Keynote Address
at the World Conference on Tobacco or Health 在世界烟草或健康大会上的主旨讲话
Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General
of the World Health Organization 世界卫生组织总干事
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 阿拉伯联合酋长国
18 March 2015 2015年3月18日
Thank you. I always enjoy
attending these conferences as this group of participants is so strongly united
in purpose, so vocal in articulating its views and the evidence behind them,
and so determined to reduce addiction to a deadly product.
Also, participants are never
alone in these conferences, never without an attentive external audience
looking to see the next trends in the battle between tobacco or health.
The tobacco industry, too, is
always with us, watching for any wavering of resolve that can be exploited,
waiting for any opportunity to interfere.
As a key message to countries,
let me borrow the slogan from a high-profile tobacco advertising campaign: Don’t
be a maybe.
The campaign has been banned in
some wealthy countries for violating the ethical code that prohibits marketing
to youth, yet continues undeterred in the developing world, the tobacco
industry’s promised land for expanding its markets.
Maybe tobacco control has done
its job. Maybe implementation of the WHO Framework
Convention on Tobacco Control, in force now for a decade, has reached its
Largely thanks to legislative
measures, smoking has plummeted in several countries. A WHO report being
launched during this conference shows that the proportion of male smokers is
going down in 125 countries. Non-smoking is becoming the norm.
Maybe this is good enough. Maybe
it’s time for the international community to move on to other preventable causes
of disease.
No, on several counts.
The tobacco industry would be
delighted to see a drop in the drive for control, especially regulatory
control. They invest heavily in making this happen.
Tobacco use is rising fastest in
countries where control measures are relatively new. We need to close in on the
enemy, and not let it outflank us.
Cutting tobacco use further is an
extremely attractive and rewarding target. Tobacco use is one of the biggest
risk factors for NCDs, and especially for cancer. It is also one of the most
responsive to control measures.
Don’t let anyone tell you that
tobacco control has had its day. You can count on industry to keep the battle
lines fresh and vigorous. As the fight for tobacco control moves into the
courts, the latest manoeuvres challenge the sovereign authority of countries to
regulate in the public interest.
The tobacco industry and its
front groups love to talk about the “slippery slope”. They argue: plain
packaging for cigarettes today. The same for chocolates and fizzy drinks
No. The real slippery slope is
this: depriving governments of their sovereign right to use legislation to
protect citizens from harm. This is a battle that pitches the power and
authority of governments against the power of corporations.
The Framework Convention was a victory for the supremacy of public
health concerns over economic interests. We cannot let that victory be stolen
from us, especially as the Framework
Convention enters its second decade, moving forward on a solid track-record
of success.
Countries wishing to protect
their citizens through larger pictorial warnings on packages or by introducing
plain packaging are being intimidated by tobacco industry threats of lengthy
and costly litigation. Maybe countries, especially the poorer ones, should bow
down to these threats.
No. Too much is at stake. WHO
stands shoulder-to-shoulder with parties implementing the Framework Convention. I expect the community represented in this
room likewise extends its solidarity to these countries.
WHO will not be intimidated, and
neither will you. We do not have the riches of the tobacco industry, but we are
right and we are resolved.
In the Philip Morris challenge to
Uruguay’s tobacco packaging laws, WHO has filed an amicus brief with the
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes.
I am very pleased to report that
the tribunal hearing the claim has accepted WHO’s request to submit the brief
and rejected tobacco industry arguments that WHO is biased. That’s one big win
for the public good.
Australia’s legislation that
mandates plain packaging is also being challenged in a dispute being considered
at the World Trade Organization. Maybe plain packaging will cause all the
problems trotted out by the tobacco industry, including an explosion in
smuggling, criminal activity, even terrorism.
No. The tobacco industry is
complicit in illegal trade. Smuggling is one of its business strategies. I urge
all parties to ratify the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco
Products. We need this legal instrument. Please talk to your Presidents and
Prime Ministers, sign up to that protocol, and make it a law.
We see a double-standard at work
here. Industry insists that no credible evidence supports the benefits of plain
packaging. Yet where is the evidence that smuggling, criminal activity, and
other bogey-men will follow? There is evidence whatsoever.
Industry has had a Plain Packs
Group in place since 1993. In its internal documents at that time, industry was
adamant that it did not want to see plain packaging introduced anywhere in the
world, while publicly arguing that packaging has no impact on consumption. Then
why fight it?
The tobacco industry can be
trusted in one area only. The vigour of its opposition to a control measure is
good evidence of the effectiveness of that measure. If they fight you strongly,
it means you have hit them where it hurts. This is true for tobacco taxes. And
this is true for plain packaging.
Despite industry’s best efforts
to block plain packaging, the train has already left the station. The evidence
base is strong, empirical, and comes from well-qualified, respected, and
credible sources. I thank all the researchers who have contributed to this
evidence base. We know that plain packaging works.
Following Australia’s lead, more
than 10 countries are considering plain packaging. Just two weeks ago, Ireland
became the second country to introduce plain packaging as law. The United Kingdom,
Burkina Faso, and New Zealand are the next most advanced. But others, including
Chile, Panama, France, Norway, and Turkey are not far behind.
Bans on tobacco advertising,
promotion, and sponsorship are not comprehensive as long as colour logos and
other branding continue to operate as silent salesmen.
I have a final bit of advice. The
ad agency responsible for the don’t-be-a-maybe campaign has proudly recorded
its strategy, including a reinforcement of the brand’s values, namely “be true,
bold, and forever forward.”
While I am not sure the tobacco
industry has many values, I do believe these words make good objectives for
tobacco control.
Be true to the evidence that
tobacco kills. Be bold in implementing the Framework
Convention. And be forever forward, ideally one step ahead of Big Tobacco.
Thank you.
谢谢大家。 |
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