Ladies and gentlemen,
As the world transitions to the
post-2015 era, three high-level meetings over the coming months are expected to
guide the future of development.
In July, an international
conference on Financing for Development will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
In September, a summit at the United Nations in New York will finalize the
post-2015 development agenda. In December, Paris will host the 21st Conference
of the Parties of the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change.
The July event will explore the
financing needed to implement both the post-2015 development agenda and the
anticipated climate accord. The outcome is expected to change existing patterns
of financing, drawing on broader and more diverse funding sources.
This is a fundamental reshaping
of the financing landscape. The SDGs
are ambitious. Financing plans must likewise be ambitious, but credible.
The post-2015 development agenda,
which will be finalized in September, is the product of the largest
consultative process in the history of the UN.
The proposed agenda for
sustainable development currently has 17 goals and 169 targets. Health forms
the focus of goal three. The health-related MDGs
are part of that goal. New and most welcome targets are set for NCDs and
injuries, and for universal health coverage.
Health is regarded as a desirable
outcome in its own right, an input to other goals, and a reliable measure of
how well sustainable development is progressing. Its place on the agenda is
solid. I encourage you to make sure it stays that way, strong and bold.
Eight other goals are explicitly
related to health as they address its root causes and social determinants.
The inclusion of NCDs gives the
health goal relevance to rich and poor countries alike. The inclusion of
universal health coverage expresses the very spirit of the new agenda, with its
emphasis on equity and social inclusion that leaves no one behind.
UHC serves the health goal well
as a unifying concept, a platform for the integrated delivery of health
services, and one of the most powerful social equalizers among all policy
France will be hosting and
presiding over the December conference on climate change. It is reassuring to
see how seriously France has taken on these responsibilities.
It is reassuring to see that
human beings are now recognized as the most important species threatened by
climate change. Human health has been side-lined in climate talks far too long.
New WHO estimates of deaths associated with air pollution and last year’s
conference on health and climate helped drive this point home. We are beginning
to see a lot more attention to health in talks about the consequences of
climate change
The event in Paris is regarded by
many as the last chance to avert the most catastrophic consequences of climate
change. As UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has noted, there is no Plan B.
There is no Planet B.
The emerging agenda has been
further shaped by last year’s international conference on nutrition, which
addressed the health consequences of both undernutrition and over-nutrition.
That conference also underscored the impact of climate change on food security
and nutrition.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Will the new agenda that is now
emerging take us closer to that “more peaceful, prosperous and just world”
envisioned 15 years ago?
We have good reason to expect
great things from public health, with the value it places on equity and the
contribution it makes to social stability and cohesion. We have good reason to
be ambitious. The health sector enters the new development era with a number of
distinct advantages.
Progress in health is readily and
reliably measured. In fact, health measures are among the best measures of
progress in the overall SDG agenda.
In June, WHO and the World Bank will
jointly issue the first global monitoring report on universal health coverage.
The report shows that UHC is quantifiable, and that progress towards its key
objectives, namely coverage with health services and financial protection, can
be measured and tracked over time.
We have much to build on. The MDG era left a legacy of innovative
mechanisms and collaborations, like GAVI, the Global Fund, and a host of global
health initiatives. It created a new breed of public-private partnerships for
developing affordable new products for diseases of the poor. It introduced
frameworks for accountability and new mechanisms for the independent monitoring
of results. We have seen this very clearly in the Every Woman, Every Child initiative and many others.
Success is another advantage.
Recent experience tells us this: if the world really wants to improve health,
it can do so, no matter what the odds.
Maternal and childhood deaths are
falling faster than ever before, with some of the fastest drops recorded in
sub-Saharan Africa. In 2013, 17,000 fewer children died each day than in 1990.
AIDS reached a tipping point last
year, when the number of people newly receiving antiretroviral therapy
surpassed the number of new infections. Keep in mind: at the start of this century,
many experts predicted that AIDS would depopulate the African region, raising
the prospect of state failure in the hardest-hit places. This did not happen.
Leaders in Africa have shown the way.
For malaria, a major expansion of
WHO-recommended interventions contributed to a 47% reduction in mortality
between 2000 and 2013. An estimated 4.3 million deaths were averted.
Over that same period, an
estimated 37 million lives were saved by effective diagnosis and treatment of
Since 2006, more than 5 billion
anti-parasitic treatments have been delivered to combat the neglected tropical
diseases. More than 800 million people received these treatments in 2012 alone.
These are diseases that anchor more than one billion, women, children, and men
in dire poverty. We are defeating these ancient companions of the poor, paving
the way for a mass exodus from poverty.
In other developments, we are now
closer than ever to polio eradication. The situation in Nigeria looks extremely
encouraging, with no cases reported for the past nine months. Afghanistan and
Pakistan have both made great strides despite severe challenges. This is one
initiative that must not fail.
The march to eradicate guinea
worm disease has passed another milestone. Ghana, which once had 180,000 cases,
was certified free of this disease in January.
I thank Member States for
recently approving so many far-sighted global strategies and action plans.
Experience tells us that their highly ambitious goals and targets, unthinkable
at the start of this century, are feasible. Achieving them will unquestionably
contribute to the vision of a better world.
Goals and targets really do make
a difference. At the end of April, the Region of the Americas became the first
in the world to interrupt rubella transmission, eliminating this disease and
the related congenital rubella syndrome. Doing so meets a target set out in the
Global Vaccine Action Plan.
Lessons from recent experiences
are another advantage. Here are some. Commitment and ownership at the highest
level of government are the first prerequisite for success. The engagement of
women is the second.
Countries want capacity, not
charity. Effective aid is channelled through existing health systems and
infrastructures, not around them. Doing so builds self-reliance. Self-reliance
is the best exit strategy for development assistance.
No global health initiative, no
matter how large or rich, can achieve lasting improvements in the absence of a
well-functioning health system. The world’s defence against the infectious
disease threat will be secure only when more countries include disease
surveillance, laboratory, and response capacities as an integral part of their
health systems.
Disease surveillance is further
needed to detect NCDs early, when patient management has the best chance of
success at the lowest cost. Accountability means counting. Strong information
systems must be in place.
Ladies and gentlemen,
The threats to health have
multiplied, but so has our capacity to respond. For some reason, health brings
out the very best in human creativity and determination.
We enter the post-2015 era
blessed with a host of new initiatives, instruments, interventions, including
new vaccines, and precise strategies with time-bound goals. The momentum behind
the MDGs will continue. WHO has
mature programmes, with strong track records of success, to guide this work.
Above all, our work is driven by
a fierce commitment to equity, social justice, and the right to health. As the
number of countries aiming for universal health coverage grows, we are in a
position to change the mindset that poor people living in poor places will
inevitably have poor health care. This is no longer true.
The Ebola outbreak shook this
Organization to its core. As noted in the interim assessment report, this was a
defining moment for the work of WHO and an historic political moment for world
leaders to give WHO new relevance and empower it to lead in global health.
I urge you to make this happen. I
will do my part.
Thank you.
谢谢。 |
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