who meet unexpected shocks in
their life journeys.”
Of course, not all of these
innovations can be applied elsewhere. UHC is intrinsically country-owned. To
work well, it must be home grown in line with each country’s culture, domestic
political institutions, the legacy of the existing health system, and the
expectations of citizens.
In achieving UHC, Singapore had
some distinct advantages. The huge challenge of extending health services to
reach remote and impoverished rural areas was non-existent. Singapore has only
one rural area, a small island and tourist attraction.
A tradition of cross-ministry
collaboration makes it easier to address the upstream causes of ill health
through environmental improvements and the use of fiscal and regulatory
measures to encourage healthy lifestyles.
Singapore has also enjoyed
political stability and a high level of public trust in government for decades.
That helped as well.
With these advantages, UHC in
Singapore has gone beyond providing and financing fair and inclusive health
care. UHC in Singapore has worked as a strategy for building an inclusive,
caring, and progressive society. These are assets for any country in the world.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Our world is in turmoil from
multiple causes. The signs are there for anyone to see: fluctuating currencies,
unstable economies, prolonged conflicts, ethnic clashes, and inexplicable acts
of violence. Organized acts of terrorism are the newest omnipresent and
unpredictable threat.
The climate is changing,
antibiotics are failing, and health care costs are soaring. Inequalities, in
income levels, opportunities, and access to social services, both within and
between countries, have reached the highest levels seen in nearly a century.
Countries are losing their middle
classes, the backbone of democracy. Last month’s Oxfam report on wealth
distribution contains a startling statistic: just 80 rich and powerful people
own more of the world’s total wealth than 3.5 billion people at the other end
of the scale.
Many economists take optimism
from the fact that several of the world’s fastest growing economies are in
Africa, often fuelled by foreign extractive industries. But if you look at
income distribution within these countries, what we are really seeing is more
and more rich countries full of poor people.
An African medical blogger
contrasted growths in GDP with weaknesses in health systems laid bare by the
Ebola outbreak. He asked the following question. What good does it do to cover
the ceiling of your house with golden paint when the walls and foundation have
Decades of experience tell us
that this world will not become a fair place for health all by itself. Health
systems will not automatically gravitate towards greater equity or naturally
evolve towards universal coverage.
Economic decisions within a
country will not automatically protect the poor or promote their health.
Globalization will not self-regulate in ways that ensure fair distribution of
benefits. International trade agreements will not, by themselves, guarantee
food security, or job security, or health security, or access to affordable
All of these outcomes require
deliberate policy decisions.
Universal health coverage is one
of the most powerful social equalizers among all policy options. It is the
ultimate expression of fairness. If public health has something that can help
our troubled, out-of-balance world, it is this: growing evidence that
well-functioning and inclusive health systems contribute to social cohesion,
equity, and stability. They hold societies together and help reduce social
At a time when policies in so
many sectors are actually increasing social inequalities, I would be delighted
to see health lead the world towards greater fairness in ways that matter to
each and every person on the planet.
在如此之多部门的政策实际上正在加剧社会的不平等之时,我很高兴能看到,卫生以对地球上每个人都很重要的方式,引领世界走向更大的公平。 |
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