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2014-3-15 18:14| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 198| 评论: 0|来自: 华尔街日报

摘要: Report on the Implementation of Central and Local Budgets in 2013 and on Draft Central and Local Budgets for 2014


(2) Budgets for government-managed funds




In 2013, revenue from government-managed funds nationwide came to 5.223861 trillion yuan, and their expenditure amounted to 5.011646 trillion yuan.




Revenue from central government-managed funds totaled 423.17 billion yuan, 116.9% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 27.5%. The surplus was mainly because part of the after-tax profits of the China National Tobacco Corporation was collected by the central government to support railway construction. Adding the 83.473 billion yuan carried forward from 2012, revenue from central government-managed funds totaled 506.643 billion yuan in 2013. Expenditure of central government-managed funds totaled 425.947 billion yuan, 96.8% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 27%. Of this, central government spending was 276.086 billion yuan and transfer payments to local governments amounted to 149.861 billion yuan. A total of 80.696 billion yuan has been carried forward to 2014 from central government-managed funds.




Revenue from funds managed by local governments reached 4.800691 trillion yuan, an increase of 40.3%. This figure includes 4.124952 trillion yuan from the sale of state-owned land-use rights. Adding the 149.861 billion yuan in transfer payments from central government-managed funds, total revenue from local government-managed funds was 4.950552 trillion yuan. Expenditure of local government-managed funds totaled 4.73556 trillion yuan, an increase of 38.6%. This includes 4.060045 trillion yuan of spending from the proceeds of selling state-owned land-use rights. Surplus revenue from local government-managed funds has been carried forward to 2014.



(3) Budgets for state capital operations




In 2013, revenue from state capital operations nationwide totaled 165.136 billion yuan, and expenditure on state capital operations, 151.36 billion yuan.




Revenue from state capital operations of the central government totaled 105.827 billion yuan, 104.7% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 9%. Adding the 7.195 billion yuan carried forward from 2012, total revenue stood at 113.022 billion yuan. Expenditure on the central government’s state capital operations came to 97.819 billion yuan, 90.3% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 5.2%. This figure includes 6.5 billion yuan, a 30% increase, that was spent on social security and other areas related to the people’s livelihood, as planned in last year’s public finance budgets. Surplus revenue from the central government’s state capital operations totaling 15.203 billion yuan was carried over to 2014.




Revenue from state capital operations of local governments totaled 59.309 billion yuan, and total expenditure amounted to 53.541 billion yuan. Surplus revenue from state capital operations of local governments was carried forward to 2014.



(4) Budgets for social insurance funds




Revenue from social insurance funds nationwide totaled 3.451556 trillion yuan, 105.1% of the budgeted figure. This includes 2.593881 trillion yuan of insurance premiums and 737.15 billion yuan of government subsidies. Expenditure of social insurance funds totaled 2.861675 trillion yuan nationwide, 102.5% of the budgeted figure. Revenue exceeded expenditure in 2013, leaving a surplus of 589.881 billion yuan, and the year-end balance reached 4.344185 trillion yuan after the surplus in 2013 was rolled over.






On the whole, the 2013 budgets were implemented well and good progress was made in all our fiscal work. We owe this to the scientific decisions and correct leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council; the tightened oversight of and effective guidance from NPC deputies and members of the CPPCC National Committee; and the hard work and joint efforts of all regions, government departments and people of all the country’ s ethnic groups.




At the same time, we are fully aware of the problems and challenges we still face in fiscal reforms and development: there is a considerable tension between the slow rise in government revenue and the stubborn rise in expenditures; the budget management system needs to be more rounded, scientific, standardized, and transparent; our tax system is not entirely in tune with the new circumstances of economic and social development, reform, and transformation; powers and spending responsibilities between the central government and local governments are not clearly defined, rational, or standardized; carryover and surplus funds are too large; there are certain risks and hidden dangers in local government debts; some foundational work is still not solid enough; and financial discipline need to be urgently strengthened. We will give priority to these problems and take effective measures to resolve them.





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