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2014-3-14 13:04| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 151| 评论: 0|来自: 中国网

摘要: Explanatory Notes for the “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Some Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening the Reform”


Explanatory Notes for the “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Some Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening the Reform”



Xi Jinping




On behalf of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee, I will now explain to the Plenum several issues pertaining to the “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Some Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening the Reform.”



I. The Drafting Process of the Decision




Since the reform and opening-up initiative was introduced in 1978, the third plenary sessions of past CPC central committees have provided the public with important information for judging the governance policy and focuses of the new generations of Party leadership. The discussion topics, decisions made, measures to take, and signals released bore great significance for the Party’s work in the five to 10 years following the plenums.




After the Party’s 18th National Congress, the Central Committee set out to determine the topics for discussion at the third plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. The Party’s 18th National Congress set the goal of completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and emphasized that the Party must, with greater political courage and wisdom, and lose no time in deepening reform in key sectors and resolutely discard all notions and systems that hinder efforts to pursue development in a scientific way. It also pointed out that the Party should set up a well-developed, scientific, standardized and effective framework of systems and ensure that operating institutions in all sectors are fully functioning. To achieve the strategic goals and carry out the plans set at the 18th National Party Congress, we must lose no time promoting reform comprehensively.




Thirty-five years have passed since the Party made the historic decision of shifting the focus of the Party and state to economic development and initiating the reform and opening-up drive at the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee. The propelling force behind the improvement of the Chinese people’s life, the advancement of our socialist country, the progress of our Party, and the fact that China has gained important international status is no other than our perseverance to carry forward the reform and opening-up drive.




During his inspection tour of the southern provinces in 1992, Comrade Deng Xiaoping said, “If we do not adhere to socialism, do not implement the policies of reform and opening up to the outside world, do not develop the economy and raise the people’s living standards, we will find ourselves in a blind alley.” Today, in retrospect, we have a better understanding of his remarks. This is why, as we are well aware, only socialism can save China, and only reform and opening up can develop China, socialism and Marxism.




From the historical lessons we have learned and the needs of the current times, the Party Central Committee has been repeatedly stressing since its 18th National Congress that reform and opening up plays the decisive role in determining the destiny of contemporary China. Reform is also the key to realizing the “two century goals” and the great revival of the Chinese nation. There are no bounds to practice and development, to emancipating the people’s minds, or to the reform and opening-up effort. We will reach an impasse if we stall and go into reverse on our path, and reform and opening up only transpires in the progressive sense – there is no end to it. Facing the new situation and new tasks, we must deepen reform comprehensively to strive for solutions to the major problems challenging China’s development, and work tirelessly to promote the improvement and progress of socialism with Chinese characteristics.




As extensive and profound changes are taking place domestically and internationally, China’s development faces a series of prominent dilemmas and challenges, and there are quite some problems and difficulties on its path of development: Unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable development remains a big problem. It is weak in scientific and technological innovation. The industrial structure is unbalanced and the growth mode remains extensive. The development gap between urban and rural areas and between regions is still large, and so are income disparities. Social problems are on the rise markedly. There are many problems affecting the people’s immediate interests in education, employment, social security, health care, housing, the ecological environment, food and drug safety, workplace safety, public security, law enforcement, administration of justice, etc. Some people still lead hard lives. Going through formalities and bureaucratism as well as hedonism and extravagance are serious problems. Some sectors are prone to corruption and other types of misconduct, and the fight against corruption remains a serious challenge for us. To solve these problems, the key lies in deepening reform.




In April this year, after deep thinking and research, and after soliciting opinions extensively both inside and outside the Party, the CPC Central Committee’s Political Bureau decided that deepening reform comprehensively would be the central topic for discussion at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and that the session would come out with a decision.




On April 20, the CPC Central Committee issued the Notice on Soliciting Opinions on Deepening Reform Comprehensively for Discussion at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. It was unanimously agreed by all regions and departments that by selecting this topic for discussion at the session, the Party answered the calls of the Party members, officials and common people in an effort to address the issues that are of most concern to the whole society. The public showed widespread support for the decision.




All the third plenary sessions of the CPC Central Committees convened in the past since the reform and opening-up initiative was introduced in 1978 have focused on the discussion of how to deepen reforms, sending an important signal that our Party will unswervingly uphold the banner of reform and opening up, and firmly adhere to the theories, guidelines and policies put forth since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Party Central Committee. In a word, it is to answer the question of what banner to hold and what path to take under the new historical conditions.




The continuation of deepening reform comprehensively as the central topic at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee is an important proclamation made by our Party, which well reflects the CPC’s adherence to the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Important Theory of Three Represents and the Scientific Outlook on Development. Under the new circumstances, the Party is unswervingly implementing its basic guidelines and political program, learning from its past experience and meeting its fundamental requirements, and firmly upholding the great banner of reform and opening up.




After the topic was decided upon, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee set up a drafting group for the Decision of the plenum. I served as the head of the group, with comrades Liu Yunshan and Zhang Gaoli as deputy heads. Persons in charge of related departments and leading officials of some provinces and municipalities also took part. The drafting work was led by the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.




Right from its founding, the drafting group extensively solicited opinions over a period of seven months, carried out appraisals of important topics, conducted investigations and researches, and held discussions and revised the document many times. During this period, three meetings of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau and two meetings of the Political Bureau were held to review the draft Decision. The draft was also circulated among a certain number of Party members and retired members for their suggestions. Opinions were also heard from the central committees of the non-Communist parties, heads of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and individuals with no party affiliation.




The feedback showed that all consulted groups and individuals had reached the consensus that the Decision offers an in-depth analysis of the key issues challenging China’s reform, development and stability both in theory and practice, and expounds on the significance of deepening reform comprehensively and the future of our reform. It sets forth the guidelines for deepening reform comprehensively, as well as the goals, tasks and underlying principles; it delineates a new blueprint for the reform effort, and envisions the new targets with vigor; it includes the new thoughts, judgment and measures for deepening reform comprehensively, and reflects the calls, appeals and aspirations of the society; and it epitomizes the Party and the general public’s political consensus and wisdom in action to deepen the reform comprehensively.




A consensus was reached among all groups and individuals that the Decision lays out a balanced plan for the strategic key areas in deepening reform comprehensively, with prioritized goals and focal points. It also introduces the working mechanism, methods of implementation, and the timetable and roadmap for the reform plan, making a series of major breakthroughs in the theories and policies guiding the reform effort. It once again makes overall plans for deepening the reform comprehensively, serving as a general mobilization for the nation to take action. The Decision of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee is bound to exert a significant and far-reaching influence on the development of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics.




In the course of soliciting opinions, people from all sides offered many valuable ideas and suggestions. With careful study and discussion of these ideas and suggestions within the drafting group, as instructed by the Party Central Committee, important revisions were made to the Decision.






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