法文版:世界无烟日致辞(法文版).doc 中文版:世界无烟日致辞.doc Message
on World No Tobacco Day 世界无烟日致辞
31 May 2015 2015年5月31日
On this World No Tobacco Day, I
call for boosting the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control to eradicate the illicit
trade in cheaper tobacco products which tend to lure younger and poorer groups
into addiction while depleting the ability of States to charge taxes that could
support health services. By striking at the criminal gangs and tobacco
companies that engage in this reprehensible trade, we will advance public health
and sustainable development.
值此世界无烟日,我呼吁加强世界卫生组织《烟草控制框架公约》,以根除廉价烟草产品非法贸易,这些产品往往诱使年轻和较贫困群体成瘾,同时消耗各国收取可支持保健服务的税款的能力。我们通过打击从事这种应受谴责的贸易的犯罪团伙和烟草公司,将促进公共健康和可持续发展。 |
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