王勇国务委员在东盟地区论坛第四次救灾演习开幕式上的讲话 Remarks
by Chinese State Councilor Wang Yong at the Opening Ceremony of ARF Disaster
Relief Exercise 2015
2015年5月25日,亚罗士打 Alor Setar, 25 May 2015
尊敬的马来西亚副总理穆希丁阁下, 东盟地区论坛成员及国际地区组织代表, 女士们,先生们,朋友们:
Sri Muhyiddin Hj. Mohd Yassin, Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, Respected
Representatives of ARF Members and Other International Organizations, Ladies
and Gentlemen, Dear
Good evening. It’s a great
pleasure to come to the beautiful Malay Peninsular to attend ARF Disaster
Relief Exercise (DiREx) 2015. At the outset, please allow me to express, on
behalf of the Chinese Government, sincere gratitude to our host, Malaysia, for the
extensive work done for this exercise. And in my capacity as representative of
the co-chair, China, I wish to thank other ARF members and relevant
international and regional organizations that have actively participated in and
supported this DiREx.
Despite overall stability and
fairly fast development, the Asia-Pacific has witnessed more complex and
diversified non-traditional security threats such as natural disasters in
recent years, which have emerged as an important factor impacting regional peace
and tranquility. China has been advocating for common, comprehensive,
cooperative and sustainable security for Asia, an outlook that is consistent
with ASEAN ideas of cooperative security and common security, and reflects the
common aspiration of regional countries to address the challenges through
cooperation. China is ready to work with other regional countries under the
principle of openness and inclusiveness to enhance unity and cooperation, and
promote the building of an even more harmonious, peaceful, prosperous and
stable Asia-Pacific.
Thanks to the support of all
parties over the years, the ASEAN-led multilateral dialogue and cooperation
mechanisms have played irreplaceable roles in promoting economic and security
cooperation in the region. Focusing on disaster relief and other
non-traditional security cooperation, the ARF has conducted a series of
pragmatic cooperation projects, the bi-annual DiREx in particular, that have
effectively enhanced the capability of regional countries to cope with risks and
challenges together. Malaysia, as ASEAN rotating chair and hosting nation of
DiREx 2015, has vigorously coordinated with other relevant parties, formulated
an excellent exercise plan, and made meticulous and thoughtful arrangements for
the exercise. China as the co-chair attaches great importance to this exercise.
We have employed a large number of disaster relief equipment and dispatched
nearly 600 participants, who represent almost all government departments
responsible for disaster relief in China, and will participate in almost all
exercise items such as Table-Top Exercise, Field Training Exercise and
After-Action Review. We stand ready to work with the Malaysian side to serve
our co-chairmanship well, and closely communicate and coordinate with all other
DiREx teams to ensure a successful exercise and contribute more significantly
to closer regional cooperation on disaster relief.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,
As one of the most natural
disaster-prone countries in the world, China puts disaster prevention and
relief high on its agenda, and has made much progress in this field in recent
years. China has, for example, formulated and implemented national plans for
comprehensive disaster prevention and mitigation, established and improved
disaster prevention and mitigation systems and mechanisms as well as relevant
legal framework, improved natural disaster monitoring and early warning
mechanisms, conducted publicity and public-awareness programs in multiple
forms, and greatly promoted regional and international cooperation in this
Crushing disasters only highlight
the compassion of humanity. When one country is hit by a sudden natural
disaster, other regional countries have always offered help and assistance,
which shows our deep friendship of sharing weal and woe. The Chinese Government
and people offered a helping hand in the immediate aftermath of the 2004 Indian
Ocean tsunami, the 2011 mega earthquake in East Japan, the 2013 Typhoon Haiyan
in the Philippines and last year’s flooding in Malaysia. Shortly after the
recent earthquake in Nepal, China dispatched rescue teams that arrived at the
disaster-stricken area expeditiously, and provided emergency supplies and
financial support that made a big difference for Nepal’s rescue actions. And
China’s disaster relief and reconstruction efforts following major natural
disasters have also received extensive support from the international community,
which we highly appreciate.
This DiREx is the first time for
China to organize a large-scale disaster relief exercise overseas. We are ready
to take this as an opportunity to set up even closer communication and
coordination channels with other parties, tap deeper into the potential of
disaster relief cooperation, enrich the modality and content of cooperation,
and provide better and more public security products. In the meantime, we are
willing to have discussions with other regional countries on how to build
disaster relief cooperation mechanisms that suit the region’s actual needs,
including mechanisms for training and exchange, information sharing, rapid
response and industrial cooperation, so as to further enhance regional disaster
relief cooperation and bring more benefits to our people.
On this note, may I wish DiREx
2015 a complete success.
Thank you. |
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