构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系 Toward a
New Type of International Relations of Win-Win Cooperation
——外交部长王毅在中国发展高层论坛午餐会上的演讲 – Speech by Foreign Minister Wang
Yi at Luncheon of the China Development Forum
3月23日,北京 Beijing, 23 March 2015
Guests, Ladies
and Gentlemen,
It is a pleasure to attend the
annual conference of the China Development Forum and to talk about a new type
of international relations oriented toward win-win cooperation. A topic as such
surely attracts the attention of experts on international relations, yet it
might sound a bit unfamiliar to those from the business community, who happen
to make a larger part of the audience today. The truth is, we live in a
globalized age when everything is connected and has a bearing on each other, be
it political issues, economy, culture or diplomacy. So what I will do today is
to talk about the political and diplomatic aspect of things, which I hope will
help you better understand China’s foreign policy and its strategic intention.
International relations is an old
subject, yet it often makes a new topic for discussion. Since the birth of
nation states, how to develop state-to-state relations has always remained high
on the agenda of human exploration.
More than 300 years ago, with the
rise of nation states, the Westphalian System was born in Europe. It
established the key principles of sovereignty and equality, and marked the
beginning of international relations of modem times. Yet this system had failed
in the end to prevent major-power rivalry in Europe.
More than 200 years ago, the
Vienna System came into being, under which the post-Napoleonic War
geo-political landscape of Europe was re-aligned under the principle of
equilibrium of power. The outcome was decades of peace in Europe. Yet as it
evolved, alliances were formed and confrontation and arms race emerged before
the eventual eruption of World War I.
What has happened over the
centuries has proved one thing. The development of international relations, and
the forming of the international system, at each period, bears a unique mark of
the time. We all need to move on and keep abreast of the times to make the
international relations and international system of our times effective and
relevant to the world we live in.
70 years ago, in the wake of
victory of the world’s anti-fascist war, nations on earth created an
international order and a corresponding international system with the United
Nations as the core underpinned by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. What it marked was a giant
step forward in the history of human civilization, a proud new chapter in the
evolution of international relations and the international system.
The past seven decades has
witnessed overall peace and stability of the world and unprecedented progress
in mankind’s development. At the same time, globalization and the shift of
international forces have posed new challenges to the existing international
order and system. We have seen, more often than not, the purposes and
principles of the UN Charter not
being observed to the letter, and equity and justice in international relations
not honored as people would have hoped. In recent years, in particular,
countries in the world have had to cope with a sluggish global economy,
geopolitical turbulence, the threat of terrorism and friction among
civilizations, to name just a few. No wonder some western scholars have cried
out that we are about to enter a world of disorder.
Distinguished Guests, Dear Friends,
Now, 70 years after the founding
of the United Nations, it is highly necessary that we think over the question
of what kind of international relations to foster under new historical
conditions so that we could continue to uphold the purposes and principles of
the UN Charter and better safeguard
and bring forward the international system with the United Nations at its core.
Some people have in recent years raised the argument of hegemonic stability,
calling for the creation of an omnipotent superpower to command world affairs.
Some have come up with the notion of global governance and argued that nations
should dilute sovereignty and engage in the formulation of common rules for
world governance. Still some have emphasized the idea of “universal values”,
indicating that a certain kind of values and social system, believed to be “superior”
to others, be used to govern our world.
What China proposes as a solution
is to build a new type of international relations of win-win cooperation. This
major concept, proposed by President Xi Jinping on the basis of grasping the
overall world trend, actually builds on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. At the same time, it goes
beyond the traditional theory of international relations. Its impact on the
future development of international relations will surely be profound and
Well, people might ask, what
makes this type of international relations new? To put it simply, such a new
type of international relations is aimed at replacing confrontation with
cooperation, and exclusiveness with win-win cooperation. What it rejects is the
practice of zero-sum game and the winner-takes-all approach.
Globalization has made countries
increasingly interconnected and their interests more than ever intertwined.
Even a minute mis-function in the global chain of supply, of industry, and of
value, could affect all the countries that each make a single link of the
chain. Meanwhile, the challenges facing world peace and development are
increasingly becoming cross-cutting, overarching and long-term. No country is
immune and all must stand together to cope with challenges head on. Such is the
reality we find ourselves in, which puts into perspective the vision for this
new type of international relations of win-win cooperation.
The notion of this new type of
international relations of win-win cooperation did not come to us in a strike
of the magic apple. It actually originates from the rich cultural tradition of
the Chinese nation and is the natural outcome of the diplomatic practice of the
People’s Republic of China over past decades.
The Chinese people, throughout
the millennia, have been nurtured by the philosophical thinking of our
forefathers, who taught us to help others if we wanted to be successful and to
refrain from pursuing gains for ourselves only. These profound wisdoms guiding
interpersonal relationship stand very much in contrast with the western
political philosophy that is based on the belief of human nature being evil and
the doctrine of the survival of the fittest.
Since the founding of the People’s
Republic, the Chinese government has championed the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and has committed itself
to growing friendship and cooperation with all other countries. While doing our
best to achieve our own development, we also choose to help others in their
development endeavor.
Over 40 years ago, some 50,000
Chinese men and women journeyed to Africa, where they shed sweat and blood to
build Tazara, a 1,860-kilometer railway linking Tanzania and Zambia on the
African continent. That was the time when things were pretty tough for China
itself. Yet, by tightening our own belt, we managed to lend a helping hand to a
large number of developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America to
assist them in their struggle for independence and liberation.
The reform and opening up program
that started over 30 years ago has enabled us to marry China’s advantage in
market and labour resources with the capital and technology of developed
countries in the pursuit for win-win cooperation. This has made the pie of
common interests between China and other countries larger and larger. China has
grown into the largest trading partner of over 120 countries in just a couple
of decades, and made indispensable contribution to stability and growth of the
world economy.
To put it in a nutshell, the
Chinese people know full well that, just as a right cause has the support of
many, cooperation makes the surest way to win-win progress. China’s friends are
all over the world, near and far, which gives us even greater confidence to
carry forward win-win diplomacy for the benefit of all in the world. |
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