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2014-3-14 19:44| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 84| 评论: 0|来自: 中国网

摘要: Communiqué of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC



The plenum pointed out: To develop China into a nation with a strong socialist culture and improve its cultural soft power, we must adhere to the orientation of advanced socialist culture and the socialist path of making cultural advances with Chinese characteristics, stick to the principle that people are the center of all cultural work, and further deepen cultural reform, improve the cultural management system, establish and improve a modern cultural market system, build a modern public cultural services system, and improve cultural openness.




The plenum pointed out: In order to make sure that more fruits of development are shared by all the people in a fairer way, we must accelerate the reform of social undertakings, satisfactorily resolve the most pressing and real problems of the greatest concern to the people, and better satisfy the people’s demands. The tasks listed in this regard include: deepening the comprehensive reforms in the area of education, improving systems and mechanisms that boost employment and business startups, forming a reasonable and orderly pattern of income distribution, instituting a fairer and more sustainable social security system, and deepening reform in medicine and health care.




The plenum pointed out: To make innovations in social governance, we must direct our primary attention to safeguarding the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people, increase the factors of harmony to the maximum, invigorate social development and improve the social governance level, safeguard national security, ensure that the people live and work in peace and contentment, and that the society is stable and orderly. The specific objectives listed in this regard include improving methods of social governance, kindling the vigor of social organizations, innovating systems that can effectively prevent and solve social conflicts, improving the public security system, establishing the Council of State Security, and improving the national security system and strategies to guarantee the country’s national security.




The plenum pointed out: To promote ecological progress, we must establish complete and integrated institutions and systems, with which the ecological environment is protected, improve the system of natural resource property rights and the system of natural resource utilization control, delimite a red line for ecological protection, implement sound compensation systems for use of resources and for damage to the ecological environment, and reform the ecological protection management system.




The plenum pointed out: Aiming at the goal of building up the people’s armed forces that are loyal to the CPC, be able to win and uphold fine traditions under the new conditions, we will endeavor to resolve the prominent problems that constrain the development of national defense and the armed forces, be innovative in developing military theories, enhance military strategic guidance, implement correct military strategy for the new period, and build a system of modern military forces with Chinese characteristics. For endeavor in this regard, the tasks listed include deepening the adjustment and reform of the military administrative setup and staffing, promoting adjustment and reform of military policies and systems, and deepening the integration between the military and civilian sectors.




The plenum stressed: To deepen reform comprehensively, we must enhance and improve the Party’s leadership, ensure that the Party plays its role as the leadership core in exercising overall leadership and coordinating all efforts, and improve the Party’s art of leadership and governance to ensure the victory of our reform. Towards this end, the plenum decided to establish the Leading Group for Deepening Reform Comprehensively to be in charge of designing reform on an overall basis, arranging and coordinating reforms of different sectors, pushing forward reforms as a whole and supervising the implementation of reform plans; demanded that the Party committees at all levels should perform their duty of leadership in the reform, in addition to listing the tasks of deepening reform of the systems for the management of officials and personnel, establishing institutions and mechanisms to pool talented people, giving full play to the people’s enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, and encouraging bold exploration by the people and at local and community levels before timely summing up experience.




The plenum analyzed the current situation and tasks, emphasizing that all Party members should focus on the central government’s major policy decisions for deepening the reform in both thinking and action, be more enterprising, raise their awareness of opportunities and responsibility, keep to the right direction, explore and practice boldly, pay attention to planning and coordination, consolidate consensus for reform, perform leadership responsibilities and be resolute in realizing the reform decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee. We should follow these decisions and arrangements, seek progress and accomplishment while maintaining stability, do work well on all fronts, maintain the momentum in economic and social development, show concern for the people’s livelihood, particularly those in difficulties, and promote social harmony and stability. We will continue to push forward with the education campaign in the Party’s mass line and strive to achieve the goal of economic and social development as planned.




The plenum called on all Party members to rally closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary, forge ahead with determination to tackle difficult problems, usher in a new chapter of the great cause of reform and opening up, strive to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, continue to win new victories for socialism with Chinese characteristics, and realize the Chinese dream of the great revival of the Chinese nation!






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