Third, People-to-people Exchanges
In 1979, only a few thousand Chinese and Americans visited each other’s country. Last year saw the figure increased to 4.3 million, which means each and every day, more than 15,000 people are flying over the Pacific Ocean. Every 17 minutes, there is a flight taking off or landing between our two countries. With the mutual 10-year visas policy since last November, we are confident that the two-way visitors will set a new record this year.
中美两国在教育、科技、文化、体育、妇女与青年等领域开启了一系列倡议与行动。1978年12月, 52名中国公派人员首次来美留学;1979年2月,8名美国人开启赴华留学之旅。2014年,约27.5万中国学生在美学习,超过2.4万美国学生在华学习。2014年,中国75所高校接待美国学者1.2万人,召开中美学术研讨会217次。
Our two sides also launched a series of initiatives in the fields of education, science and technology, culture, sports, women and youth exchanges. In December 1978, 52 Chinese were first sent to study in the US. In February 1979, 8 Americans set forth on a journey to study in China. Last year, 275,000 Chinese students studied in the US while 24,000 Americans studied in China. Last year, 75 Chinese universities hosted approximately 12,000 American scholars, and 217 symposiums were held jointly by China and the US.
China has pledged “Three Ten-thousand Programs”, that is, to provide scholarships for 10,000 US students to study in Chinese universities, to sponsor 10,000 scholarships under the “Chinese Bridge” program, and to send 10,000 Chinese to pursue doctorate degrees in the US. The US has also launched the “One Hundred Thousand Strong Initiatives” to send 100,000 US students to study in China.
The growth of people-to-people exchanges between our two countries is unprecedented in history.
Fourth, Cooperation in International Arena
China and the US maintain close and effective communication and coordination on major regional and international issues, including the Korean Peninsula, Iranian nuclear, Afghanistan, counterterrorism, energy security, public health and climate change.
Through close coordination in fighting various challenges, China and the US are tremendously contributing to regional and global peace, stability and prosperity.
I also would like to take this opportunity to introduce China’s recent development.
Since its economic reform and opening-up policy, China has step by step transformed from an isolated poor country into a new engine of the world economy. After 3 decades of high-speed growth, Chinese economy enters a state of New Normal. The gear of growth is shifting from high speed to medium-to-high speed, and our focus of development is more on quality instead of quantity. We will let the market play a decisive role in resource allocation. China stock market drop reflects the adjustment of China’s economy. The so-called “China economy collapse” is entirely groundless.
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War and the founding of the United Nations. As allies in WWII, China and the US fought shoulder by shoulder, and share common interests in upholding the outcomes of the victory of WWII and the existing international order with the UN as the core.
China will host a major commemoration on September 3rd to mark the 70th anniversary. We will remember the heroes, reflect on history and the value of peace. We will never forget American Flying Tigers pilots and the Hump airmen who risked their lives and helped Chinese people during the wartime.
The year of 2015 will see a series of great events in China-US relationship, of which the most important one is the up-coming visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping to the US next month.
During their meetings in California in 2013 and in Beijing 2014, President Xi Jinping and President Obama had in-depth discussions and agreed to build a new model of major-country relations. The essential features of this relationship include “no conflict or no confrontation”, “mutual respect” and “win-win cooperation”.
It is a priority in China’s foreign policy to jointly build a new model of major-country relationship with the US. In the face of complex and ever-changing international situation, our two countries should seize the correct direction to avoid zero-sum game.
History has proved that China’s success lies in its commitment to peaceful development. We will continue to pursue the path of peaceful development and the independent foreign policy of peace. We have never had the strategic intention to challenge or replace the position of the US. China and the US are both Asia-Pacific countries and should make joint efforts for peace and prosperity in the region. Just as our President Xi Jinping says, the Pacific Ocean is big enough for China and the US.
Today, our two sides are working closely to make preparations for President Xi’s visit. We can feel that American people warmly welcome the visit and hope China-US relations sound and stable. We are confident that President Xi’s visit will be a great success and will have far-reaching and major positive implications in the years ahead.
As an old saying in China goes, only heart-to-heart exchanges can last long. Although China and the US differ in political systems, as long as we open up our hearts to each other, respect each other and seek common ground while putting aside differences, we can bridge any gap and usher in a more promising future for our new model of major-country relationship.
As a senior diplomat involved in China-US relations for over 30 years, I am fully confident in the bright future of our bilateral relations.
Let us work together to make preparations for President Xi Jinping’s visit.
Let us work together for a better China-US relationship!
Thank you.
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