英语翻译资料下载 深化互信与协作,共促地区安全和发展 Deepen Mutual Trust and Coordination and Work Together for Regional Security and Development
——王毅部长在亚信第五次外长会议上的主旨讲话 – Keynote Address by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Fifth Foreign Ministers’ Meeting of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia
2016年4月28日,北京 Beijing, 28 April 2016
Dear Colleagues, Distinguished Guests,
Let me once again welcome you all to the Fifth Foreign Ministers’ Meeting of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA).
Earlier, speaking on behalf of the Chinese government, President Xi Jinping laid out China’s views and proposals on how to put into practice the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security and build a security governance model with Asian characteristics. They represent another important contribution China has made to the development of CICA in addition to the Asian security vision it proposed at the CICA Shanghai Summit in May 2014. What China has done will play an active and constructive role in advancing the CICA process, deepen security dialogue and cooperation in Asia and uphold regional peace, security and stability.
The theme of this foreign ministers’ meeting, “Promoting Security Through Dialogue”, is widely endorsed by member states. It is closely related to the current situation in Asia and meets the urgent need of all parties to pursue security, stability and development. It represents another important effort to promote the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security. At today’s meeting, I hope we will engage in a lively and candid discussion to enhance mutual trust and expand consensus. I look forward to your insight on how Asia could enhance dialogue and consultation to meet its security challenges, improve security governance model, promote mutual reinforcement between security and development, and strengthen the institutional building and CBM cooperation of CICA.
Dear Colleagues, Distinguished Guests,
Since its inception twenty-four years ago, CICA has followed the underlying trend of multi-polarity and regional integration and made unique contribution to increasing trust and coordination among countries and exploring a new road of security and development suited to the reality of Asia and the common interests of Asian nations.
– CICA has put in place a common code of conduct for countries in the region. The Declaration on the Principles Guiding Relations Between the CICA Members States released at the first foreign ministers’ meeting in 1999 identified core principles as basic norms governing state-to-state relations, which include mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, non-use or threat of force, non-interference in internal affairs, and peaceful settlement of disputes through negotiation. These principles embody the unique wisdom and values of Asia and are widely followed by Asian countries in addressing disputes and conducting mutually beneficial cooperation, thus contributing to regional and global stability and development.
– CICA was the first to establish the model of “CBM cooperation”. The basic framework of CICA consists of the CICA Catalogue of Confidence Building Measures, the Cooperative Approach for the Implementation of the CICA CBMs, and the proposals and plans of action on implementing CBMs in various fields. CICA has identified five priority areas for cooperation, i.e. the military and political dimension, new challenges and threats, economic dimension, people-to-people exchange, and environmental dimension. In addition, cooperation is also under way in Il other areas, including combating illicit drugs, SMEs, youth, tourism and information technology. Together, they have shaped a comprehensive system for CBM cooperation. CBM cooperation, as an innovative approach in international relations, meets the diverse need of various countries for security and development, and represents a new model that brings out countries’ initiative and enhances political mutual trust and security cooperation.
– CICA has created a new platform for exchange and cooperation. CICA is Asia’s largest and most representative security forum with the greatest number of participants. Its regular summits, foreign ministers’ meetings, fora and workshops enable member states, observers, relevant international organizations and important countries within and beyond this region to carry out in-depth exchange of views on regional affairs and major issues of interest. It opens a new channel for various parties to enhance mutual understanding, deepen mutual trust, build consensus and jointly promote development.
Dear Colleagues, Distinguished Guests,
As one of its founding members, China highly values CICA and has actively participated in, supported and advanced the CICA process. Since assuming CICA chairmanship in 2014, China has earnestly fulfilled its responsibility and worked with other members to implement the consensus of the Shanghai Summit, deepen CBM cooperation and strengthen external exchanges. New progress has been made over the past two years.
First, cooperation is expanded and substantiated. CICA member states such as Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, Iran, India, Thailand and Bangladesh made active efforts and served as coordinators or co-coordinators for implementing CBMs. They developed detailed action plans on implementing CBMs in the political and military dimension, the growth of SMEs and in jointly combating illicit drug trafficking. Parties also pursued exchanges and cooperation in areas such as economy and trade, youth, tourism, environmental protection, information technology and the military through diversified activities including seminars and workshops, training courses, youth summer camps and visits to military bases. As the chair, China actively assisted coordinators in their endeavors and hosted several major events including the First Conference of CICA Youth Council and the Fourth CICA Business Forum and Founding Assembly of CICA Business Council, which gave a strong boost to cooperation in relevant fields.
Second, cooperation mechanism is further improved with innovation. As proposed by President Xi Jinping at the Shanghai Summit in 2014, China, with the support from various parties, set up the CICA Non-Governmental Forum and held its first annual meeting in 2015, which serves as an important platform for non-governmental exchanges and cooperation. The annual meeting brought together former statesmen, experts, scholars, media and NGOs and produced many forward-looking and creative ideas on issues relating to regional security and development. China also entrusted prestigious think tanks to hold CICA Think Tank Roundtable regularly to provide well-targeted intellectual support in light of the dynamics of CICA development and cooperation.
Third, the network of partners is further expanded. Following the Shanghai Summit, Bangladesh and Qatar became full members and Belarus joined CICA as an observer. The CICA Secretariat signed MOUs with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Secretariat, the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime on official cooperation. Now, CICA membership covers more than half of Asian countries and its observers and cooperative partners come from every corner of the Eurasian continent and even the other side of the Pacific. This shows that CICA’s approach of promoting trust through dialogue, maintaining security through trust and seeking development through security is getting more endorsement and its cohesion and appeal are steadily rising.
Fourth, external exchanges are increasingly robust. Over the past two years, the Executive Director of the Secretariat, on behalf of CICA, had active exchanges with the UN and its agencies, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the Arab League, the SCO, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-Speaking Countries (TURKPA) and attended a number of events upon invitation including the general debate of the UN General Assembly, Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War, the SCO Summit and the Meeting of Heads of Government, the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference, the Xiangshan Forum and the Ministerial Conference of the Istanbul Process. These exchanges and cooperation helped CICA to play its role and raised CICA’s voice and profile.
The above achievements are fully
recognized in the Conclusions of
Achievements in the Development of CICA during the Period 2014-2016 adopted
by the Senior Officials’ Meeting. They would not have been possible without the
hard work of all member states. Taking this opportunity, I wish to express
heartfelt gratitude to you all for your strong support to and collaboration
with China over the past two years’ of its chairmanship, and also for your
contributions to CICA’s development. |
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