法文版:世界环境日致辞(法文版).doc 中文版:世界环境日致辞.doc Message
on World Environment Day 世界环境日致辞
5 June 2015 2015年6月5日
The theme of this year’s World
Environment Day is “Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care”.
Humanity continues to consume far
more natural resources than the planet can sustainably provide. Many of the Earth’s ecosystems are nearing
critical tipping points. It is time for
us to change.
The goal of sustainable
development is to increase the quality of life for all people without
increasing environmental degradation, and without compromising the resource
needs of future generations. We can do
this by shifting our consumption patterns towards goods that use less energy,
water and other resources, and by wasting less food.
In this year of transformation,
when we hope to see great advances on sustainable development and climate
change, let us celebrate World Environment Day by becoming more conscious of
our ecological impact. Let us think
about the environmental consequences of the choices we make. Let us become better stewards of our planet.
今年是实现转型的一年,我们希望在可持续发展和气候变化领域取得重大进展。我们纪念世界环境日,就是要提高我们对生态影响的认识。我们要思考我们作出的选择对环境的影响。我们应当更好地管理地球家园。 |
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