From Crisis
to Sustainable Development: Lessons from the Ebola Outbreak 摆脱危机,走向可持续发展:从埃博拉疫情中得出的经验教训
London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine. Women in Science Lecture Series 伦敦卫生和热带医学院:妇女与科学讲座系列
Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General
of the World Health Organization 世界卫生组织总干事
10 March 2015 2015年3月10日
My good friends at the London
School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, colleagues in public health, ladies
and gentlemen,
The outbreak of Ebola virus
disease that ravaged parts of West Africa in 2014 is the largest, longest, most
severe, and most complex in the nearly four-decade history of this disease.
To date, nearly 24,000 cases and
nearly 10,000 deaths have been reported in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.
This sum is an order of magnitude higher than the 2,400 cases reported in all
24 previous Ebola outbreaks combined.
A look at the factors that made
last year’s outbreak so difficult and so devastating is important. That
experience yields a number of lessons that need to be acted on with the utmost
Constant mutation and adaptation
are the survival mechanisms of the microbial world. Changes in the way humanity
inhabits the planet have given viruses and bacteria multiple new opportunities
to exploit. New diseases are now emerging at an unprecedented rate. No one
expects this trend to end.
Moreover, in a world of radically
increased interdependence, international travel, and trade, there is no such
thing as a local outbreak anymore.
Recent large outbreaks, just
since the start of this century, have shattered a number of assumptions about
the world’s vulnerability to new and re-emerging diseases, like Ebola.
As the century began, most
experts believed that the exotic pathogens that cause so much misery in the
developing world would never threaten wealthy countries, with their high
standards of living and well-developed health systems.
Then came the SARS outbreak of
2003, a disease that took its heaviest toll on wealthy urban areas. SARS spread
most efficiently in sophisticated hospital settings.
Scientists also assumed that
threats could be predicted. When the virus that caused the 2009 influenza
pandemic emerged in the Americas, attention was almost exclusively focused on
the H5N1 avian influenza virus circulating in Asia as the most likely cause of
the next pandemic.
Scientists assumed that the most
likely breeding ground for new diseases was in the forests of Africa and the
teeming cities of Asia. Then came the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or
MERS, which emerged in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 2012. No one expected
that an arid desert environment, and camels instead of chickens, would give
rise to a new disease.
Like these other outbreaks, Ebola
in West Africa delivered a number of surprises. Understanding these surprises
brings lessons that can help the world prepare for similar events in the
future. They are certain to come.
Ladies and gentlemen,
The first surprise was the
appearance of Ebola in a new geographical area.
Ebola, which first emerged in
1976, has shown an historical pattern of surfacing at irregular intervals,
usually in remote rural areas, then going into hiding in some unknown reservoir
in the forests, but always in the same parts of equatorial Africa.
Nothing from past experience
prepared the world for last year’s arrival of the virus in West Africa.
To understand that event, we need
to look at the state of health care in the three countries, the assumptions
that drove the early response, and the cultural traditions that fed rapid
Prior to 2014, Ebola was
considered a rare disease. The only control tools available date back to the
Middle Ages: early detection, isolation, infection control, and quarantine.
The largest previous outbreak,
which occurred in Uganda in 2000, infected 425 people. With cases currently in
the tens of thousands, the failure to develop vaccines and treatments has far
more glaring consequences.
Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone
are among the poorest countries in the world. At the start of the outbreak, all
three had only recently emerged from years of civil war and unrest that left
basic health infrastructures damaged or destroyed and created a cohort of young
adults with little or no education.
Before the outbreak, the three
countries had only one to two doctors available to treat nearly 100,000 people.
For comparison, Spain has 370 and the US has 245. That meager workforce was
further diminished as more than 800 health care workers contracted the disease
and nearly 500 died.
This is the first big lesson.
Well-functioning health systems need to be in place before a health crisis
strikes. The best way to keep an outbreak from becoming an international threat
is to stop it quickly at source.
Doing so requires a surveillance
system that can pick up early signals of unusual disease events, response teams
that can track and investigate cases, and laboratory services to support the
Of the 194 countries that are
Member States of WHO, only 64, that is, less than a third, have these core
capacities for outbreak alert and response in place. That is a shocking
indictment of the state of global preparedness.
The virus affected an additional
six countries in two groups. The US, Spain, and the UK reported cases, but
their well-developed health systems gave the virus no chance to establish a
Senegal, Nigeria, and Mali had
weak health systems but a high level of alert and preparedness, and treated the
first imported cases as a national emergency. With support from their partners,
all three countries defeated Ebola with very little, if any, onward
塞内加尔、尼日利亚和马里卫生系统薄弱,但高度戒备,严防死守,作为国家应急行动治疗了头一批病例。所有这三个国家,在其伙伴支持下,埃博拉疫情得以平息,很少向外界传播。 |
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