中文版:世界青年技能日致辞.doc Message
on World Youth Skills Day 世界青年技能日致辞
15 July 2015 2015年7月15日
I welcome this first-ever
commemoration of World Youth Skills Day.
On July 15th each year, the international community will underscore the
value of helping young people to upgrade their own abilities to contribute to
our common future.
While overall more young people
have greater educational opportunities than in the past, there are still some
75 million adolescents who are out of school, denied the quality education they
deserve and unable to acquire the skills they need.
虽然总体而言,与过去相比,更多的年轻人有着更大的受教育机会,但仍有约7 500万青少年辍学,被剥夺了他们理应获得的受优质教育的机会,他们无法掌握所需的技能。
We may see an understandably frustrated
youth population – but that picture is incomplete. With the right skills, these young people are
exactly the force we need to drive progress across the global agenda and build
more inclusive and vibrant societies.
Skills development reduces poverty
and better equips young people to find decent jobs. It triggers a process of
empowerment and self-esteem that benefits everyone. And it strengthens youth
capacity to help address the many challenges facing society, moving us closer
to ending poverty hunger, injustice and environmental degradation.
On this Day, I call for investing politically and financially in developing the skills of young people so that they can help build a more just and sustainable future for all. 在今天这个日子,我呼吁从政治和财政方面对发展青年人的技能进行投资,以便他们能够提供帮助,为所有人建立一个更加公正和更具可持续的未来。 |
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