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2014-3-15 17:00| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 245| 评论: 0|来自: 新华社

摘要: Report on the Implementation of the 2013 Plan for National Economy and Social Development and on the 2014 Draft Plan for National Economy and Social Development



3. Promote steady agricultural growth


1) Steadily developing main agricultural products. We will more quickly implement the plan to increase China’ s grain production capacity by 50 million metric tons, and build up regional and large-scale commercial grain production centers in contiguous areas. We will speed up innovation in and promotion of agricultural science and technology and increase yield per unit area. We will quicken the development of modern seed industry and agriculture mechanization. We will support Xinjiang in its efforts to become a quality cotton-producing center. We will continue to implement the national plan for developing the vegetable industry, and standardize large-scale breeding operations of hogs, dairy cattle, beef cattle and sheep raised for meat. We will strengthen prevention and control of animal epidemics. We will support the development of fishery administration and the building of fishing ports as well as the renovation of sea fishing boats. We will continue to build a system for inspecting and testing the quality and safety of agricultural products. Total grain output is projected to top 550 million metric tons in 2014.


2) Improving and strengthening the systems to support and protect agriculture. Investment from the central government budget will continue to favor agriculture, rural areas and farmers. The minimum purchase prices of wheat and rice will be raised by 6 yuan and 3.7 yuan per 50 kilograms, respectively. We will continue to implement the system of purchasing and stockpiling corn, canola seeds and sugar on an ad hoc basis. We will launch trials of guaranteed base prices for soybeans produced in northeast China and Inner Mongolia and cotton in Xinjiang. We will scale up funds for agricultural subsidies, and devote more of the added subsidy to the production of grain and other important agricultural products, new types of agricultural businesses, and major agricultural regions. Where conditions allow, we will carry out trial subsidy programs based on the actual area sown to grain or grain output, and use subsidies in a more precise and targeted way. We will improve the policy-based agricultural insurance system. We will increase rewards and subsidies to main commercial grain-producing provinces and major counties that produce grain, edible oil or pigs, support beef and mutton production, and improve the mechanism for subsidizing major grain-producing areas.


3) Strengthening agricultural and rural infrastructure development. We will implement the national master plan for building high-grade farmland, and strengthen construction of major water conservancy projects to protect key water sources, divert water, and develop large irrigated areas. We will harness rivers and reinforce reservoirs and sluices of theirs in disrepair, and build up the system for resisting floods, combating drought, and preventing and mitigating other disasters. We will formulate a general plan to control serious agricultural environmental pollution, intensify the treatment of heavy metal pollution in farmland and severe over-abstractions of groundwater, and work harder to prevent and control pollution from non-point agricultural sources. We will make drinking water safe in more rural areas, upgrade and renovate rural power grids, and build roads in counties, townships and villages. We will improve and develop biogas, rebuild rundown houses, and speed up telecommunications infrastructure development in the countryside.




4. Work hard to steadily carry out a new type of urbanization


In 2014, 54.6% of China’s total population will be permanent urban residents, and 37.1%, urban residents with household registration.


1) Granting urban residency to rural people who have moved to cities in an orderly manner. We will holistically develop support policies concerning household registration, land, capital, housing and basic public services and grant urban residency in an orderly way to permanent urban residents who are able to have stable jobs and live in urban areas. We will work out measures to narrow disparity within cities. We will promote the equalization of basic public services in urban and rural areas.


2) Improving the structure and form of urbanization. The state will formulate and implement a plan for developing major city clusters, while localities will work out and implement plans for a new type of urbanization in light of the conditions of their respective regions, in order to develop cities of all sizes and small towns in a coordinated manner. We will develop new cities and districts in accordance with rules and procedures.


3) Making the development of cities more sustainable. We will get industries and employment to better sustain the development of cities, and provide better urban utilities and public service facilities to sustain greater population concentrations and provide better services.


4) Improving the institutions and mechanisms of urbanization. To foster an institutional environment conducive to the sound development of urbanization more quickly, we will carry out trial programs of different types in different regions and at different levels to establish a number of systems and mechanisms. These include a mechanism for sharing the costs of granting urban residency to rural people who have moved to cities and a diversified investment and financing mechanism for urban development.




5. Strengthen price regulation and controls


1) Guaranteeing supplies. We will properly manage the scale, timing and pace of purchasing, stockpiling and selling grains, edible oils, cotton, sugar, pork and chemical fertilizers. We will implement well the reserve system for winter and spring vegetables in major northern cities. We will speed up the building of storage and logistic infrastructure for grains, cotton and other staple agricultural products, vigorously develop cold chain logistics for agricultural products, and promote the renovation and upgrading of wholesale agricultural product markets. We will fully implement the system of provincial governors assuming responsibility for the “rice bag” (grain supply) and city mayors for the “vegetable basket” (non-staple food supply).


2) Improving the price control mechanism. We will earnestly implement the contingency plan for controlling the prices of hogs and continue with trial programs of policy-based insurance for these prices. We will scale up the trial program of policy-based insurance for the prices of basic vegetables, and establish a long-term mechanism to keep vegetable prices stable. We will consolidate and improve the system of price adjustment funds. We will build a price index system for main commodities and services.


3) Strengthening price regulation. We will inspect prices and charges in education, medical care, banking and other sectors. We will clear up and abolish charges that violate regulations. We will work harder to rid monopoly pricing.


4) Improving the mechanism coupling subsidies with prices. We will improve and activate in a timely manner the mechanism to increase social assistance and social security benefits when prices rise to alleviate the impact higher prices have on those in need.





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