China’s IT industry is well developed and has a strong foundation. In some areas it is approaching or has even reached a world-class level. With a huge potential market, we have the conditions and the ability to make even bigger advances in core technologies. The key is that we keep our head clear and our feet on the ground.
To begin with, we need to strike the right balance between openness and autonomy.
The Internet has turned the world into a global village, promoting the transformation of the international community into a closely-interconnected community of shared future. However, there is a view that Internet is too complex to be governed, and that it would be best to just block it or shut it down. This view is not correct, and it is not the answer to the problem. China’s doors cannot and will not be closed. We need to encourage our Internet and IT companies to go global, to deepen international exchanges and cooperation, and to participate actively in the Belt and Road Initiative, so as to ensure that IT covers China’s national interests wherever they are found. At the same time, we welcome all foreign Internet companies to China, as long as they comply with our laws and regulations.
With regard to the development of technology, there are two viewpoints that warrant our attention. One view holds that we should close our doors and start afresh, totally freeing ourselves of reliance on foreign technology and developing through our own innovation; otherwise, we will always trail behind other countries and never catch up. The other view holds that we need to take an open approach to innovation, developing our technologies by standing on the shoulders of giants; otherwise, we will never catch up. Despite both having some merit, the two arguments both go a little too far, failing to view the problem dialectically. On one hand, core technologies are indispensable for a country. The most key and core technologies must come through self-innovation, self-reliance, and self-improvement. Core technologies cannot be traded or bought on the market with money, but must come from our own research and development. On the other hand, our emphasis on innovation does not mean that we should carry out R&D behind closed doors. It is essential that we take an open approach to innovation, as only by going up against a strong adversary can we know how far we trail behind and avoid complacency.
We should not reject new technologies, which are products of human advancement. We will not reject any technology that helps to raise the standard of our country’s productive forces and improve the living standard of our people. The important thing is that we are clear about which technologies can be introduced from abroad, provided they are secure and controllable; which technologies can be introduced for the purpose of assimilation, absorption, and re-innovation; which technologies can be developed in collaboration with other parties; and which technologies must be developed independently through our own innovation. Core technologies are essentially a question of basic research. In the absence of good basic research, there is no foundation to support the development of applied technologies.
Next, we need to focus energies on major initiatives in R&D.
Though we have spent a lot of money on the research and development of core technologies in recent years, the results have not been particularly outstanding. In my view, the main problem is that our energies have not been put to the best use. It is therefore important that we clench our fists and continue working tirelessly on the core technologies that China urgently needs to master.
Thirdly, we need to actively promote the application of technological advances.
If technology is to advance, it must be put to use. In the global IT domain, the ability to consolidate innovation, industry, and value chains is increasingly becoming the most crucial determinant of success. The eventual outcome of the R&D of core technologies should not merely be technical reports, R&D papers, and lab samples, but rather actual products, technological prowess, and industrial strength. If a core technology becomes detached from its industrial chain, value chain, and ecosystem, failing to link upstream and downstream segments of the chain, its development may very well have been a wasted effort.
R&D and the economy cannot be detached from each other. We need to devote major efforts to promoting the commercial and industrial application of scientific and technological advances. Those technologies deemed applicable after deliberation on a certain scale must be applied. It is perfectly normal for new technologies and products to display certain faults during their application. In such cases, we can continue to make improvements and raise their quality as they are being applied. If nobody uses the technologies we develop, and if technologies are simply put aside after a research project has been completed and a report submitted, then we will never be able to develop.
Finally, we need to promote collaboration between leading companies.
To clinch victory in an arduous struggle
to develop core technologies, not only must we give the signal to charge, but
we must also sound the call to assemble. In other words, we need to pool our
most capable forces together to form a crack force that can overcome challenges
in research and development. One of the main reasons why there is such a large
gap between world leaders and us in core technologies is that our leading
companies do not collaborate in the way that Microsoft, Intel, Google, and
Apple do. For example, in the US, they have the “Wintel” alliance whereby
Microsoft’s Windows operating system works only with Intel chips. In the
development of core technologies, collaboration is a more effective strategy
than going it alone. It is therefore important that we come up with some measures
in this regard, to free ourselves from the constraints of departmental
interests and faction-like bias. If we cannot overcome petty, small-minded
thinking and form synergy, we will not succeed. |
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