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Sheet on Energy Diplomacy in 21st Century 21世纪的能源外交简报
U.S. Department of State, Washington,
DC 美国国务院,华盛顿哥伦比亚特区
October 30, 2013 2013年10月30日
Energy is at the nexus of
national security, economic prosperity and the environment. The Department of
State’s work in national security, bilateral and multilateral diplomacy,
commercial advocacy and development are widely affected by energy concerns. The
Bureau of Energy Resources integrates energy security interests into foreign
policy decision making, putting energy diplomacy at the forefront of U.S.
foreign policy along three pillars.
Diplomacy 能源外交
To identify opportunities for
geostrategic cooperation through energy in interdependent markets, we:
Forge strong diplomatic
relationships with major consumers and suppliers, anticipate the impacts of
changing energy markets and leverage our role in energy-related international
organizations as we recognize that energy disruptions anywhere can threaten
economic growth everywhere.
Promote a stable and secure
global energy economy by engaging foreign governments and the private sector to
maintain the security of supply and pursue alternative energy options and
diversification of energy types. Our efforts include effectively implementing
sanctions as diplomatic tool.
Respond to major changes in
natural gas markets as they impact current and future energy choices.
World of the Future 未来的能源世界
To stimulate the market forces
that will sustain Energy Transformation in alternative energy, electricity
development, and reconstruction, we: Foster the development of regional
electricity grids and regulatory harmonization to create larger markets,
enhance reliability and energy efficiency and facilitate integration and trade
from clean energy sources and technologies. Encourage the establishment of
financially viable electric power systems that can attract the huge private
investment ($17 trillion by 2035) needed to meet growing electricity demands,
especially in developing regions. Advance U.S. business partnerships for
adoption and commercialization of efficient and innovative energy technologies
for sustainable development.
Governance and Access 能源管理和获得渠道
To counter poverty and
development issues due to lack of access to energy, poor resource management or
both, we: Encourage responsible resource management by promoting global
transparency standards, developing countries’ technical capacity and supporting
accountable legal and regulatory regimes and sound financial management in line
with international standards. Expand energy access through economic statecraft
and partnerships with development agencies to help encourage creation of
commercially viable models backed by private investment.
Diplomacy in Action 能源外交实践
Sustainable Energy for All
(SE4ALL): The U.S. is a key participant in the UN Secretary-General’s SE4ALL
initiative, aimed at providing universal access to modern energy services
by2030, while doubling the global rate of energy efficiency and the share of
renewable energy.
U.S.-Asia-Pacific Comprehensive
Energy Partnership: President Obama, along with the Chair of APEC and Chair of
ASEAN, built this partnership to bring significant progress in addressing the
needs of the estimated 387 million people in Asia without access to
Connecting the Americas 2022: An
initiative to enhance electrical interconnections across the Western Hemisphere
to achieve universal access in the next decade for 31 million people without
Power Africa: A public-private
initiative to double access to power in sub-Saharan Africa, helping countries
meet critical energy needs and achieve greater energy security, develop
newly-discovered resources responsibly to maximize the benefits to their
citizens, make needed energy sector reforms and expand power generation and
transmission capacity.
Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI): The initiative promotes
transparency and accountability in natural resource management for citizens.
The process is managed in-country by a multi-stakeholder group of government,
civil society and company representatives.
《采矿业透明度行动计划》:此项计划为公民推动自然资源管理的透明度和问责制。此进程由政府、公民社会和公司代表组成的多利益相关方团体在各国国内负责管理。 |
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