外交部部长助理钱洪山在联合国亚太经社会第71届会议一般性辩论会上的发言 Remarks
by Assistant Foreign Minister Qian Hongshan at the 71st Session of the United
Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
2015年5月28日,泰国曼谷 Bangkok, 28 May 2015
主席先生, 执秘女士, 女士们,先生们,
Chair, Madam
Executive Secretary, Ladies
and Gentlemen,
First of all, on behalf of the
Chinese government, I wish to extend warm congratulations on the opening of the
71st Session of ESCAP and express appreciation to the Thai government and ESCAP
Secretariat for their thoughtful arrangements for this session.
As we celebrate the 70th
anniversary of the founding of the United Nations this year, one important task
for the international community is to formulate the post-2015 development
agenda. In this context, this session, focusing on sustainable development, is
highly relevant.
Seven decades ago in 1945, the
United Nations was founded in the wake of the great victory of the world
anti-Fascist war. Countries in the Asia-Pacific, having made huge sacrifice in
the war, embarked on a path for national independence and prosperity. Starting
from post-war reconstruction, Asia-Pacific countries have actively explored
development paths suited to their national conditions and after generations of
hard work, have completely changed their destiny, moving from poverty and backwardness
to development and revitalization, and from war-torn battlefields to the most
dynamic and promising region in the world.
Twenty-three years ago in 1992,
the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro
adopted the Agenda 21, establishing
the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”, mapping out a
blueprint for sustainable development, and opening a new era for international
development cooperation. Asia-Pacific countries have made parallel progress in
economic development, social progress and environmental protection. They have
also worked together to meet challenges relating to the ecosystem, energy,
resources and climate change. Sustainable development has therefore become a
well-accepted idea in the entire region.
Fifteen years ago in 2000, the
United Nations formulated the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs), which became the most comprehensive,
authoritative and systematic development goals for the international community.
Strictly abiding by their MDGs
commitments, Asia-Pacific countries took vigorous policy measures, overcame the
negative impact of the international financial crisis, and delivered good
performance in the various fields, making important contributions to the global
efforts to attain the MDGs.
As we speak, the world economy
has entered into a period of profound adjustment, with divergent performance
and policies of various economies and many uncertainties in the development
environment. The Asia-Pacific, for its part, has on the whole maintained a
sound momentum of growth, deepened regional integration, and became an
important engine driving global growth. At the same time, developing countries
in the Asia-Pacific are now in a crucial period of structural adjustment and
improvement as well as shift in growth drivers. As old problems coexist with
new challenges, these countries still face daunting tasks to realize strong,
inclusive and sustainable development.
The Asia-Pacific has achieved a
lot in its development, which also holds the key to the future of this region.
This region has 60% of the world’s population and immense diversity. Looking
ahead, despite various challenges in realizing sustainable development, the
Asia-Pacific region will remain a driving force for the global development
agenda. The world is focusing on this region, hoping to learn what kind of
post-2015 development agenda the Asia-Pacific countries have in mind, and in
what way they plan to work with the rest of the international community to
promote global development cooperation in the next 15 years. As an important
participant in and contributor to global development cooperation, Asia-Pacific
countries have the ability and the responsibility to make their voice heard,
contribute their wisdom, and chart the course in drafting the post-2015
development agenda. Here, let me share with you the main propositions of the
Chinese government.
First, we should focus on
eradicating poverty and promoting development. Poverty is a scourge that
affects the fundamental rights of survival and development for over one billion
people across the globe. Eradicating poverty is the due responsibility of all
governments, not the empty slogan of politicians. Countries should take poverty
reduction as the central task and steady economic growth the driving force,
increase input in social security, health care and education and improve people’s
wellbeing. We need to facilitate employment and entrepreneurship, improve
income distribution and promote social equity, justice, harmony and progress.
This leads to balanced and sustainable development of the economy, the society
and the environment, to inclusive development that really helps all people, and
to long-lasting development that benefits the generations to come.
Second, we should strengthen
global partnership for sustainable development and build a more comprehensive
and balanced framework of global development cooperation. The principle of “common
but differentiated responsibilities” must be upheld, and North-South
cooperation should continue to serve as the main channel. Developed countries
should fulfill their pledge on official development assistance and increase
financial and technical assistance to developing countries, least developed
countries in particular. Moreover, South-South cooperation should be
strengthened to expand the areas of cooperation and promote unity among the
developing countries on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual
benefit. We should truly respect the primary responsibility of all governments for
the development of their countries, respect the right of all countries to
choose their development paths in light of their national conditions and
development stages, and help developing countries enhance development capacity.
We should continue to support the coordinating role of the United Nations, make
better use of development resources and encourage all stakeholders to play a
bigger role.
Third, we should foster an
enabling external environment for development and provide real support to
developing countries. Development is the bond connecting the destiny of all
nations and individuals. It is an eternal theme and our common pursuit. We
should work to build a community of shared destiny for mankind and a new type
of international relations featuring win-win cooperation so as to enjoy common
development and jointly meet the challenges. We should work to increase the
voice and representation of developing countries, and make the international
order more just and equitable. We should be committed to open regionalism,
accelerate regional economic integration, deepen connectivity, and jointly
build an open Asia-Pacific economy featuring innovative development,
interconnected growth and converging interests.
Mr. Chair,
China attaches great importance
to the MDGs and has incorporated the
implementation of the MDGs into its
national development strategy of completing the building of a moderately
prosperous society in all respects. Comprehensive policy measures have been adopted
in line with its national realities and remarkable progress has been achieved.
