英语翻译资料下载 中美关系与习近平主席对美国事访问 China-US Relations and the State Visit by President Xi Jinping
——在北加州世界事务理事会的演讲 – Speech at the World Affairs Council of Northern California
中华人民共和国驻旧金山总领事 罗林泉 Luo Linquan, Chinese Consul General in San Francisco
2015年8月19日 August 19, 2015
Your Excellency Ambassador Jeffrey Bleich, Dear friends,
It is my pleasure and honor to speak at the diplomat luncheon hosted by the World Affairs Council, one of the most influential international forums in the great and beautiful state of California.
First of all, I would like to thank President Jane Wales and Ambassador Bleich for inviting me. My thanks also go to all participants and friends from media for your interest in China-US relations. I come here today not only to share my view with you, but also to learn from you on how to promote the important beneficial relations.
In my over 35-year service as a career diplomat, I always have a special feeling on the United States, because my first foreign post was in the US. From 1984 to 1986, I worked as a young diplomat in Chinese Consulate General in New York. That two years and one month’ experience laid a solid foundation for my career life. To some extent, the US is just like my second home town.
Later, promoted to be Deputy Chief and then Chief of Protocol of Foreign Affairs Ministry, I accompanied many high-level delegations to visit the US, including the state visits by President Jiang Zemin in 1993 and President Hu Jintao in 2006. I also received the visits by President Reagan, President Clinton, President Bush and many other US leaders to China.
As you know, at the invitation of President Obama, Chinese President Xi Jinping will pay his first state visit to the US in September. At the eve of the visit, it is especially meaningful to review the history of China-US relationship and look into the future.
With the reasons known to all, China and the United States had a long period of estrangement. “Ping-Pong diplomacy” broke the ice and paved the way to President Richard Nixon’s visit to Beijing in 1972. On January 1st, 1979, China and the US established formal diplomatic relations. Same month, Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping visited the US.
Over the past 36 years since then, thanks to the joint efforts from both sides, China-US relationship has achieved remarkable development despite twists and turns. This relationship has become one of the most important bilateral relationships in the world.
We have conducted extensive exchanges and cooperation in nearly all areas including political, economic, educational, cultural, people-to-people and international affairs. History has proved that China and the US both gain from peaceful coexistence and cooperation, and lose from conflicts and confrontation. Please allow me to give some detailed explanation.
First, Economic and Trade Relations
China-US economic and trade relations is a critical pillar for our bilateral relations. It is mutually beneficial in nature. As the biggest developing country and the biggest developed country respectively, China and the US enjoy great complementarities in terms of natural and human resources, market, capital and technology.
In 1979, the annual trade volume between our two countries was just 2.45 billion US dollars. Last year, the figure exceeded 590 billion US dollars, an increase of over 240 times in 36 years. Today, China and the US is each other’s 2nd largest trading partner, which brings tremendous benefits for our two peoples.
China is the 3rd largest export market and the largest source of import for the US. More than 60,000 US enterprises have invested in China, including Apple, Intel, HP, Wal-Mart, McDonald’s and Starbucks and many others. Many Chinese households use Microsoft software, make calls on iPhones, drive General Motors cars and watch Hollywood movies. At the same time, Chinese companies’ investment in the US also witnessed remarkable increase.
Deepening economic ties have boosted the growth of countries, creating more jobs and bringing tangible benefits to the people of both nations. China and the US are now working on Bilateral Investment Treaty negotiations, which once realized, will further deepen our economic and trade cooperation.
According to the latest report, our two countries will become each other’s top trading partner by 2022, and the US export to China will exceed 530 billion US dollars, which means over 2.5 million new jobs in the US will be created.
I also have some figures about California.
Among all the 50 states, California has been playing its leading role in China-US relations. In 2014, trade volume between China and California reached 154 billion US dollars, accounting for 26% of China-US trade volume. Chinese investment in California reached 2.7 billion US dollars the same year, helping create thousands of jobs in California.
In April 2013, Governor Edmund Brown paid a successful visit to China and re-opened California-China Office of Trade and Investment in Shanghai. California and 7 Chinese provinces established Trade and Investment Cooperation Joint Working Group, which becomes the first such institutional platform for promoting state-province economic and trade investment cooperation between China and the US.
As a leading state in agriculture, hi-tech, tourism, culture, clean energy industry, and the gateway to the Pacific, California’s cooperation with China has a great potential and a bright future.
Second, Political Relations
Since China and the US resumed contact 36 years ago, the two sides have seen frequent high-level visits and improving dialogue mechanisms.
Today, there are over 100 dialogue and cooperation mechanisms between our two countries. The most well-known ones are the Strategic and Economic Dialogues, the High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchanges, the Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade.
Late June, our two sides successfully held the 7th round of S&ED and the 6th round of CPE in Washington D.C. The meetings have injected great positive energy to the overall development of the bilateral relations.
The bilateral sub-national relations also grow fast. Up till now, there are 41 pairs of sister province/state and 201 pairs of sister city between China and the US. For example, California is the sister state of Guangdong Province. San Francisco is the sister city of Shanghai.
China-US Governors Forum and the Mayors Conference were established in recent years, and several rounds of fruitful meetings were held in both countries.
All the dialogues help to promote
mutually beneficial cooperation and properly manage differences between China
and the US. |
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