on the 40th Anniversary of the Entry into Force of the Biological Weapons Convention 《生物武器公约》生效40周年之日的致辞
26 March 2015 2015年3月26日
Today marks the fortieth
anniversary of the entry into force of the Biological
Weapons Convention, the first multilateral disarmament treaty to ban an
entire category of weapons of mass destruction. Over the past four decades, the
Biological Weapons Convention has
made an important contribution towards collective efforts to eliminate such
threats. Today, the norm against the use
and possession of biological weapons remains strong, and no country identifies
itself as possessing biological weapons.
However, we must remain
vigilant. The Eighth Review Conference
in 2016 is an opportunity to consolidate progress and consider how to adapt
this landmark Convention to the
challenges posed by advances in science and technology as well as potential
risks posed by terrorists and other non-state actors. I encourage States Parties to think
creatively about how to build confidence in compliance with the Convention.
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa
demonstrates the damage which diseases can inflict, damage which could increase
massively were such diseases deliberately misused as weapons. On the other hand, the outbreak also
demonstrates the commitment of the international community to respond to such
threats, whether natural or deliberate.
It also shows the vital role of science in creating better
defences. As we witness ever more
remarkable breakthroughs in the life sciences, it is incumbent on us to ensure
that such advances are used responsibly.
Forty years after its entry into
force, the Biological Weapons Convention
now has the support of 173 States parties.
I call on the 23 governments that have not yet joined the Convention to do so without delay. In this anniversary year, all countries
should reaffirm their unequivocal rejection of the use of disease as a weapon.
在《生物武器公约》生效40年后的今天,已有173个缔约国作为它的后盾。尚有23个国家未加入《公约》。我呼吁这些国家的政府毫不拖延地加入。在纪念《公约》生效40周年的这个年度,所有国家都应重申坚决反对将疾病用作武器的行为。 |
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