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2013-7-13 17:07| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 18| 评论: 0|来自: 中国外交部网

摘要: Report of the U.S.-China Climate Change Working Group to the Strategic and Economic Dialogue

Report of the U.S.-China Climate Change Working Group to the Strategic and Economic Dialogue



July 10, 2013



The U.S.-China Climate Change Working Group (hereinafter referred to as the Working Group) submits this Report to the Special Representatives of Leaders of the United States and China for the Strategic and Economic Dialogue (hereinafter referred to as the S&ED) pursuant to the Joint Statement on Climate Change issued by the United States and China on April 13, 2013.







We have prepared this Report mindful of the overwhelming scientific consensus about anthropogenic climate change and its worsening impacts, as well as the urgent need to intensify global efforts to combat climate change. Rising temperatures are predicted to lead to sea level rise that could affect tens of millions of people around the world, as well as more frequent and intense heat waves, intensified urban smog, and droughts and floods in our most productive agricultural regions. Global climate change represents a grave threat to the economic livelihood and security of all nations, but it also represents a significant opportunity for sustainable development that will benefit both current and future generations. We believe that ambitious domestic action by China and the United States is more critical than ever. China has given high priority to building an “Ecological Civilization” by striving for green, circular and low-carbon development. It has adopted proactive policies and measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The United States is implementing robust policies to promote renewable energy, enhance energy efficiency, and reduce emissions from transportation, buildings, and the power sector. Both countries recognize the need to work together to continue and build on these important efforts.




The Joint Statement on Climate Change set in motion a process to take stock of our existing cooperative efforts as well as to identify significant new action initiatives. The United States and China established the Working Group to determine ways in which the two countries can strengthen cooperation on climate change through collaboration on technology, research, conservation, and alternative and renewable energy. The Working Group, chaired by National Development and Reform Commission Vice Chairman Xie Zhenhua and U.S. Special Envoy for Climate Change Todd Stern, met several times for in-depth discussions with the active participation of relevant government ministries on both sides.




The Working Group’s findings and outcomes are presented below. The Working Group intends to coordinate ongoing implementation of the specific areas of cooperation identified in this Report, as well as the development of additional areas of cooperation for subsequent annual meetings of the S&ED. In addition, the Working Group intends to facilitate an enhanced policy dialogue.




Both sides believe that the kind of cooperative actions outlined in this Report will have substantial benefits. First, such actions can help each country grow and develop in sustainable ways. Significant co-benefits of investing in mitigation will also include enhanced energy security, reduced air pollution, improved public health, and conservation of important natural resources. Both sides will benefit from developing and deploying new environmental and clean energy technologies that promote economic prosperity and job creation while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.




Second, both sides appreciate that advancing concrete action on climate change can serve as a pillar of our bilateral relationship, build mutual trust and respect, and pave the way for a stronger overall collaboration.




Third, we fully recognize that the United States and China play a significant role in global efforts to address climate change. Both sides agree that by enhancing our domestic actions and our bilateral climate cooperation, we can make an important contribution to the worldwide effort to confront climate change in a manner commensurate with the growing urgency of this global challenge.




Stocktaking of existing cooperation on climate change



Pursuant to the April 13, 2013 Joint Statement, the Working Group reviewed existing bilateral programs and initiatives related to climate change. This stocktaking exercise highlighted the breadth of these cooperative efforts, including under the 2009 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to Enhance Cooperation on Climate Change, Energy and the Environment, as well as under the Ten Year Framework for Cooperation on Energy and Environment. In recent years, exchanges and joint projects have taken place in a wide variety of areas, including renewable energy, building and industrial energy efficiency, clean transportation and electric vehicles, green buildings, sustainable cities, land use and forestry, scientific research, and technology research and development.




Important new activities pursuant to these existing programs are being announced in the context of the Strategic Dialogue, including six new EcoPartnerships, deployment of clean cookstoves in China, strengthened cooperation on scientific research and climate observations, and a bilateral Airport Sustainability Initiative.








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