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2014-3-14 19:44| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 83| 评论: 0|来自: 中国网

摘要: Communiqué of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC



The plenum stressed: The success of reform and opening up has provided us with important experience for deepening the reform comprehensively. We have to adhere to it in the long term. What is the most important is to uphold the leadership of the Party, adhere to the Party’s basic line, reject both the old and rigid closed-door policy and any attempt to abandon socialism and take an erroneous path, firmly take the socialist road and ensure that our reform is in the right direction. We should emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts, keep up with the times, be realistic and pragmatic, base ourselves on reality in everything we do, summarize successful domestic experience, learn useful experience from other countries, and boldly promote innovation both in theory and practice. We should put people first, respect the people’s central position in the country, give full rein to their creativity, promote reform with the close support of the people, and promote well-rounded development of the person. We should strike a balance between reform, development and stability, implement reform boldly and steadily, combine the top-level design with cautious advance, promote both comprehensive advance and breakthroughs at key points, improve scientific decision-making, rally consensus from all sides and form joint force for reform.




The plenum required that by 2020 decisive results will have been achieved in the reform of important areas and crucial segments, and institutions and systems that are structurally complete, scientifically standardized and effective in operation are to be formed, to ensure that institutions in all areas become more mature and complete.




The plenum made overall deployment for comprehensively deepening reform, stressing that it is necessary to uphold and improve the basic economic system, speed up the improvement of a modern market system, accelerate the transformation of government functions, deepen fiscal and taxation reform, improve the integration of urban and rural development, build a new open economic system, speed up the building of socialist democracy, promote the rule of law in the country, improve the mechanism for conducting checks and oversight over the exercise of power, encourage innovation in the cultural sector, social undertakings and social governance, accelerate ecological progress, deepen reform in national defense and the armed forces, and strengthen and improve the Party’s leadership over the reform.




The plenum pointed out: The basic economic system with public ownership playing a dominant role and different economic sectors developing side by side is an important pillar of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and is the foundation of the socialist market economy. Both the public and non-public sectors are key components of the socialist market economy, and are important bases for the economic and social development of China. We must unswervingly consolidate and develop the public economy, persist in the dominant position of public ownership, give full play to the leading role of the state-owned sector, and continuously increase its vitality, controlling force and influence. We must unwaveringly encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public sector, and stimulate its dynamism and creativity. It also points out that it is necessary to improve the property rights protection system, vigorously develop a mixed economy, promote establishment of the modern corporate system in state-owned enterprises, and support the healthy development of the non-public sectors.




The plenum pointed out: Establishing a unified, open, competitive and orderly market system is the basis for the market to play a decisive role in the allocation of resources. We must put in place a modern market system in which enterprises enjoy independent management and fair competition, consumers have free choice and make autonomous consumption decisions, products and factors of production flow freely and are exchanged on an equal basis, strive to remove market barriers, and raise the efficiency and fairness of resource allocation. It stresses that it is necessary to enact market rules that are fair, open and transparent, improving the mechanism whereby prices are mainly determined by the market, forming a unified construction land market for both urban and rural areas, improving the financial market, and deepening reform of the management system for science and technology.




The plenum stated: Scientific macro control and effective government administration are the intrinsic requirements for exploiting the advantages of the socialist market economy system. We should transform government functions, deepen the reform of the administrative system, exercise government administration in an innovative way, increase public trust in the government and improve its competence, and build a law-based and service-oriented government. Towards this end, it is necessary to improve the macro control system, fully and correctly perform government functions and streamline government structure, so as to enhance the level of scientific administration.




The plenum pointed out: Finance is the foundation and an important pillar of state governance. Good fiscal and taxation systems are the institutional guarantee for optimizing resources allocation, maintaining market unity, promoting social equity, and realizing enduring peace and stability. We must improve legislation, clarify powers and responsibilities, reform the taxation system, stabilize tax burdens, have transparent budgets, increase efficiency, and establish a modern fiscal system to mobilize the initiative of both the central and local governments. In this regard, the specific tasks proposed are: Improving the budget management system, improving the taxation system, and establishing a system whereby authority of office matches responsibility of expenditure.




The plenum pointed out: The urban-rural dual structure is a main obstacle to the integrated development of urban and rural areas. We must improve the mechanisms and institutions to form new relations between industry and agriculture and between urban and rural areas in which industry promotes agriculture, urban areas support rural development, agriculture and industry benefit each other, and urban and rural areas achieve integrated development, so that the overwhelming majority of farmers can participate in the modernization process on an equal basis and share the fruits of modernization. Towards this end, it proposed the tasks of accelerating the building of a new type of agricultural operation system, endowing farmers with more property rights, promoting equal exchanges of factors of production and balanced allocation of public resources between urban and rural areas, and improving the institutions and mechanisms for promoting the sound development of urbanization.




The plenum pointed out: To adapt to the new trend of economic globalization, we must promote domestic openness together with openness to the outside world, better integrate the “bring in” and “go global” strategies, stimulate the orderly and free flow of international and domestic factors of production, highly efficient allocation of resources and in-depth market integration, and foster new advantages in participating in and leading international economic cooperation and competition at a faster pace, in order to promote reform through opening up. For reform in this regard, the plenum proposed the following major tasks of relaxing control over investment access, speeding up the construction of free trade zones, and further opening up inland and border areas.




The plenum pointed out: To develop socialist democracy, we must ensure the position of the people as masters of the country, uphold and improve the system of people’s congress, the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC, the system of regional ethnic autonomy, and the system of community-level self-governance. We will attach greater importance to improving the system of democracy and diversifying the forms of democracy, and expand citizens’ orderly political participation in all levels and fields to give full play to the strength of the socialist political system. In this regard, the plenum set out the following tasks of bringing the people’s congress system in line with the times, promoting wide, multi-tiered and institutionalized consultative democracy, and giving full play to democracy at the community level.




The plenum pointed out: To build a China under the rule of law, we must uphold the unity of the rule of law, we will deepen reform of the judicial system, accelerate the building of a just, efficient and authoritative socialist judicial system to safeguard the people’s rights and interests. In this endeavor, we must maintain the authority of the Constitution and laws, deepening reform of the administrative law-enforcement system, ensure the independent exercise of the judicial and procuratorial power in accordance with the law, improve the mechanism for the use of judicial power, and improve the judicial system to protect human rights.




The plenum pointed out: The fundamental solution to keeping power under control is to put power, government operations and personnel management under institutional checks to ensure that the people oversee the exercise of power and that power is exercised in a transparent manner. We must build a power-exercise mechanism featuring scientific decision-making, resolute enforcement and effective oversight. We will improve a system that combats and prevents corruption, promote political integrity, and see to it that officials are honest, the government is clean, and political integrity is upheld. In this regard, the plenum proposed forming a scientific and effective mechanism to check and coordinate power, being more innovative in creating mechanisms and institutions to combat corruption, and having systemic rules to improve work style.





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