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2014-3-15 17:00| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 246| 评论: 0|来自: 新华社

摘要: Report on the Implementation of the 2013 Plan for National Economy and Social Development and on the 2014 Draft Plan for National Economy and Social Development



6. Improve and upgrade the industrial structure


1) Adjusting and improving the distribution of key industries. We will issue guidelines on adjusting the distribution of and relocating key industries, improve the industrial distribution in coastal, border and inland areas, and relocate high-polluting enterprises in cities to minimize their environmental impact. We will promote clustering and intensive development of industries and advance the transformation and upgrading of industrial parks and clusters.


2) Working hard to address the serious problem of overcapacity. We will firmly prohibit the addition of production capacity that breaches regulations, and make optimal use of existing production capacity by various means. We will step up the establishment and improvement of a permanent, market-based mechanism to address the serious problem of overcapacity. We will raise and strictly implement industry entry standards concerning energy consumption, environmental protection and workplace safety and abolish preferential policies to phase out outdated production capacity more quickly. We will implement a tiered electricity pricing policy for industries, such as those that produce electrolytic aluminum and cement.


3) Fully implementing the strategy of innovation-driven development. We project R&D spending to account for 2.17% of GDP in 2014. We will accelerate reform of the science and technology management system. We will increase government spending on basic research and research on cutting-edge technologies, technologies for the public good and key standard technologies. We will move faster to carry out major national scientific and technological projects and apply their advances to production. We will improve the policy that encourages national innovation demonstration zones to play their path-finding role. We will apply wide-reaching policies to encourage business innovation and start to create 100 innovative businesses. We will build up key scientific and technological infrastructure and advance knowledge innovation projects, and build a number of national engineering centers and laboratories for next-generation information technology, environmental protection and other key industries. We will vigorously develop strategic emerging industries. We will set forth policies and plans supporting development of cloud computing and civil space infrastructure, organize the implementation of innovation development and application demonstration projects in key industries, and promote industrial application of the Beidou Navigation Satellite System and other technologies developed by China. We will fully implement the venture capital plan for emerging industries, and integrate resources to set up pilot funds for investment in emerging industries in China. We will accelerate the growth of integrated circuits, the next-generation Internet, the mobile Internet, and the Internet of Things; strengthen the country’s infrastructure for broadband and Internet security; build smart cities; and fully implement information technology projects beneficial to the people.


4) Strengthening basic industries. We will build railways, especially in the central and western regions, and guide urban rail transport to develop in an orderly way. We will move faster to extend incomplete national expressways, complete bottleneck sections of national highways, and build rural roads in contiguous areas with acute difficulties. We will speed up the building of high-grade waterways along the Yangtze and other rivers, upgrade the distribution of coastal ports, and promote the orderly development of civil aviation infrastructure. We will reasonably control total energy consumption, improve the energy mix, and encourage the development of wind and solar power, and start construction of a number of hydropower and nuclear power projects. We will strengthen exploration, exploitation and utilization of natural gas, coal seam gas and shale gas.


5) Accelerating the growth of the service industry. We will issue guidelines on speeding up the development of producer services to promote the adjustment and upgrading of the industrial structure. We will continue to carry out national trials for comprehensively reforming the service trade and establish demonstration zones for developing service businesses. We will vigorously develop key industries such as R&D, modern logistics, financial leasing, energy conservation and environmental protection services, and inspection and testing services. We will put forward a mid-to-long-term development plan for the logistics industry, and build demonstration logistics parks. The value-added of the service sector is expected to grow by 8.3% in 2014.




7. Ensure the development of each region has its own features and coordinates with the development of others


1) Continuing to fully implement the overall strategy for developing different regions. We will step up the formulation of a policy document that prioritizes the large-scale development of the western region, further strengthen infrastructure development, vigorously develop industries that can take advantage of local strengths, and launch a new round of efforts aimed at returning even more marginal farmland to forests and grazing land to grassland. We will issue guidelines on fully revitalizing the Northeast and other old industrial bases. We will holistically upgrade and renovate old industrial bases across the country and old industrial districts in cities, and transform and develop resource-dependent cities and independent industrial and mining areas. We will fully carry out the strategy to promote the rise of the central region; make the region an integrated transport hub and a center for producing grain, energy and raw materials and developing modern equipment manufacturing and new- and high-technology industries; and accelerate development of demonstration zones for industries relocated from the eastern region and industrial parks in the central and western regions. We will encourage the eastern region to develop first; support the building of major platforms such as Qianhai, Nansha, Hengqin and Pingtan; and continue with pilot programs to develop the marine economy.


