英语翻译资料下载 王毅部长致第三届中韩公共外交论坛的贺信 Congratulatory Message from Foreign Minister Wang Yi to the Third China-ROK Public Diplomacy Forum
尊敬的金光根理事长, 尊敬的吕凤鼎副会长, 尊敬的崔盛周大使, 尊敬的各位来宾:
Honorable Executive Vice-President Kim Gwang-keun, Honorable Vice President Lv Fengding, Respected Ambassador Cui Shengzhou, Distinguished Guests,
I am glad to learn about the opening of the third China-ROK Public Diplomacy Forum, and would like to extend warm congratulations on behalf of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.
China and the ROK enjoy a profound foundation in their bilateral friendship and rapid development in bilateral relations. Not long ago, Premier Li Keqiang paid a successful visit to the ROK. Both sides, along the direction of the “four partnerships” identified by the two heads of state, have promoted China-ROK practical cooperation for important achievement and added new connotation and injected new vitality to bilateral strategic cooperative partnership. This not only involves docking of four national development strategies with top-level design and two cooperation platforms, but also includes catering and tourism beneficial to ordinary people. China-ROK cooperation not only accords with current international and regional economic situation, but also corresponds with the transition of our respective development.
In modern times, the Chinese and ROK people supported each other in resisting aggression and pursuing national independence. Both countries hope to “face history squarely and advance towards the future” to contribute to safeguarding regional peace and stability. In the process of national development and construction, “China’s development” and “Miracle on the Han River” learn from each other and serve as opportunities to each other. In people-to-people and cultural exchanges, the two peoples enjoy frequent exchanges with “Korean wave” and “Chinese wind” adding color to each other. China has a saying goes as “A close neighbor means more than a distant relative”. It is also said in the ROK that “Three coins can afford a house and a thousand gold can afford a neighbor”. It is hoped that the China-ROK Public Diplomacy Forum will draw the good neighbors of China and the ROK closer, help consolidate the public opinion foundation of China-ROK friendship and forge a better future of China-ROK relations!
中华人民共和国外交部长 王毅 Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China Wang Yi
2015年11月18日 November 18, 2015 |
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