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2016-7-30 00:31| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 653| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部

摘要: 7月16日,国务院副总理刘延东出席第五届世界和平论坛开幕式,并在开幕式中发表主旨演讲。


Join Hands to Create a Bright Future of Peace and Prosperity



– Address by Vice Premier Liu Yandong at the Opening Ceremony of the Fifth World Peace Forum



Tsinghua University, 16 July 2016







H.E. Tang Jiaxuan, Chairman of the Forum,

H.E. Sartaj Aziz,

H.E. Dominique de Villepin,

H.E. Yukio Hatoyama

Mr. Qiu Yong, President of the Tsinghua University,

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,





Mid-summer is a season of lush exuberance. And it is especially so in my alma mater, Tsinghua University. It is a great pleasure to be back here for the Fifth World Peace Forum. Let me begin by extending congratulations on the opening of the Forum and warm regards to distinguished guests, experts and scholars from different parts of the world.




The World Peace Forum is the first high-level, non-governmental international security forum hosted by China. Since its inception five years ago, Chinese and foreign participants have had in-depth discussions on major international security topics, shared ideas for future cooperation, and offered advice for long-term stability and security, thus contributing to world peace and security.




The theme of this year’s Forum, “The Order of Common Security: Cooperation, Inclusiveness and Open-access”, is highly relevant to the reality and needs of today. Just two days ago, an appalling act of terror struck Nice, France, causing severe casualties. I just visited Nice two weeks ago and was deeply saddened by the tragic deaths of innocent civilians. We condemn the terrorist attack in the strongest possible term and extend our deep condolences to the families of the victims and our sympathy to the wounded. We hope there will be greater cooperation between China, France and the international community in combating both the symptoms and root causes of terrorism, the common enemy of human society.




Ladies and Gentlemen,





As an ancient Chinese saying goes, “Tranquility enables all to live and thrive, while chaos allows no moment of peace for anyone.” For thousands of years, the pursuit of peace has been the primary aspiration of mankind.


History and reality tell us that the future and destiny of human society is determined by how countries engage with each other. In the world today, countries share more things in common than ever before, common development, shared interests, common challenges and joint governance. The human society has increasingly become an inter-connected community of shared future. That said, the world is not tranquil and mankind is troubled with various security challenges and threats. It remains a long and arduous task to maintain world peace and promote common development.




Ours is an era that calls for win-win cooperation. Against the backdrop of globalization, countries are inter-dependent like never before with their interests deeply entwined. There are important opportunities such as the prevailing trend of peace and development, rapid advances in science and technology and vibrant regional cooperation. There are also challenges posed by terrorism, climate change, and energy and resource security. No single country can monopolize the benefits of opportunities, nor stay immune to challenges. The only viable choice is to share opportunities and meet challenges together in the spirit of solidarity and through win-win cooperation.




Ours is an era that calls for inclusive co-existence. Different political systems and development paths exist in parallel. Many ethnic groups and civilizations draw on each other’s strength. Various political thoughts and social trends interact with and influence each other. All this form a picture of diversity. However, hegemonism and power politics manifest themselves from time to time. Lack of justice, equality and fairness is still prevalent in international relations, posing potential threats to world peace and security. “It is only natural that things cannot be all the same.” Different countries and civilizations need to uphold the spirit of inclusiveness, abandon arrogance and prejudice, and respect other countries’ choice of development path, model and concept. Only in this way can they live in harmony and jointly foster a sound environment of stability and development.




Ours is an era that calls for openness and sharing. The deep impact of the international financial crisis continues to unfold. Protectionism and isolationism in various forms have resurfaced. Multilateral trade negotiations encountered continuous setbacks. World economic recovery is an uphill journey. Openness leads to progress while isolation backwardness. Reality calls on all parties to carry forward the spirit of openness when pursuing development, build a new system of an open economy, and accelerate regional cooperation and connectivity. This will help countries realize integration through openness and development through integration, and achieve common progress and prosperity.




