Message from the UN Secretary-General, the UNESCO Director-General and the UN
High Commissioner for Human Rights on World Press Freedom Day 联合国秘书长潘基文先生、教科文组织总干事伊琳娜·博科娃女士和联合国人权事务高级专员扎伊德·拉阿德·侯赛因先生在世界新闻自由日的联合致辞
3 May 2015 2015年5月3日
Let Journalism Thrive! 让新闻事业兴旺发达!
This is the theme of World Press
Freedom Day this year.
In 2015, States are accelerating
to reach the Millennium Development Goals
and shaping a new global sustainable development agenda. Freedom of expression
and press freedom are essential to success at every level.
For peace to be lasting and
development to be sustainable, human rights must be respected. Everyone must be
free to seek, receive and impart knowledge and information on all media, online
and offline. Quality journalism enables citizens to make informed decisions
about their society’s development. It also works to expose injustice,
corruption, and the abuse of power.
For this, journalism must be able
to thrive, in an enabling environment in which they can work independently and
without undue interference and in conditions of safety. The world has recently
witnessed horrendous attacks against journalists – at least one journalist is
killed each week, in conflict and non-conflict zones. We must redouble efforts
to enhance the safety of journalists and put an end to impunity, and this is
the goal of the UN Plan of Action on the
Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity, spearheaded by UNESCO and
supported by other UN entities.
We need every voice to speak out
and be heard – especially those of women. Twenty years after the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, women remain
underrepresented throughout the media, at decision-making level but also in the
coverage of issues. We cannot let this stand. Men and women must participate
equally in making and sharing the news.
Freedom of expression and press
freedom are not luxury attributes that can wait until sustainable development
has been achieved – it is an enabler for the enjoyment of all human rights and,
therefore, vital to good governance and the rule of law.
This is our message today, to let
journalism thrive!
这就是我们今天发出的信息:让新闻事业兴旺发达! |
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