China is the first developing country to meet the poverty reduction goal of the
MDGs ahead of schedule, accounting
for two thirds of the total population being lifted out of extreme poverty
across the world. Compulsory education has been made universal and gender
equality in education and employment has been basically ensured. China is
working to strengthen its medical and health service system and improve the
environment. As a responsible developing country, China has offered assistance
to the utmost of its ability to more than 120 developing countries in their
efforts to realize the MDGs under the
framework of South-South cooperation. We are willing to share our experience
with other countries and promote common development through inclusive cooperation
and mutual learning.
In spite of its remarkable
achievements and contributions to the world, China is still the world’s largest
developing country that suffers from serious lack of balance, coordination and
sustainability in its development. The pressure on resources and the
environment remains heavy, and shifting growth model and restructuring the
economy continues to be an arduous task. It is based on this reality that we have
moved proactively to adapt to and shape the new normal. To improve the quality
and efficiency of the economy, we are working to shift from high speed to
medium-high speed growth, from an extensive model oriented to scale and speed
to an intensive one that values quality and efficiency, and from a focus on
investment in production factors to greater emphasis on innovation. China’s
economic transformation and reform serves the goal of sustainable development.
It will help ease the tension in the supply-demand relationship, and relieve
the heavy burden on resources and the environment. It will bring the 1.3
billion Chinese people a better life, keep the mountains green and rivers
clear, and ensure greater progress in sustainable development.
To help others is to help
oneself. Only when countries integrate their self-interests into the overall
interests of the entire Asia-Pacific and embed their own development in the
greater picture of common and stable development of the region can
complementarity be forged, and free flow of production factors achieved for
common development. Guided by this vision, the Chinese government has been
committed to promoting friendship and partnership with its neighbors. Following
the principle of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness, China has
been working to deepen win-win cooperation and connectivity with its
neighboring countries. It is vigorously advancing the “Silk Road Economic Belt”
and the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road” initiatives, preparing for the establishment
of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and has launched the Silk Road
Fund, all in support of development and cooperation in the Asia-Pacific. These
measures, which accord well with ESCAP’s aspiration to promote practical
cooperation and improve people’s wellbeing, and are in keeping with the
regional and international trend for cooperation, have been warmly received by
the international community. Through these measures, China hopes to build a
comprehensive, all-round and multi-tiered connectivity network, promote
all-dimensional cooperation in industries, trade, financial sector, energy and
resources, better align its development strategy with those of countries along
the routes, promote diversified, independent, balanced and sustainable development
of the relevant countries with a view to injecting new and strong impetus into
global development. China will, under the framework of South-South cooperation,
further expand cooperation with other developing countries, consolidate
cooperation platforms and upgrade cooperation to turn the development blueprint
of each country into reality on the basis of mutually beneficial cooperation.
Mr. Chair,
Over the past 60 years and more,
ESCAP has withstood the trials and hardships together with its members, and
evolved from a coordination mechanism for post-war reconstruction to an
important intergovernmental organization for economic and social affairs in the
Asia-Pacific. It has made historic contributions to the sustainable development
of the region. The Chinese government applauds the reform led by Executive
Secretary Ms. Shamshad Akhtar aimed at improving the standing and role of
ESCAP, and supports ESCAP’s efforts to align itself with the post-2015
development agenda to promote sustainable development of the Asia-Pacific from
the new starting point. Under the new circumstances, ESCAP should stay
committed to both policy research and practical cooperation, take into full
consideration the diversity and complementarity of the region, scale up input in
capacity building and respond to the actual needs of its developing members
As a front runner in promoting
connectivity, ESCAP started early, enjoys a strong influence and has
accumulated a lot of experience. It has done a lot of groundwork and taken many
pioneering and forward-looking actions, and its accomplishments are recognized
by all. It is hoped that ESCAP will continue to tap into its strengths and
potentials, further improve the top-level design of the connectivity network of
the Asia-Pacific and better align and coordinate with the development programs
of its members. Relevant work could start from the easier issues before moving
on to the more difficult ones and pilot projects could go first to bring about
greater progress across the board. Step by step, a wide-ranging and high-level
regional connectivity could be built to serve as a solid foundation for the
sustainable development of the Asia-Pacific.
The Chinese side highly values
the standing and role of ESCAP in regional cooperation of the Asia-Pacific, and
has conducted fruitful cooperation with the organization. Over the past 20
years and more, China and ESCAP have completed nearly 200 cooperation projects,
covering wide range of economic and social issues, including agriculture,
disaster relief, women, poverty reduction and cross-border transport. I was
informed by my colleagues that cooperation between China and ESCAP started with
an agricultural irrigation project back in 1978. Now the two sides are working
to apply space technology to agricultural disaster prevention and relief. As a
line from a Chinese poem goes, “one seed sown in spring will produce thousands
of grains in autumn”. From the irrigation of seedlings years ago to the
application of satellite remote sensing technology today, all these projects
give vivid expression to the vitality and dynamism of China-ESCAP cooperation
in promoting sustainable development. The Chinese government is ready to
enhance cooperation with ESCAP, and based on the respective strengths of each
side, push for progress in such key areas as infrastructure and connectivity
that would have a far-reaching impact and benefit the people, and promote
independent development.
Mr. Chair,
The destiny and interests of
China and countries in the Asia-Pacific and beyond are now more closely
interconnected than ever before. Building on what we have achieved and looking
ahead to the future, we will enhance practical cooperation with other countries
in connectivity, innovative development and regional economic integration so as
to inject fresh impetus into the common, inclusive and sustainable development
of the Asia-Pacific.
Thank you. |
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