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2016-1-11 00:21| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 1841| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部

摘要: Speech by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Opening Ceremony of the Symposium on International Developments and China’s Diplomacy in 2015


2015: A Year of Flying Colors for Pursuing Major-Country Diplomacy with Distinctive Chinese Features



– Speech by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Opening Ceremony of the Symposium on International Developments and China’s Diplomacy in 2015



12 December 2015




As 2015, a year of great importance to both China and the world, is drawing to an end, it is time for me to review the progress made in China’s diplomacy.




The year 2015 is a crucial one in the advance of human history.




Seventy years ago, the United Nations was established following the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War. Countries around the world have held commemorations on that part of history which reshaped the future of mankind to draw lessons from history, prevent recurrence of similar tragedies and deliver a better future of peace and prosperity. Pursuing peace and development, China joined the international community in setting the sustainable development goals for 2030 and post-2020 Climate change agenda, two priorities on the global agenda. China has also strengthened international cooperation to combat terrorism and address other global challenges.




The year 2015 is an important one for achieving the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.




Also 70 years ago, the Chinese people fought heroically against the barbarous aggression of Japanese militarists and won China’s national liberation and independence. Led by the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Chinese people of all ethnicities have embarked on the path of building socialism with distinctive Chinese features. In 2015, under the leadership of the CPC central committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the General Secretary, we have worked hard to implement the Four Pronged Comprehensive Strategy and adopted a proposal on China’s 13th Five-Year development plan; and we are endeavoring to achieve the first centenary goal, i.e. to finish the building of a moderately prosperous society in China by 2020.




Embracing major changes in both domestic and international environment under the leadership of the CPC central leadership, we have launched major initiatives and made much progress on the international front. The year 2015 has been a year of flying colors for China’s pursuit of major-country diplomacy with distinctive Chinese features.




First, China’s international standing has been fully raised. China pursued an active diplomatic agenda in 2015, proposing a number of initiatives and solutions with far-reaching significance in political, economic and security fields. China has grown into an indispensable force in shaping international relations and plays a constructive role in upholding world peace and promoting global development.




We successfully held commemorations on the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War Against Japanese Aggression and the end of the World Anti-Fascist War, sending a strong message of upholding peace and justice to the world. Chinese President Xi Jinping and leaders and representatives of 60 countries and regional and international organizations reaffirmed their commitment to the post-WWII international system with the UN at its core and the basic norms governing international relations based on the UN Charter. They also renewed their commitment to upholding the hard-won peace and stability of the world, and expressed firm opposition to moves aimed at reversing the trend of history. All this has boosted the pursuit of peace and justice by the human society.




We have continued our efforts to grow the world economy and provided new impetus to global financial stability and reform. Despite downward pressure at home and abroad, the Chinese economy will grow by around 7% in 2015, leading the world and contributing to 1/3 of global growth. China has thus remained an indisputable main engine driving the world economy.


We initiated the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the BRICS New Development Bank, the very first multilateral financial institutions established by developing countries, thus injecting fresh impetus to global economic and financial governance and reform. The RMB has been included into the IMF’s SDR currency basket. The inclusion marks the international status of a currency of developing countries, boosted international community’s confidence in China’s economy and will enhance the current international monetary and financial system and make it more balanced.




We have been actively involved in pursuing major goals on the global agenda and made important contribution to advancing them. When attending the summits commemorating the 70th anniversary of the UN, President Xi Jinping elaborated on China’s positions on major international issues and announced a number of major Chinese initiatives. These include the following: the establishment of a China-UN peace and development fund and a fund assistance for South-South cooperation. China’s joining of the UN Peacekeeping Capability Readiness System and the building of a peacekeeping standby force of 8,000 troops, and China’s cancellation of debts owed by the least developed countries. China successfully co-hosted with the UN the Roundtable on South-South Cooperation and the Global Leaders’ Meeting on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, which were well attended. The international community has high expectations of China as it has taken over next year’s G20 presidency.




We have acted as a responsible major power and played an important leadership role in enhancing global cooperation on climate change. After reaching the ground-breaking Joint Announcement on Climate Change with the United States last year, China submitted on schedule its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions to the secretariat of the UNFCCC. And we issued joint statements on climate change successively with the European Union, France, India and Brazil. China announced the establishment of a RMB20 billion South-South Climate Cooperation Fund. At the recently held Paris Climate Conference, President Xi set forth China’s position on climate change and global climate governance. Together with other leaders, he made important contribution to reaching a comprehensive, balanced, ambitious and binding post-2020 agreement on climate change at the conference.




We have offered China’s solutions to hot-spot issues, and played a constructive role in upholding world peace and security, from China’s close neighboring areas to distant West Asia and North Africa. China was deeply engaged in negotiations on the Iranian nuclear issue and made vigorous mediation efforts. China contributed its share to resolving the crucial issues of the redesign and modernization of Arak heavy water reactor, thus making it possible to reach a comprehensive agreement. China worked with Inter-governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) to mediate domestic reconciliation in South Sudan, which was broadly welcomed by the international community.


We raised a four-step framework proposal on achieving political settlement of the Syrian issue and joined relevant international mediation in an objective and balanced way. We have dispatched over 2,700 peace-keepers to many hot-spot areas across the world to uphold local peace and stability.