Ladies and Gentlemen,





In the face of these global challenges, President Xi Jinping has proposed an important initiative to build a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation and develop a community of shared future for mankind. This is a creative leap over the traditional theory on international relations and offers foresight and vision for the progress of human civilization. It contributes China’s wisdom and proposal for coping with the complex and grim security threats and building a common security order. I hope we will uphold the spirit of cooperation, inclusiveness and openness, step up dialogue to enhance mutual trust and coordination, and jointly create a bright future of peace and prosperity.




First, we need to build partnerships of equality and mutual trust. Partnership is vital for state-to-state relations just like friendship is for people-to-people relations. Those who work in unity of purpose can be partners. Those who seek common ground and shelve differences can also be partners. China respects countries’ right to independently choose their foreign policy. We maintain that a more inclusive and constructive partnership should be cultivated that has no imaginary enemy and does not target a third party. A new path of “partnership but not alliance” should be explored. Countries are all equal irrespective of size, strength and wealth. They shall abide by basic norms governing international relations with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter at the center, respect other countries’ sovereignty and territorial integrity, and refrain from interfering in others’ internal affairs. Countries need to uphold equal consultation in international affairs, enhance trust, and work for more democratic, law-based and rational international relations.




Second, we should stick to win-win cooperation to promote common development of all countries. Development holds the master key to maintaining peace and stability and resolving all kinds of security issues. Countries should concentrate on development, actively carry out practical cooperation in business and trade, energy and science and technology, and make great efforts to improve people’ s lives and narrow the wealth gap so that all peoples can better share in the fruits of development. Countries should establish the concept of win-win and all-win development and abandon the zero-sum mentality and winner-takes-all approach. While pursuing one’s own interests, those of others should also be taken into account. And one’s own development should be promoted in the context of common development. We must step up macro-economic policy coordination, push for reforms in global economic governance, uphold an open world economic system, and jointly respond to the risks and challenges in the world economy.




Third, we should increase dialogue and consultation to strive for peace and security. Albert Einstein once said that peace is based on understanding and self-restraint, not on violence. If some of us indulge in the Cold-War mentality, believe in jungle law, and opt for a military-focused and confrontational approach, they will go against the trend of our times and only aggravate the security dilemma. China calls on all countries to follow the path of peaceful development, establish a security concept featuring common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security, and work hand in hand to create a fair and just security architecture by all and for all. We believe dialogue, consultation and cooperation is the right way to resolve disagreements and address complex hotspot issues. Consensus should be built through dialogue and security strengthened through cooperation.




Fourth, we should pursue sustainable development to ensure the preservation of a sound ecology for the world. There is only one Earth that mankind calls home. Countries, while exploiting and developing nature, should also preserve it and promote sustainable development and the all-round development of man. We should collaborate with one another to encourage scientific and technological innovation, make robust efforts to develop green, low-carbon, and circular economy, actively implement the Paris Agreement on climate change, and realize global sustainable development at a higher level. Developed countries should truly assume their historical responsibilities, honor their commitment on emission reduction, and help developing countries with climate change mitigation and adaptation. The competent government authorities, business associations, and NGOs in various countries should engage in international cooperation to protect the Earth, our shared home.




Fifth, we should deepen people-to-people and cultural exchanges to encourage mutual learning among civilizations. State-to-state relations are based on amity between the peoples. There is a great diversity of histories, cultures, social systems, and development stages in our world. Exchanges and mutual learning between different civilizations offer peoples in different countries the chance to experience different cultures, draw on one another’s wisdom, and find common ground. This gives us the lubricant for addressing differences and the impetus for growing mutual understanding and friendship.


Interactions and cooperation in the fields of education, science and technology, culture and health care also provide driving forces for the development of all countries and the world economy. We should deepen cooperation in people-to-people and cultural exchanges, make good use of various mechanisms of exchange and dialogue, and give full play to the role of the United Nations and relevant international and regional organizations, governments, think tanks, the media, and NGOS. Cultural interaction will connect hearts and minds and generate popular support and positive energy for the peaceful co-existence and common development of all countries.






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