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2014-3-14 13:04| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 153| 评论: 0|来自: 中国网

摘要: Explanatory Notes for the “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Some Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening the Reform”



Two, adhering to and improving the basic economic system. The basic economic system with public ownership as the mainstay of the economy and economic entities of diverse ownership developing together is an important pillar of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and is the foundation of the socialist market economy.




Since the introduction of the reform and opening-up policies in 1978, the structure of ownership has undergone gradual adjustment, with changing weight of public and non-public sectors in their contribution to the economy and employment. The economy and society grew more vigorous during the process. Under such circumstances, how to better recognize the dominant position of public ownership and stick to this position and how to further explore the effective forms for materializing the basic economic system have become major topics for us.




It is emphasized in the Decision that we must unswervingly consolidate and develop the public economy, persist in the dominant position of public ownership, give full play to the leading role of the state-owned economy, and incessantly increase its vitality, control and influence.




Adhering to and furthering the relevant deliberations made since the Party’s 15th National Congress, the Decision proposes to vigorously develop a mixed economy. It stresses that a mixed economy with cross-shareholding by and blending of state-owned capital, collective capital and non-public capital is an important way to materialize the basic economic system of China. It helps to improve the functions of state-owned capital, increase its value and raise its competitiveness. This is an effective channel and inevitable choice for us to adhere to the dominant role of the public economy and improve its vitality, control and influence in the new circumstances.




The Decision states that China will improve the state assets management system, strengthen state assets oversight with capital management at the core, reform the authorized operation mechanism for state capital. State-owned capital investment operations must serve the strategic goals of the state, invest more in key industries and areas that are vital to national security and are the lifeblood of the economy, focus on offering public services, develop important and forward-looking strategic industries, protect the ecological environment, support scientific and technological progress, and guarantee national security. The government will transfer part of the state-owned capital to social security funds. We will increase the proportion of state-owned capital gains that are turned over to the public finance, to be used to ensure and improve the people’s livelihood.




State-owned enterprises (SOEs) constitute an important force for advancing national modernization and protecting the common interests of the people. Through many years of reform, SOEs have generally assimilated themselves into the market economy. In the meantime, however, they have also found problems and drawbacks in their system, which calls for further reform. The Decision proposes a series of targeted reform measures: We must ensure that state-owned capital increases its input into public-welfare enterprises; in natural monopoly industries held by state-owned capital, carry out a reform focusing on separation of government administration from enterprise management and from state assets, franchise operation, and government oversight, separate networks from operations and decontrol competitive businesses based on the characteristics of different industries; improve the corporate governance structure with coordinated operations and effective checks and balances; establish a system of professional managers, and give better play to the role of business executives; establish a long-term incentive and restraint mechanism, and strengthen investigations into the accountability of SOE operations and investment; explore ways to publicize important information, including SOE financial budgets; and SOEs should appropriately increase the proportion of market-oriented recruitment, and rationally determine and strictly regulate the salary standards, position benefits, position-related expenses and business spending of SOE management personnel. These measures will stimulate SOEs to improve the modern corporate system, enhance their operating efficiency, better fulfill their social obligations, and play a better role in the economy.




We must adhere to the “two unswervinglies” in order to continue and improve our basic economic system. The Decision proposes reform measures on multiple levels to encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public sector of the economy, and to stimulate its vigor and creativity. On functional positioning, the Decision points out that both the public and non-public sectors of the economy are important components of the socialist market economy, and an important basis for China’s economic and social development. On the protection of property rights, the Decision points out that the property rights of both the public and non-public sectors of the economy are inviolable. On policy treatment, the Decision stresses equal rights, opportunities, rules, and a unified market access system. The Decision encourages non-public enterprises to participate in the reform of SOEs, encourages development of mixed-ownership enterprises in which private capital holds majority shares, and encourages qualified private enterprises to establish a modern corporate system. All these will contribute to the healthy development of the non-public sector of the economy.




Three, deepening the reform of the fiscal and taxation systems. Finance is the foundation and an important pillar of state governance. Good fiscal and taxation systems are the institutional guarantee for improving resources allocation, maintaining market unity, promoting social equity, and realizing enduring peace and stability. Developed on the basis of the tax distribution system reform initiated in 1994, the current fiscal and taxation systems have played an important role in increasing the government’s financial strength and promoting the rapid growth of the economy.




