Third, I will talk about the importance of making rapid breakthroughs in core technologies.
China’s notable achievements in the development of the Internet over the past 20 years or more have included a number of technological accomplishments. At present, four of the world’s top 10 Internet companies are Chinese. While attending the Second World Internet Conference last year, I visited the “Light of the Internet” Expo, where more than 250 companies from across the globe showcased more than 1,000 new technologies. It was exciting to see that many of them were ours. However, we need to realize that there are quite a number of areas in which we are falling well short of leading world standards and the targets of our national cyber development strategy, particularly with regard to Internet innovation, infrastructure, the sharing of information resources, and the strength of our IT industry. This gap is biggest in terms of core Internet technologies.
Core Internet technologies are our greatest weakness, and the fact we rely on others for core technologies is our biggest threat. It matters little how large an Internet company is or how much that company is worth if it relies heavily on foreign countries for core components and its supply chains are controlled by others. It is like building a house on someone else’s foundation. It might be big and impressive, but it could be torn down at any time. If we are to seize the initiative in the development of the Internet, and guarantee our cybersecurity and national security, it is imperative that we overcome the hurdle posed by core technologies, and try to perform an “overtake on the bend” in certain fields and areas.
To make breakthroughs in core technologies, we will need determination, perseverance, and focus. By determination, I mean that we must have the willpower to make determined and hard efforts; resolutely carry out China’s strategy of innovation-driven development; devote more manpower, resources, and funds to the research and development of core technologies; and assemble our best talent and put them to the best strategic use. By perseverance, I mean that we need to formulate strategic plans for the development of core technologies and equipment in the information domain; draw up roadmaps, schedules, and task briefs; define short-, medium-, and long-term goals; respect objective laws by advancing initiatives one level, category, and stage at a time; and ensure that once we have started we never let up. And by focus, I mean that we must take aim at the cutting edge, at the major needs of our country, and at the national economy while bearing in mind China’s national conditions; enhance our planning in key areas and links with a view to assuming the strategic high ground; and ensure that we are clear on our direction and priorities. If we cannot do this, we will ultimately fail to get real results, though a great deal of money and resources will end up being spent.
But what is core technology? In my view, core technology can be divided into three categories: basic and generic technologies; asymmetric and “trump-card” technologies; and cutting edge and revolutionary technologies. In these areas, we are on a level playing field with other countries. So if we can start early and focus on making breakthroughs, there is a very good chance that we could actually go from following behind, and running with the crowd to taking the lead. Our Internet and IT entrepreneurs, experts, scientists, and technicians should have this kind of ambition, devoting their efforts to making major breakthroughs in core technologies as soon as possible. As the saying goes, “One who walks daily fears no distance; one who practices frequently fears no task.”
我国信息技术产业体系相对完善、基础较好,在一些领域已经接近或达到世界先进水平,市场空间很大,有条件有能力在核心技术上取得更大进步,关键是要理清思路、脚踏实地去干。 |
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