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2014-3-15 18:14| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 201| 评论: 0|来自: 华尔街日报

摘要: Report on the Implementation of Central and Local Budgets in 2013 and on Draft Central and Local Budgets for 2014


(3) Refining the medical and health care and social security systems




First, we must facilitate the reform of the medical and health care systems. In line with the requirements for each year’s work set forth in the plan for deepening the reform of the medical and health care systems during the Twelfth Five-Year Plan period, we will increase government subsidies for the new rural cooperative medical care system and basic medical insurance for nonworking urban residents from 280 yuan to 320 yuan per person per year and accordingly increase the annual individual contribution from 70 to 90 yuan per person. We will more quickly push ahead the work of insuring rural and nonworking urban residents against serious illnesses to further reduce their burden of medical expenses. We will increase input in medical assistance in urban and rural areas, expand access to such assistance, and provide assistance to those suffering from serious mental illness. We will increase financial input in public health, continue to implement basic and major public health services projects, and raise annual per capita spending on basic public health services to 35 yuan. We will continue with the trials on comprehensive reform in county-level public hospitals, and develop better policies of subsidizing community medical and health care centers to motivate them and their staff to enhance their services in terms of both quantity and quality.


Second, we will refine the old-age insurance system. We will establish a unified basic old-age insurance system for the rural population and nonworking urban residents, and formulate methods to link the old-age insurance systems in urban and rural areas. We will adhere to the basic old-age insurance system that combines contributions from various sources in society with personal accounts, and improve the regulations on personal accounts and mechanisms to incentivize people to pay more to get more. We will uphold the actuarial balance principle and close institutional loopholes. We will increase the basic pension benefits for retired enterprise employees by 10%. In addition, we will vigorously move forward the reform of old-age insurance in government bodies and public institutions.


Third, we will improve the subsidy policies for low-income groups. We will improve the mechanism for increasing social assistance and social security benefits when consumer prices rise. We will set aside money to raise subsistence allowances for urban and rural residents living in areas that receive central government subsidies by 15 yuan and 12 yuan, respectively, per person per month. We will implement the system of temporary assistance across the country, and further raise subsidies and living allowances for entitled groups.


Fourth, we must continue to follow a more proactive employment policy and redouble efforts to implement it, with the focus on helping university graduates find employment or start businesses, and rural workers’ transition into the cities for employment.



(4) Giving impetus to the reform and development of education, science and technology, and culture




First, we will determine how public different types of education are, so we can improve our financial support policies accordingly. We will support the efforts to address issues in key areas and weak links of education reform and development, and further strengthen regulation of the use of government funds for education. We will broaden resources for pre-school education in rural areas. We will increase government subsidies for rural students receiving compulsory education by an appropriate amount per student, improve the basic facilities in weak schools for compulsory education in poor areas, and promote balanced development of compulsory education in urban and rural areas. We will steadily raise government subsidies per student in special needs education schools. We will more quickly develop modern vocational education, and establish a sound system oriented toward reform and performance in vocational colleges with a funding system based on student numbers. At the same time, we will encourage businesses, individuals and society to invest in vocational education through multiple channels. We will implement reform measures to establish a budgetary appropriation system in institutions of higher learning that supports their intensive development. On the basis of IT-based education management and in light of the situation in which children of rural migrant workers are moving beyond regions and into cities with their parents, we will improve the related measurement and calculation methods to increase transfer payments to the regions where these children are accepted.


Second, we will deepen reform of the system for managing science and technology, and support the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy. We will improve and strengthen management of the central government-funded research programs and their funding; scale up input in basic research, improve the mechanism of government support for research on basic, strategic and frontier science and generic technology; and improve market-oriented mechanisms for technological innovation. We will promote reform of the mechanisms for managing the implementation of major national science and technology programs, and further intensify performance-based management of special funds. We will make further progress in optimizing and integrating science and technology programs financed by the central government, and put in place mechanisms for evaluating performance of, making dynamic adjustments to and suspending science and technology programs (special projects and funds). We will more quickly formulate policies on transferring and profiting from research results. We will activate the state seed funds for encouraging the application of science and technology advances, and refine the policies on venture capital seed funds for small and medium-sized science and technology enterprises.


Third, we will support improvement of the public cultural services system, and promote the sound development of the culture industry. We will stimulate the integration and overall coordinated use of public cultural resources and make basic public cultural services more standardized and accessible, especially in rural areas and poverty-stricken areas in the central and western regions. We will encourage the development of sports and fitness activities nationwide, and support large stadiums and gymnasiums in opening up to the public free of charge or at low prices. We will make efficient use of the funds for developing cultural industries, and vigorously integrate the development of cultural and creative industries as well as design services with that of related industries.





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