As the situation changes, the current fiscal and taxation systems cannot effectively respond to the requirements for dividing powers between the central and local governments to improve state governance. They have lagged behind our effort to transform the economic growth pattern and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the economy and society, and are causing problems that hinder economic and social development.




Fiscal and taxation system reform is one of the key points in deepening reform comprehensively. The reform mainly includes improvement of the budgeting and taxation systems, and establishment of a system in which authority of office matches responsibility for expenditure.




The Decision stipulates that we will adopt a complete, standardized, open and transparent budget system, and appropriately increase the authority of office and responsibility of expenditure of the central government, including those concerning national defense, foreign affairs, national security, and unified national market rules and management. The authority of office over some social security programs, and the construction and maintenance of major trans-regional projects will be shared by the central and local governments, and the authority of office will be gradually clarified in this regard. The central government can delegate some expenditure responsibilities to local governments through transfer payments. In terms of trans-regional public services with great impacts on other regions, the central government will share some of the expenditure responsibilities of local governments through transfer payments.




The main aim of the reform is to clarify authority of office, reform and stabilize taxation, implement transparent budgeting and increase efficiency. It also aims to accelerate the development of a modern fiscal system that is conducive to the transformation of the economic growth pattern, the establishment of a fair market under unified rules, and the promotion of equal access to basic public services; develop fiscal and taxation systems that are compatible with the financial resources and authority of office of the central and local governments; and mobilize the initiative of both the central and local governments.




Reform of the fiscal and taxation systems is a step-by-step process and will take some time to complete. The Party Central Committee has clearly stated that we must maintain the stability of the current financial pattern of the central and local governments and further rationalize the division of revenues between them.




Four, improving mechanisms and institutions for the integrated development of urban and rural areas. The unbalanced development between urban and rural areas is a serious problem hindering the development of our economy and society, a major problem we must solve in order to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and accelerate socialist modernization. Tremendous changes have taken place in China’s rural areas since the reform and opening-up policy was introduced in late 1978. However, the urban-rural dual structure has not changed fundamentally, and the widening gap between urban and rural development has not been reversed. To solve these problems, we must push forward the integrated development of urban and rural areas.




The Decision sates that we must improve the mechanisms and institutions to form new relations between industry and agriculture and between urban and rural areas in which industry promotes agriculture, urban areas support rural development, agriculture and industry benefit each other, and there is integrated urban and rural development, so that the overwhelming majority of farmers can participate in the modernization process on an equal basis and share the fruits of modernization.




The Decision proposes a series of reform measures to improve the mechanisms and institutions for integrated development of urban and rural areas: One, accelerating the building of a new type of agricultural operation system. We will maintain the dominant status of family operation in agriculture; encourage the transfer of contracted land-use right to big, specialized operators, family farms, farmers’ cooperatives and agricultural enterprises; encourage rural areas to develop the cooperative economy; encourage and guide industrial and commercial capital to invest in rural areas to develop modern planting and breeding industries suited for commercialized management; and allow farmers to develop industrialized operation of agriculture by becoming shareholders using their contracted land-use right, among other measures. Two, endowing farmers with more property rights. We will protect farmers’ contracted land-use rights by law, safeguard the rights and interests of farmers as the members of collective economic organizations, ensure rural households’ homestead usufruct, and select several pilot areas to steadily and prudently push forward the mortgage, guarantee and transfer of farmers’ residential property rights. Three, promoting equal exchanges of factors of production and balanced allocation of public resources between urban and rural areas. We will ensure migrant workers receive equal pay for equal work, and ensure farmers equally share the gains from added value of land; improve the agricultural insurance system; encourage investment in rural development, and permit enterprises and social organizations to start all kinds of undertakings in rural areas; make a balanced allocation of compulsory education resources between urban and rural areas, integrate the basic old-age insurance and health-care insurance systems of urban and rural residents, and improve the balanced development of the minimum living allowance system in both urban and rural areas; and steadily make basic urban public services available to all permanent residents in cities, and incorporate farmers who have registered as urban residents into the urban housing and social security network.





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