on World Refugee Day 世界难民日致辞
20 June 2015 2015年6月20日
On this World Refugee Day, let us
remember the plight of the millions of people worldwide who have been forced to
flee their homes as a result of conflict and persecution. At the end of 2014, 59.5 million persons –
the highest number on record – were forcibly displaced around the globe. This means that one in every 122 human beings
today is either a refugee, internally displaced or seeking asylum.
The ongoing conflict in Syria, as
well as crises in Iraq, Ukraine, South Sudan, Central African Republic,
northeastern Nigeria and parts of Pakistan, have led to a staggering growth and
acceleration of global forced displacement.
In 2014, 42,500 people became refugees, asylum seekers or internally
displaced every single day – a rate that has quadrupled in only four years. At the same time, many long-standing
conflicts remained unresolved, and the number of refugees who were able to
return home last year was the lowest in over three decades. Protracted asylum situations now last for an
average of 25 years.
A growing tide of uprooted people
is seeking protection from persecution and violence. Many of them have no choice but to try and
reach safety using dangerous means, such as has been demonstrated by the sharp
increase in irregular boat movements in the Mediterranean, Southeast Asia and
elsewhere. At times like these, it is
essential that governments and societies around the world recommit to providing
refuge and safety to those who have lost everything to conflict or
persecution. With 86 per cent of all
refugees living in the developing world, and with the humanitarian response
system increasingly overstretched, international solidarity and burden-sharing
are crucial in meeting the needs of displaced communities as well as their
Refugees are people like anyone
else, like you and me. They led ordinary
lives before becoming displaced, and their biggest dream is to be able to live
normally again. On this World Refugee
Day, let us recall our common humanity, celebrate tolerance and diversity and
open our hearts to refugees everywhere.
难民就像你我,与其他人没什么不同。在流离失所之前,他们过着正常的生活。他们最大的梦想就是可以重新过上正常生活。值此世界难民日,让我们重温我们共同的人性,发扬容忍精神和多样性,敞开胸怀接纳各地的难民。 |
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