英语翻译资料下载 中文版:世界人口日致辞.doc Message on World Population Day 世界人口日致辞
11 July 2016 2016年7月11日
The international community has committed to a new sustainable development agenda built on the principles of equity and human rights. A central objective of the Sustainable Development Goals is to leave no one behind.
Despite significant gains made in reducing poverty and improving opportunity and well-being for many people around the world, hundreds of millions remain desperate for a chance of a better future. Among those least served by previous development initiatives are girls, particularly those in their formative teenage years.
Just when girls should be in school and imagining the possibilities ahead, too many are held back from pursuing their ambitions by social and cultural traps. While a boy’s options and opportunities tend to expand when he becomes an adolescent, those of a girl too often shrink. Half of all sexual assaults worldwide are committed against girls aged 15 or younger. In developing countries, one in three girls is married before she reaches 18. And teenage girls are less likely than teenage boys to start or finish secondary school.
Rectifying these inequalities is critical for the success of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. That is why it includes the specific Goal of achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls. On this World Population Day, I urge all Governments, businesses and civil society to support and invest in teenage girls. Everyone deserves the benefits of economic growth and social progress. Let us work together to ensure a life of security, dignity and opportunity for all.
消除这种不平等是成功落实《2030年可持续发展议程》的关键。为此,《议程》中列入了实现性别平等和增强所有妇女和女童权能的具体目标。值此世界人口日之际,我敦促各国政府、所有企业和民间社会为少女提供支持和投资。每个人都应该从经济增长和社会进步中受益。让我们共同努力,确保所有人在一生中都享有安全、尊严和机会。 |
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