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2013-7-14 16:23| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 19| 评论: 0|来自: 美国国务院

摘要: Fact Sheet on Outcomes from U.S.-China Strategic Dialogue

U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue V Strategic Track Select Outcomes



July 12, 2013



On the occasion of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) July 10-11, 2013, the United States and China agreed to, among other things:




Promote an open, cooperative, secure, and reliable cyber space: Prior to the S&ED, the United States and China held the first meeting of the civilian-military Cyber Working Group, where the two sides committed to work together on cooperative activities and further discussions on international norms of state behavior in cyberspace. Both sides commented positively on the candid, in-depth dialogue and agreed to hold the next meeting before the end of 2013.




Build healthy, stable, and reliable military-to-military ties: Senior civilian and military officials used the July 9 Strategic Security Dialogue to address some of the most sensitive issues in the bilateral relationship, expanding their discussion this year from cyber and maritime security to missile defense and nuclear policy. To build confidence, our two militaries agreed to actively explore a notification mechanism for major military activities and continue to discuss the rules of behavior for air and maritime activities.




Work toward shared goals on DPRK: Secretary Kerry and State Councilor Yang held in-depth consultations on the situation on the Korean Peninsula and agreed on the fundamental importance of the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in a peaceful manner and reiterated their joint commitment to continue high-level discussions to achieve this shared goal. The two sides called for full implementation of UNSCR 2094 and other relevant resolutions by all UN Member States, and for the necessary steps by all parties that would create the conditions for the resumption of the Six-Party Talks.




Call on Iran to satisfy its obligations: The United States and China discussed Iran’s nuclear program, agreed that Iran should fulfill its international obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and called for full implementation of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. The United States and China reaffirmed their commitment to taking active part in the P5+1 negotiations with Iran and called on Iran to take concrete actions to satisfy the concerns of the international community through negotiations with the P5+1.




Push for a peaceful solution to the crisis in Syria: The United States and China reiterated their shared commitment to preparing for the Geneva Conference on Syria and to resolving the crisis through political means in order to bring about a Syrian-led peaceful political transition that establishes a transitional governing body. We reaffirmed opposition to the use or proliferation of chemical weapons and called for measures to alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people.




Combat Climate Change and Protect the Environment: The United States and China agreed to accelerate action on climate change through five new action initiatives on heavy-duty and other vehicles; carbon capture, utilization, and storage; greenhouse gas data collection and management; smart grids; and energy efficiency in buildings and industry. These reflect the first of the recommendations made by the Climate Change Working Group that Secretary Kerry announced in April. They will also work together to implement the agreement of Presidents Obama and Xi on HFCs. The United States and China announced new efforts to share best practices in air quality planning, pollution reduction, environmental law and adjudication, and the study of greenhouse gases, as well as agreement to work together to combat wildlife trafficking..




Support Global Energy Security: The United States and China discussed measures to drive energy innovation and investment. They agreed to address barriers to further development of their energy production potential, including regulatory and pricing issues. Both countries agreed to cooperate on energy efficiency, renewable energy, emergency responses, phasing out fossil fuel subsidies, and sharing data on energy supply, demand, and reserves.


支持全球能源安全:美国和中国讨论了多项推动能源创新与投资的措施。双方同意解决有碍进一步开发能源生产潜力的障碍,包括规章和价格问题。两国同意在能源效率、再生能源、 应急反应、逐渐取消矿物燃料补贴等方面进行合作,并分享能源供应、需求和储备数据。


Enhance Cooperation on Global Development: The Unites States and China agreed to carry out joint projects in Afghanistan and Timor-Leste and announced a new Dialogue on Global Development – the first-ever regular mechanism for the two sides to exchange views on development issues and jointly advance our shared goals of poverty reduction, economic growth, and sustainable development.







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