英语翻译资料下载 俄文、法文、西文、阿文版:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1sluyl8T Message from Ms. Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development 联合国教科文组织总干事伊琳娜·博科娃在世界文化多样性促进对话和发展日的致辞
21 May 2016 2016年5月21日
Celebrating cultural diversity means valuing an outstanding source of exchanges, innovation and creativity, recognizing that the wealth of cultures is the constitutive power of humanity and an important asset for peace and development, the promotion of which is inseparable from the observance of human rights.
弘扬文化多样性,意味着重视交流、创新与创造的绝佳源泉,意味着承认文化的繁荣与丰富是人类固有的活力,是实现和平与发展的关键,提倡文化的丰富多彩与尊 重人权是密不可分的。
Celebrating cultural diversity also means being aware of the ties that bind us to our environment, because cultural diversity is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature, as clearly stated in the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, adopted in 2001.
Celebrating cultural diversity means opening up new perspectives for sustainable development and promoting creative industries and cultural entrepreneurship as sources of millions of jobs worldwide – particularly for young people and especially for women. Culture is a sustainable development accelerator whose potential has been recognized in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations. Culture offers the unique opportunity to reconcile the economic and social aspects of development – cultural goods and services have identities, reference points and values, while enabling millions of creators, artists and professionals to make a living from their work. Celebrating cultural diversity means enabling them to practice their trade and helps them to enrich the cultural landscape, which in turn enriches us.
Celebrating, at the same time, cultural diversity that broadens our horizons and human rights that unite us: this is the core of UNESCO’s mandate, for heritage, education, information and knowledge sharing. The enemies of human rights always attack cultural diversity, which symbolizes the freedom to be and to think, and which is unbearable to them. On this day, let us dare to respond to them collectively: I call upon all Member States to strengthen the spirit of this day, as a peaceful weapon against the temptations of isolationism, closure and exclusion, which lead humanity to renounce itself, ignoring its own wealth.
在弘扬拓展我们视野的文化多样性的同时,颂扬将我们团结起来的人权:这正是教科文组织在遗产、教育、信息和知识共享方面的根本使命。文化多样性象征着存在与思考的自由,反对人权者对此难以容忍,并往往以此为由抨击文化多样性。今天,让我们携起手来,勇敢地反击。我谨吁请所有会员国捍卫今天这一国际日的精神,以此作为和平的武器,抗击孤立主义、闭关锁国和排外的一切做法,这种做法只会导致人类忽略自身的丰富性,从而背弃自我。 |
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