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2015-7-22 18:21| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 266| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部网

摘要: Remarks by Vice Foreign Minister Li Baodong at the International Seminar on the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations


Remarks by Vice Foreign Minister Li Baodong at the International Seminar on the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations



The Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, Beijing



20 July 2015








President Yang Wenchang,

President Lu Shumin,

Mr. Ali Bassan Mwinyi, former President of Tanzania,

Mr. Kim Won-soo, Under Secretary-General of the UN,

Ladies and Gentlemen,




As this year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, it is most fitting and relevant to convene, in this important year, this international seminar under the theme of “The Seventy Years of UN: Mission, Responsibility and Future”. At the outset, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, I wish to extend warm congratulations to the opening of the seminar and express heartfelt thanks to the organizers – the UN Association of China and the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs (CPIFA) – and the sponsors – the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) and UN agencies in China – for their thoughtful arrangements. I also wish to extend a sincere welcome to all the distinguished guests from home and abroad.




The United Nations has traveled an extraordinary journey in an ever-changing world and made remarkable achievements over the past 70 years. The fundamental principles enshrined in the UN Charter – sovereign equality, non-interference in internal affairs and peaceful settlement of disputes – have taken hold and served as a cornerstone of the current international order. The UN has secured extensive support as it strives to uphold international peace and security, advance common development and promote human rights. It has made outstanding contribution to the progress of mankind.




Ladies and Gentlemen,




We live in an era of profound adjustment and transformation with globalization being its defining feature. With interconnected interests, countries rise and fall together. The world is getting flatter and smaller. When opportunities arise, no country can keep them all to itself nor should any country be left out. In the face of challenges, no country can stand aloof or address them all alone.




In a changing world, the United Nations carries higher expectations and shoulders greater responsibilities. The international community should carry forward the spirit and vision of the UN, promote the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, firmly follow the path of multilateralism and continue to enhance the role of the UN. To be more specific, I think we need to do the following:




First, uphold democracy and equality. Sovereign equality is the primary principle of the UN Charter. In international relations, it is imperative to uphold equality of all countries regardless of their size, wealth and strength, respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries and the development paths and social systems they have chosen. Democracy in international relations represents an irreversible trend. We should champion global co-governance and democratic consultation in international affairs instead of letting only one or a few big countries to call the shots.




Second, uphold justice and the rule of law. Good faith, friendship, justice and integrity are essential for state-to-state relations. In a big world like ours, rules must be followed. Countries need to act in accordance with the UN Charter and well-recognized basic norms of international law. Universal rules shall be the criteria to distinguish between right and wrong and resolve disputes. There shall be no double standards, out-of-context explanation, or hasty generalization in the interpretation and application of international law.




Third, uphold openness and inclusiveness. The choice of development path by each country is rooted in its culture, tradition, history and reality. Any attempt to impose a one-size-fits-all model will only lead to confrontation and conflict between civilizations. It is important to advocate mutual respect, mutual learning and peaceful coexistence of different civilizations and religions.




Fourth, uphold win-win cooperation. In this era of globalization, one needs to have a global vision and pursue win-win cooperation. Countries need to join hands to meet challenges and share opportunities. They should seek their own security, development and interests while ensuring collective security, common development and shared interests of all. This is the only way for the positive energy of solidarity and collaboration to make a difference around the world.




Ladies and Gentlemen,




China is a founding member of the United Nations and the first to put its signature to the UN Charter. We are committed to multilateralism, the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and the international order centered around the UN and based on the UN Charter. We have worked actively for political settlement of global hotspot issues, fully participated in global development cooperation, and vigorously supported the UN’s work in social, human rights, arms control and other fields, thus making major contribution to maintaining world peace and promoting common development and international cooperation.




In view of the new changes in the international landscape, President Xi Jinping has called for efforts to develop a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation and foster a community of common destiny for mankind. While carrying forward the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, this creative vision also goes beyond the traditional theory of international relations. It will exert a critical and far-reaching impact on the future international relations. Guided by this diplomatic philosophy, China will take a more active part in UN activities in political, security, economic, human rights, social and other fields for the betterment of people’s well-being.




I wish this seminar a full success.




Thank you.





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