Ladies and gentlemen,
We learn more about the world’s
vulnerability to emerging and re-emerging diseases when we look at how the
outbreak started and subsequently spread.
Retrospective studies identify 26
December 2013 as the start of the outbreak, when an 18-month old boy living in
a small village in Guinea’s Forest Zone fell ill and died two days later.
Much of the surrounding forest
has been destroyed by foreign mining and timber operations. Some evidence
suggests that disruption of the ancient forest ecology brought potentially
infected wild animals, and the bat species thought to harbor the virus, into
closer contact with human settlements.
Prior to symptom onset, the child
was seen playing in his backyard near a hollow tree heavily infested with bats.
This tells us something about the perils of environmental degradation.
From that initial case, the virus
spread quickly, with fatal results, to other family members and the midwives,
faith healers, and hospital staff who treated them, and then on to new villages
as people travelled to attend funerals and then returned home.
The virus crept into the capital,
Conakry, on 1 February and then fanned out further from the hospital where the
patient was treated and died. No one knew this was Ebola. No one took any
A disease that killed so many so
quickly did not go unnoticed. However, lack of capacity meant that the disease
was first misdiagnosed as cholera and then later as Lassa fever, two of the
many common infectious diseases that mimic the early symptoms of Ebola.
When the causative agent was
finally identified on 21 March, the Ebola virus had been circulating,
undetected and uncontained, in Guinea for nearly three months.
By then, the virus was firmly
entrenched. A few scattered cases had already been imported into Liberia and
Sierra Leone, but this spread, too, was silent and not detected until too late.
WHO had an investigative team on
the ground in Guinea within days after the diagnosis was confirmed. But
countries and their international partners, including WHO, underestimated the
situation. We thought we knew Ebola. Knew how it behaved. Knew the course the
disease would take. Knew how to control it.
This is another important lesson.
Expect the unexpected. Never trust a virus to behave as it has in the past,
especially when introduced into a new setting, with new opportunities to
The newness of Ebola added to the
problems created by weak health systems. The three countries were poorly
prepared for this unexpected and unfamiliar disease at every level.
Clinicians had never managed
cases. No laboratory had ever diagnosed a patient specimen. No government had
ever witnessed the social and economic upheaval that can accompany an outbreak
of this disease. Populations could not understand what hit them or why.
The virus exploited exceptionally
high population mobility across exceptionally porous borders, with the three
countries persistently re-infecting each other. Populations readily cross
borders, but response teams do not.
Throughout its history, Ebola had
been largely a disease affecting remote rural areas where sparse populations
created a natural barrier against explosive spread. In West Africa, the virus
exploited urban environments and conditions in crowded slums.
But above all, the virus
exploited West Africa’s deep-seated cultural traditions. Funeral and burial
rites involving close contact with highly infectious corpses were the most
dangerous of these traditions, and they proved highly resistant to change.
In Liberia and Sierra Leone,
where burial rites are reinforced by a number of secret societies, some
mourners bathe in or anoint others with rinse water from the washing of
In the face of early and
persistent denial that Ebola was real, health messages issued to the public
repeatedly emphasized that the disease was deadly, and had no vaccine,
treatment, or cure. While intended to promote protective behaviors, these
messages backfired.
If Western medicine had nothing
to offer, families preferred to rely on traditional healers or care for loved
ones in homes, thus giving the virus more opportunities to exploit.
Ebola preyed on another
deep-seated cultural trait: compassion. In West Africa, the virus spread
through the networks that bind societies together in a culture that stresses
compassionate care for the ill and ceremonial care for their bodies if they
Apart from the need to invest in
health systems, this is the second biggest lesson. The outbreak will never be
brought to an end in the absence of full community engagement and cooperation.
To this day, communities in Guinea and Sierra Leone continue to hide patients
in homes, conduct secret unsafe burials at night, and refuse to cooperate with
contact tracing teams.
Yet another lesson concerns the
importance of creating incentives for the development of medical products for
diseases that primarily affect the poor and thus have little market appeal.
Ebola has been known for nearly
40 years. Yet clinicians were left empty-handed, with no vaccines, treatments,
or cures. I believe this lesson is already shaping events.
WHO has worked hard with industry
to correct the R&D failure. New rapid diagnostic tests are coming on the
market. Several promising drugs, including ZMapp, are currently undergoing
clinical trials. The first phase III clinical trial of a vaccine began in
Guinea over the weekend.
Ladies and gentlemen,
A review committee convened under
the International Health Regulations to
assess the response to the 2009 influenza pandemic concluded that the world was
ill-prepared to cope with a severe and sustained disease event. Ebola was both.
When the outbreak peaked in the
last quarter of 2014, everyone was overwhelmed. We had too little of
Not enough treatment beds,
laboratories, isolation wards, and ambulances. Not enough doctors and nurses,
epidemiologists, logisticians, and burial teams. Not enough personal protective
equipment, body bags, and space in cemeteries.
The world must never again find
itself in such a position. Ebola has been a wake-up call, not just for Africa,
but for the world. In my view, three changes will do the most to improve the
world’s collective defense against the infectious disease threat.
First, invest in building
resilient communities and well-performing health systems that integrate public
health and primary health care. Ideally, health systems should aim for
universal health coverage, so the poor are not left behind. This requires new
thinking and a new approach to health development.
Second, develop the systems,
capacities, and financing mechanisms needed to build surge capacity for responding
to outbreaks and humanitarian emergencies.
Third, create incentives for
R&D for new medical products for diseases that primarily affect the poor. A
fair and just world should not let people die for what boils down to market
failure and poverty.
These three things also fit well
with the coming agenda for sustainable development that seeks to distribute the
benefits of economic growth more evenly and respects our planet’s fragile
From the health perspective, the
greatest need is to have health systems in place that can withstand future
shocks, whether these come from climate change or a runaway virus.
Doing so is not a luxury. It is
the best insurance policy for the future and the best way to cement the
tremendous gains in health made since the start of this century.
Thank you.
谢谢大家。 |
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