Child Labour with Quality Education 以优质教育抗击童工劳动
– Statement by Mr. Guy Ryder,
Director-General International Labour Organization, on the Occasion of World
Day against Child Labour ——国际劳工组织总干事盖·莱德2015年世界无童工日致辞
12 June 2015 2015年6月12日
The unacceptable reality is that
today millions of children around the world, some as young as five, are still
working for their survival and that of their families. Yet progress has been
made and should spur us all to re-commit to action to end child labour. On this
World Day we highlight the link between education and child labour.
Making this link is key to
developing effective strategies that can break the cycle of poverty which is a
key factor, if not the sole factor, in producing child labour.
As things stand, the aspirations
of many parents for their children and of children themselves for a decent
education will remain unfulfilled dreams. Many girls and boys have no chance to
attend school. Some try to combine school and work, but all too often must drop
out of school well before reaching the legal age of employment and become child
The situation today is further
aggravated by the impact of conflicts and crises. In conflict zones, students
and sometimes their teachers have been the victims of violent attacks and
kidnapping. Reports of schools being destroyed are not uncommon. The
infrastructure of stability and prosperity is being undermined. In a range of
circumstances families are fleeing physical and economic insecurity, crossing
borders and hoping for a better life. Children make up a large share of these
migration flows, at times travelling without their parents. Such journeys are
frequently paths to child labour and exploitation.
Without adequate education,
former child labourers are more likely than others to end up in poorly paid and
insecure work as adults or to be unemployed. And there is a high probability
that they will live in poverty and that their children will share the same
A collective challenge and
responsibility is to enable all children, girls and boys, to have access to
education, quality education. Second-class education perpetuates second-class
citizens. We all know that a solid education and good teachers can make a world
of difference to the lives and futures of children and young people.
In 2014, the Nobel Peace Prize,
awarded jointly to Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai powerfully symbolized
the close connection between the right to freedom from child labour and the
right of all girls and boys to education. Their courage, their persistence and
their vision should inspire us all to step up our action.
Ultimately, a future without
child labour calls for inclusive development policies integrating decent work
for adults, social protection floors and sound education systems. With
political will and determination at all levels of development, priorities can
be set, policy choices can be made and integrated action can be taken. A key
challenge for the post-2015 development agenda and for action at global,
regional and national levels is to secure sustainable and significant change.
The International Labour
Organization and its government, employer and worker constituents have been in
the forefront of the fight against child labour for nearly a century. We remain
committed to working nationally, internationally and with the multilateral
system to ensure children’s right to education and freedom from child labour as
well as its corollary, the dignity of decent work for adults.
国际劳工组织及其政府、雇主和工人三方成员在打击童工劳动的前沿奋斗了近一个世纪。我们依然承诺在国家和国际层面努力,并与多边体系一道确保儿童的受教育权和摆脱童工劳动的自由权以及其必然结果,即成人获得体面劳动的尊严。 |
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