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杨洁篪在中非合作论坛约翰内斯堡峰会成果落实协调人会议开幕式上的主旨讲话(中英对照 ...

2016-8-5 09:54| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 458| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部

摘要: 7月29日,杨洁篪国务委员在中非合作论坛约翰内斯堡峰会成果落实协调人会议开幕式上宣读习近平主席贺信并发表主旨讲话。


President Xi Jinping’s Congratulatory Message and State Councilor Yang Jiechi’s Keynote Speech to the Opening Ceremony of the Coordinators’ Meeting on the Implementation of the Follow-up Actions of the Johannesburg Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation



Beijing, 29 July 2016








Your Excellency Moussa Faki Mahamat, Foreign Minister of Chad as Chair of the African Union,

Your Excellency Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, Foreign Minister of South Africa as Co-chair of FOCAC,

Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi,

Minister of Commerce Gao Hucheng,

Ministers, Delegates and Excellencies,

Ladies and Gentlemen,





It is my privilege to read to you Chinese President Xi Jinping’s congratulatory message to the Coordinators’ Meeting on the Implementation of the Follow-up Actions of the Johannesburg Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). The message reads:




“On the occasion of the opening of the Coordinators’ Meeting on the Implementation of the Follow-up Actions of the FOCAC Johannesburg Summit, I would like to express, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, warm congratulations and sincere welcome to the delegates and guests from African countries.




The Johannesburg Summit last December opened a new era of win-win cooperation and common development between China and Africa, and marked a milestone in the history of China-Africa relations. African leaders and I had an in-depth discussion on our cooperation, upgraded the China-Africa relationship to a comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership, put forward ten cooperation plans for the next three years, and drew a new blueprint of win-win cooperation and common development for China and Africa.




I am pleased that over the past six months, China and Africa worked together to overcome the negative impact of the sluggish world economy, reached consensus on jointly implementing the outcomes of the summit, and achieved tangible results in our cooperation. This helped to invigorate China-Africa cooperative development.




This coordinators’ meeting is an important step taken by China and Africa to implement the consensus of Chinese and African leaders and the outcomes of the FOCAC Summit. It is a significant measure to boost China-Africa cooperative development. The meeting demonstrates to the world once again that no matter how the international landscape may change, the resolve of China and Africa to pursue unity and win-win cooperation will never change, and China’s support for Africa’s peace and development will never change. The weak performance of the world economy brings both opportunities and challenges to the economic development of China and Africa. We must stand shoulder to shoulder and march forward hand in hand. As a Chinese saying goes, “unity of two brothers gives them the strength to cut through metal.” I hope that at this opportune meeting, the two sides will exchange views, compare notes, build consensus and promote cooperation. By pooling wisdom and strength, and advancing China-Africa friendship and cooperation across the board, we will see to it that the summit outcomes will benefit the 2.4 billion people of China and Africa in a more expeditious and equitable manner.




China values China-Africa relations. We will continue to act on the principles of sincerity, practical results, affinity and good faith, uphold the values of friendship, justice and shared interests, take solid steps to implement the outcomes of the FOCAC Summit, and further enrich and grow the China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership.




I wish the coordinators’ meeting a complete success.”




Ladies and Gentlemen,





China and Africa have always been good friends, good partners and good brothers. As a famous Chinese saying goes, “What a great delight to receive friends from afar!” On behalf of the Chinese government and people, I would like to extend the most sincere welcome to the African brothers and sisters coming from afar, and express hearty congratulations on the opening of the Coordinators’ Meeting on the Implementation of the Follow-up Actions of the FOCAC Johannesburg Summit.




Last December, in the spirit of wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, China and Africa jointly organized a “perfect and extraordinary” FOCAC Summit in Johannesburg. At the landmark gathering, President Xi Jinping gave a comprehensive and systematic account of China’s new thinking and new approach regarding relations with Africa, announced the elevation of the China-Africa relationship to a comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership, and called for strengthening and consolidating the five pillars of China-Africa relations, namely political equality and mutual trust, win-win economic cooperation, mutually enriching cultural exchanges, mutual security assistance, and solidarity and coordination in international affairs. He also proposed ten cooperation plans for the next three years with a focus on helping Africa achieve industrialization and agricultural modernization, and pledged US$60 billion of financial support. This new blueprint of cooperative development drawn by Chinese and African leaders will usher in a new era of win-win cooperation and common development for the two sides.




Ladies and Gentlemen,




We Chinese often say that planning contributes 10% to the success of an undertaking while 90% of success lies in implementation. In this first year after the Johannesburg Summit, it is our shared expectation to see the early implementation of its outcomes so as to deliver more benefits to the Chinese and African people. We are delighted to see that over 30 African countries have established internal coordination mechanisms and designated ministerial-level coordinators to implement the outcomes. Presidents and Prime Ministers of several countries have even taken on the responsibility themselves.




In the six months since the Johannesburg Summit, China and Africa have adopted swift and effective actions to implement the outcomes, and have made major, gratifying progress. High-level visits and personnel exchanges and cooperation have increased notably in this regard, and friendly and win-win cooperation in economic, financial, cultural and security sectors and in international affairs has been fruitful, bringing real benefits to the Chinese and African people. Yesterday, the two sides signed a number of cooperation agreements. Combined with those signed since last December, there have been 243 agreements worth US$50.7 billion, including US$46 billion of Chinese direct investment in and commercial loans to Africa, accounting for 91% of the total value of the agreements. To our delight, the mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Africa is full of vigor and vitality. It has lived up to FOCAC’s commitment to equality, mutual benefit, efficiency and practical results, and points to the vast potential and great prospects of friendly and win-win cooperation between China and Africa.




The purpose of China initiating the coordinators’ meeting at this time is, by taking stock of the delivery of summit outcomes, to align our thinking, build consensus, overcome challenges and difficulties, share experience and promote cooperation, so that we can pool the wisdom and strength of both sides and give a leg up to the implementation work. This will present a new historic opportunity for the cooperative development of China and Africa.




We are glad to see that both sides are committed to win-win cooperation and common development. Today, over 100 Chinese and African ministerial-level officials are gathering in Beijing to discuss cooperation and development. The meeting has far exceeded our expectations in terms of the size and level of participation as well as the number of deliverables. I have no doubt that this meeting will lend strong impetus to the delivery of summit outcomes and help the people of China, Africa and the whole world see the vast prospects of our cooperation and development.






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