中文版:世界防治结核病日致辞.doc Message
on World Tuberculosis Day 世界防治结核病日致辞
24 March 2015 2015年3月24日
With some 37 million lives saved
between 2000 and 2013 through the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis, it
is clear that we are within sight of one of the great global health
victories. We have the opportunity not
just to reverse the spread of TB but, by 2035, to end this epidemic that
continues to bring suffering to so many families worldwide.
2000年至2013年期间,结核病的诊断和治疗工作拯救了约3 700万人的生命。显而易见,国际卫生史上一场伟大的胜利在望。我们不仅有机会扭转结核病蔓延的趋势,而且还有希望在2035年之前消除这一目前仍在给全球许多家庭继续带来痛苦的流行病。
But victory is not
guaranteed. An estimated 9 million
people fell ill with TB in 2013, and 1.5 million died. So, on this World Tuberculosis Day I urge
governments, communities affected by TB and health workers around the world to
intensify their efforts in line with the ambitious strategy established by the
World Health Assembly in 2014 to end the global epidemic within two decades.
The End TB strategy of the World
Health Organization outlines clear actions and targets that provide a pathway
to a world free of TB deaths and suffering.
With patient-centred care at the heart, this dynamic action plan will
drive forward the critical advances in research and innovation that are needed
to combat TB, including the worrying surge in its multi-drug resistant and
extensively drug resistant forms.
The strategy also links to the
wider poverty-eradication, social protection and universal health coverage
agenda. The impact of TB is felt acutely
by the most vulnerable populations: those struggling with poverty and poor
health systems in low-and middle-income countries; women in their most
productive years, from 15 to 44, where TB is one of the top five killers;
children; prisoners and migrants; and those living with HIV, for whom TB is the
most common form of illness and the leading cause of death.
While the achievement by 2015 of
one of the key health-focused Millennium
Development Goals, namely the reversal of the spread of TB, is significant,
World Tuberculosis Day reminds governments and communities that this is no time
for complacency. Efforts must begin now
to ensure the effective global roll-out of the End TB strategy and to stimulate
the research that will underpin its success.
On this World Tuberculosis Day,
let us celebrate the achievements of the past fifteen years by recommitting to
end the scourge of TB everywhere by 2035.
值此世界防治结核病日,让我们重申致力于在2035年之前消除世界范围内的结核病,以此来庆祝过去15年中所取得的成就。 |
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