Together with Pakistan, and with US participation, we have brought the Afghan government and Taliban to peace talks, thus ushering the Afghan peace process into a new stage. We made vigorous efforts to uphold peace on the Korean Peninsula and build consensus for resuming the Six-Party Talks. We sternly condemn and oppose terrorism in all forms and support both international and regional counter-terrorism cooperation. We take the position that in conducting counter-terrorism cooperation, we should be guided by basic norms governing international relations, respect a country’s sovereignty and reject double standards. We should tackle both the symptoms and root causes of terrorism, and pool strengths of all parties to remove the breeding ground of terrorism.




Second, we have advanced China’s diplomacy on all fronts. On the basis of completing the general layout of China’s diplomatic agenda in the past two years, we have pursued this year’s diplomacy with greater intensity and deepened relations with countries on major fronts.




North America: President Xi Jinping paid a successful historic visit to the United States. Following their meetings in Sunnylands, California, and Zhongnanhai, Beijing, President Xi and President Obama had an autumn meeting in the White House. They reaffirmed the important consensus of building a new model of major-country relations and sought synergy between the development goals and national strategies of the two countries. With keen appreciation of the growing converging interests between China and the United States, they agreed to actively fulfill the two countries’ international responsibilities to the human society. The meeting produced 50 agreements and outcomes and laid out a new vision of promoting strategic cooperation in various areas. During his visit to both the West Coast and the East Coast, to both the innovation center and the political center, and in his engagement with both ordinary Americans and public leaders, President Xi sent a strong message of forging enduring friendship and win-win cooperation to the American people, laying a solid foundation for the long-term growth of China-US relations.




Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Chinese and Russian presidents attended the commemorations of the victory of the Second World War held in each other’s country and jointly upheld international justice and conscience. The political mutual trust between the two countries was further enhanced, and China-Russia strategic partnership of coordination has maintained a high-standard performance. Steady progress has been made in cooperation on major projects in energy, aviation and space. A cooperation agreement on building a high-speed railway between Moscow and Kazan was signed, and cooperation on development in Russia’s Far East region entered a new stage. President Xi Jinping paid successful visits to Kazakhstan and Belarus and Premier Li Keqiang chaired the prime ministers’ meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. China has had top-level exchanges with almost all countries in the region.




Europe: President Xi Jinping paid a grand state visit to the United Kingdom. The two countries agreed to establish a global comprehensive strategic partnership for the 21st century, ushering in a golden age of China-UK relations and setting the pace for deepening mutual trust and cooperation between a major emerging country and a traditional power. Premier Li Keqiang paid successful visits to France and the EU and had the first meeting with the new EU leadership. The visits charted a new course for China’s cooperation with France and EU. China and Germany had their first high-level financial dialogue, and, a few days later, I will go to Germany to attend the first China-Germany strategic dialogue on diplomacy and security. The “16+1” cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries has registered rapid progress. The first leaders’ meeting of the two sides held in China affirmed our commitment to forging an open, inclusive and win-win partnership and identified six major areas of cooperation, which constituted a new 1+6 cooperation pattern. This year, China has had high-level exchange of visits with 21 European countries, promoted balanced cooperation with all countries across Europe and has made progress in building partnerships for peace, growth, reform and civilization with Europe.




Asia Pacific: President Xi Jinping attended the Asian-African Summit and commemorations of the 60th anniversary of the Bandung Conference, pointing the way of deepening Asia-Africa cooperation, South-South cooperation as well as North-South cooperation in a new era. Premier Li Keqiang visited the Republic of Korea and relaunched the China-Japan-ROK leaders’ meeting which had been put on hold for three years. We successfully hosted Indian Prime Minister Modi’s visit to China, strengthening mutual trust and cooperation between the two major developing countries. When a devastating earthquake hit Nepal, there was an outpouring of sympathy in China towards the people affected by the disaster, and we provided immediate relief assistance to the Nepalese people across the Himalayas. Together with Indochina countries which are China’s close neighbors, we held the first Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, officially launching this new model of sub-regional cooperation process. We have pursued the free trade strategy at a faster pace to build a free trade network with focus on China’s neighbors and covering the whole world. Free Trade Agreements with the Republic of Korea and Australia were signed and approved, negotiations on upgrading China-ASEAN FTA were completed and preparations have been stepped up on upgrading China-Singapore FTA. Major progress has been made in RCEP negotiations, and all parties agreed to complete negotiations in 2016.




Africa and Latin America: For the first time, the summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation was held in Africa. President Xi Jinping and leaders of 50 African countries as well as the Chairperson of the African Union Commission attended the summit and made a comprehensive decision to boost China-Africa cooperation in all areas. We put forward a ten-point cooperation plan, designed to enhance Africa’s capacity for self-development and meet the pressing need of the African people. This initiative, a banner in China-Africa solidarity and cooperation and a fine example in South-South cooperation, will enable China to continue to lead in international cooperation with Africa and raise China-Africa friendly ties to a new high. The first ministerial meeting of the Forum of China and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) was held in China, which produced new consensus on building an all-round China-CELAC cooperative partnership of equality, mutual benefit and common development and launched the all-round China-CELAC cooperation mechanism. Premier Li Keqiang visited four Latin American countries, where he sought to align the development strategies of the two sides and promoted a flagship project in production capacity cooperation, namely, a railway linking the Pacific and the Atlantic. China’s diplomacy this year started with the China-CELAC cooperation forum and concluded with the China-Africa cooperation forum, which created good momentum for China’s cooperation with other developing countries in these two vital regions.







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