二、深入把握五大发展理念的基本内涵和实践要求 II. The basic connotations and practical requirements of the five major principles of development
The basic connotations and practical requirements of the five major principles of development were detailed in General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the Fifth Plenary Session and in the Recommendations for the 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development. They can be summarized in the following five aspects. First, recognizing that innovation is the primary driving force behind development, we must place innovation at the center of national development, allow innovation to permeate all aspects of Party and government work, and foster a climate of innovation throughout our society. Second, recognizing that coordination is an inherent requirement of sustained and healthy development, we must firmly adhere to the overall plan for advancing socialism with Chinese characteristics, properly balance major relationships in development, and work constantly to achieve more holistic development. Third, recognizing that green development is a prerequisite of sustainable development and an important embodiment of the better life that people desire, we must commit to a path of civilized development characterized by increased levels of production, higher standards of living, and sound ecological environments and promote the building of a beautiful China. Fourth, recognizing that opening up is essential to achieving national prosperity and development, we must carry out a mutually beneficial strategy of opening up and develop an economy with a higher level of openness. Fifth, recognizing that sharing is an essential requirement of Chinese socialism, we must remain committed to the principle that development is for the people, dependent on the people, and that its fruits are shared by the people and move steadily towards common prosperity. As we are studying and implementing the guiding principles of the Fifth Plenary Session, it is essential that we grasp the basic connotations and practical requirements of the five principles, particularly the following five aspects.
1. The five major principles of development reflect the essential requirements of CPC’s ideological line, embodying the Party’s commitment to freeing minds and developing with the times.
The introduction of the five principles of development represents a profound change that will have a bearing on China’s overall development. It implies a fundamental shift in our traditional approaches to and means of development, and is sure to be accompanied by a process of freeing minds and updating ideas. Viewing problems from the perspective of the Party’s ideological line, we should lay emphasis on solving problems by changing our ways of thinking. We need to be keenly aware that development is a process of constant change, that development environments and conditions are never certain, and that development principles are equally subject to change. In the face of new developmental experiences, approaches once deemed effective may no longer yield the same effects; practices once considered inappropriate may now be imperative; and barriers once thought to be insurmountable may now need to be breached. Leading officials are therefore required to uphold the guiding principle of freeing minds, and foster ways of thinking that are compatible with current trends and state of development. Resolutely discarding outdated notions such as exclusively pursuing GDP growth, relying solely on resource exploitation and input, emphasizing the development of urban areas over rural areas, polluting first and cleaning up later, and putting efficiency before equity, we need to formulate new principles to guide new development practices. In upholding and implementing the five major principles of development, we cannot confine ourselves to mere talk. Rather, we must take these principles as a code of practice, consciously using them to gauge our work. Practices that conform to the five principles should be encouraged and supported, while those that contravene them must be opposed and abandoned. In this way, we will be able to keep up with the times as we free our minds, and achieve new development as we embrace new ways of thinking.
2. The five major principles of development are derived from our experiences and lessons in development, and embody the underlying logic of respecting objective laws and abiding by them.
With regard to development, we have not only experienced success, but also learned profound lessons. Where we found success, the important thing to note is that we proceeded on the basis of reality and acted in accordance with objective laws; and where we did not, the main reason was that we were detached from reality. For a period of time, localities in some parts of the country have acted in an unbalanced and abnormal way in their development strategy, in some cases by exhausting natural resources and spending beyond their means, and in others by contending with the people in pursuit of interests and neglecting their livelihood. This has been the cause of many problems. As General Secretary Xi has stressed, our approach must be scientific development that respects economic laws, sustainable development that respects natural laws, and inclusive development that respects social laws. Fundamentally speaking, the five major principles of development introduced at the Fifth Plenary Session aim to establish development more firmly on the basis of understanding and respecting objective laws, so that development of a higher quality and standard can be attained. In implementing the five major principles of development, we must raise our awareness of objective laws and grasp new connotations and requirements of development by studying and observing objective laws. We should lay emphasis on adapting to and guiding the new normal of economic development; maintain a close balance between the pace, quality, and efficiency of development; and coordinate our efforts in stabilizing growth, advancing reform, promoting restructuring, improving wellbeing, and preventing risks. At the same time, we should take a green approach to developing a prosperous China and ensuring the wellbeing of its people; respect, accommodate, and protect nature; and promote a green model of development and way of living. We should also lay emphasis on strengthening social development and making innovations in social governance; strike a balance between the intensity of reform, the pace of development, and the capacity of the society to cope with change; and ensure that all people can benefit from the fruits of reform and development more thoroughly and more fairly. As we are working to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, it is imperative that we adhere to the principle of proceeding on the basis of reality. Rather than enforcing uniform standards, rushing to obtain quick results, engaging in blind competition, and making promises we cannot fulfill, we should carry out our tasks one step at a time, bearing in mind different situations and local conditions.
3. The five major principles of development have been introduced in response to prominent issues that China has encountered in development, which means they are distinctly oriented towards the resolution of problems.
Identifying and solving problems in practice represents a major means by which we understand and reshape the world around us. Taking aim at real issues, the five major principles of development have been introduced with the clear purpose of solving acute problems in China’s development. Specifically, innovative development is concerned with the issue of growth impetus; coordinated development is concerned with unbalanced development; green development is concerned with harmony between humankind and nature; open development is concerned with interaction between domestic development and opening up to the world; and shared development is concerned with social equity and justice. We can therefore say that the five major principles of development have not only diagnosed the problems hindering China’s development, but have also prescribed the cure for their resolution. In implementing the five principles, it is also important that we raise our awareness of problems, orient our initiatives towards problems, and set our sights on the resolution of problems, so as to achieve new progress whilst addressing challenges in development. As we are grappling with problems, we need to focus on the weak links; and as we are resolving problems, we need to gain a firm grasp of shortcomings and spare no effort in remedying them. Regardless of whether we are formulating detailed plans, unveiling policies and measures, or improving systems and mechanisms, we need to lay emphasis on making up for deficiencies and solving problems, so as to achieve economic and social development that is more coordinated and balanced in the process of tackling challenges.
——五大发展理念坚持发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享,彰显着人民至上的价值取向。为什么人、由谁享有的问题,是发展要解决的根本问题,也是衡量一个政党、一个国家性质的试金石。我们是共产党领导的社会主义国家,理所当然要把实现好维护好发展好最广大人民根本利益,作为发展的根本出发点和落脚点。五大发展理念贯穿着鲜明的百姓导向、民生导向,反映着我们党立党为公、执政为民的根本宗旨。要始终坚持人民主体地位,坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,把实现人民幸福作为发展的目的和归宿。越是发展到更高层次、更高水平,越要坚持人人参与、人人尽力、人人享有,越要坚持全体人民共同富裕。要全面把握和推动落实共享发展的政策措施,凡是为民造福的事情就要千方百计做好,凡是损害群众利益的事情就坚决不做,使全面建成小康社会的过程成为增进人民福祉、促进公平正义的过程。要着眼于坚决打赢“十三五”脱贫攻坚战,下大力气解决收入差距过大、公共服务供给不足、社会保障滞后、教育和就业机会不均等突出问题,使发展更具公平性、普惠性,让人民群众有更多获得感、幸福感。 |
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