2) Developing new economic support zones at a faster pace. We will build new economic support zones along the Yangtze River, promote economic integration in the Yangtze River Delta, deepen cooperation in the pan-Pearl River Delta, and support the integrated development of city clusters along the middle reaches of the Yangtze. We will promote faster growth of the Central Plains Economic Zone, and deepen cooperation between Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces and Inner Mongolia. We will coordinate development in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and speed up the transformation and upgrading of the Bohai Sea region. We will encourage Yunnan and Guangxi to open to South Asia and Southeast Asia, and support northwestern China in westward opening up.


3) Making underdeveloped regions better able to develop. We will support the leapfrogging of Tibet and Xinjiang, and Tibetan ethnic areas in the provinces of Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and Qinghai. We will implement policies and programs supporting the revitalization of old revolutionary base areas, continue to implement the plan to help the poor by providing work-relief and relocating those in poverty-stricken areas, support the development of contiguous areas with acute difficulties, and give more pairing assistance to underdeveloped localities. This year, we will lift more than ten million people out of poverty.


4) Speeding up implementation of the functional zoning system. We will improve fiscal, investment, industrial, land, environmental and other support policies and the evaluation system for functional zoning. We will urge provincial-level administrative areas to issue and implement their functional zoning plans. We will launch functional zoning demonstrations.




8. Effectively promote ecological advancement


1) Intensifying institutional guarantees. We will introduce guidelines on speeding up ecological advancement and a policy document on better responding to climate change. We will carry out demonstrations for promoting ecological advancement. We will establish a sound mechanism for compensating for ecological damage. We will improve the system under which polluters pay for the pollution they cause and mineral exploiters compensate for their exploitation of mineral resources, and the system for holding responsible parties accountable for environmental damage and having them compensate for the damage they cause. We will enforce ecological red lines and an environmental credibility assessment system for enterprises.


2) Working hard to conserve energy and reduce emissions. We will intensify the responsibility and accountability system for meeting energy conservation and emissions reduction targets, and conduct assessments to control energy consumption and intensity. We will carry out key projects for conserving energy and reducing emissions; intensify efforts to conserve energy, reduce emissions, and enhance oversight in key areas such as industry, construction, transportation, and public institutions; launch an intensive campaign to get more than 10,000 enterprises to save energy and lower carbon emissions; and move faster to establish an online system to monitor energy consumption by major energy consumers. We will start implementing the top-runner system for energy efficiency and forcibly impose green building standards on the construction of buildings for public welfare and public buildings of 20,000 square meters or more. We will implement guidelines on accelerating development of the energy conservation and environmental protection industries. We will push forward the special science and technology action for energy conservation and emissions reduction. We will continue to get everyone to save energy and reduce emissions.


3) Energetically developing the circular economy. We will implement the Strategy and Near-term Action Plan for Developing the Circular Economy. We will build circular economy demonstration cities and counties, upgrade industrial parks to make their operations more circular, and more quickly make the recycling of renewable resources an industry. We will proceed with the trials of developing national demonstration centers for recovering mineral resources from urban waste and of recovering resources from kitchen waste and handling it safely, implement the project to develop the second group of 100 demonstration centers and 100 key enterprises that make comprehensive use of resources, and comprehensively utilize crop stalks in major areas that produce grain or cotton. We will bring order to mining and make it green. We will carry out pilot projects and demonstrations for seawater desalination.


4) Striving to improve the environment and ecosystem. We will intensify the implementation of the Action Plan for Preventing and Controlling Air Pollution, start by reducing PM10 and PM2.5 emissions, and strengthen coordination of air pollution prevention and control efforts with the focus on the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Pearl River Delta. We will improve economic policies for upgrading refineries and refurbishing coal furnaces to ensure that flue gas is desulfurized, denitrified and dust free. We will continue to comprehensively improve the water environment in key water basins and areas, and formulate and implement a clean water action plan. We will strengthen control of soil pollution. We will speed up the development of urban sewage and garbage treatment facilities. We will protect and develop forest and grassland resources, and work to comprehensively control the sources of dust storms affecting Beijing and Tianjin, prevent karst areas from becoming stony deserts and improve the ecology of the Loess Plateau, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and other major regions. We will comprehensively practice cleaner production.


5) Responding to climate change by all possible means. We will thoroughly carry out pilot programs and demonstrations to encourage low carbon growth in provinces, regions, cities, industrial parks, and communities. We will research ways to establish a national market for the trading of carbon emission rights and a statistical accounting system for greenhouse gas emissions, and become better able to respond to climate change. We will implement the national strategy for adjusting to climate change. We will take a constructive part in international negotiations on climate change and continue to engage in international exchanges and pragmatic cooperation on responding to climate change.





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