(二)2014年预算收支情况。 2.
Budgetary revenue and expenditure in 2014
1、一般公共预算。 (1)
General public budgets
Revenue in the general public
budgets nationwide totaled 14.034974 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.6% over
2013 (as below). Adding the 100 billion yuan from the Central Budget
Stabilization Fund, utilized revenue totaled 14.134974 trillion yuan.
Expenditure in the general public budgets nationwide amounted to 15.166154
trillion yuan, up 8.2%. Including the 219.52 billion yuan used to replenish the
Central Budget Stabilization Fund and local budget stabilization funds and
carried forward to the 2015 local budgets, and the 99.3 billion yuan used to
repay the principal on local government bonds, expenditure totaled 15.484974
trillion yuan. Total expenditure therefore exceeded total revenue, leaving a
deficit of 1.35 trillion yuan.
There was a further slowdown in
the growth rate of revenue in the general public budgets nationwide. There were
several reasons for this. First, downward pressure on the economy was great,
and growth in indexes including industrial production, consumption, investment,
and corporate profit demonstrated varying levels of decline, leading to slower
growth in revenue from VAT, corporate income tax, and other major forms of tax.
Second, the producer price index (PPI) was constantly falling, and the consumer
price index (CPI) remained low, which had an impact on the growth of government
revenue as calculated according to current prices. Third, policies to make
adjustments to the real estate market grew in impact, and there was a steep
decline in housing sales, leading to a significant slowdown in the growth of revenue
from real estate business tax, corporate income tax from enterprises in the
real estate industry, and deed transfer tax. In addition, expansion of the
pilot scheme to replace business tax with VAT and implementation of other
policies also led to certain reductions in government revenue.
Revenue in the central government’s
general public budget amounted to 6.449001 trillion yuan, 100.2% of the
budgeted figure and an increase of 7.1%. Adding the 100 billion yuan
contributed by the Central Budget Stabilization Fund, total revenue used by the
central government came to 6.549001 trillion yuan. Expenditure from the central
government’s general public budget amounted to 7.417436 trillion yuan, 99.1% of
the budgeted figure and an increase of 8.3% (this includes 2.256991 trillion
yuan in central government spending, 100.3% of the budgeted figure and an
increase of 10.2%). Adding the 81.565 billion yuan used to replenish the
Central Budget Stabilization Fund, central government expenditure totaled
7.499001 trillion yuan. Total central government expenditure exceeded total
central government revenue, leaving a deficit of 950 billion yuan, which was
the figure budgeted for. Government bonds in the central budget had an
outstanding balance of 9.565545 trillion yuan at the end of 2014, which meant
it had been kept within the limit of 10.070835 trillion yuan budgeted for the
year. The Central Budget Stabilization Fund had a balance of 134.115 billion
图1 2014年中央一般公共预算平衡关系 Figure 1 Balance of Central
Government Finances in the General Public Budget in 2014
Revenue in local governments’
general public budgets came to 7.585973 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.9%.
Adding the 5.160445 trillion yuan in tax rebates and transfer payments from the
central government, local government revenue in their general public budgets
totaled 12.746418 trillion yuan. Local government expenditure in their general
public budgets amounted to 12.909163 trillion yuan, up 7.8%. Adding the 137.955
billion yuan used to replenish local budget stabilization funds and carried
over to 2015 plus the 99.3 billion yuan used to repay the principal on local
government bonds, local government expenditure totaled 13.146418 trillion yuan.
Total expenditure of local governments exceeded their total revenue, leading to
a local government deficit of 400 billion yuan.
图2 2014年地方一般公共预算平衡关系 Figure 2 Balance of Local
Government Finances in the General Public Budget in 2014
The following passages detail the
specifics on the implementation of the central government’s general public
budget in 2014.
(1)主要收入项目执行情况。 1) Main
revenue items
Domestic VAT revenue was 2.110297
trillion yuan, 97% of the budgeted figure. This shortfall was mainly due to
increases in value added of industry and commodity prices being lower than
projected at the beginning of the year, while the replacement of business tax
with VAT also led to a considerable increase in business VAT deductions.
Revenue from domestic consumption tax was 890.682 billion yuan, 100.4% of the
budgeted figure. Revenue from VAT and consumption tax on imports amounted to
1.44244 trillion yuan, 96.6% of the budgeted figure. This discrepancy was
mainly due to falls in both the prices of imported bulk commodities and the
total volume of imports. Revenue from customs duties came to 284.319 billion
yuan, 101.4% of the budgeted figure. Corporate income tax revenue was 1.58125
trillion yuan, 101.3% of the budgeted figure. Individual income tax revenue was
442.596 billion yuan, 103.2% of the budgeted figure. VAT and consumption tax
rebates on exports came to 1.135648 trillion yuan, 100.2% of the budgeted
figure. Non-tax revenue totaled 445.758 billion yuan, 119.3% of the budgeted
figure, which was mainly attributable to the increase in profits turned over to
the central government by some financial institutions.
Revenue in the central government’s
general public budget exceeded the budgeted figure by 11.001 billion yuan in
2014, which was used to replenish the Central Budget Stabilization Fund and
carried over to 2015 budgets in accordance with the newly revised Budget Law
and other relevant regulations.
(2)主要支出项目执行情况。 2) Main
expenditure items
Expenditure on agriculture,
forestry, and water conservancy reached 647.422 billion yuan, 99.8% of the
budgeted figure and an increase of 8.4%. Of this total, central government
spending accounts for 53.963 billion yuan, while transfer payments made to
local governments account for 593.459 billion yuan. Trials were carried out to
restore and improve cultivated land contaminated by heavy metals and deal
comprehensively with the over-abstraction of groundwater. We implemented and
improved policies on subsidies for farmers, and carried out trials in five
provinces to subsidize major grain growers. The principle of giving high
priority to saving water was put into action, leading to the improvement of
small irrigation and water conservancy facilities in 1,200 key counties.
Efforts to promote comprehensive agricultural development and upgrade low- and
medium-yield cropland were stepped up, leading to the development of 1.8791
million hectares of high-grade cropland. Efforts were also devoted to cleaning
up and improving the flood defenses of small and medium-sized rivers, with work
completed on a total of 46,000 kilometers of river. Impetus was given to
efforts to reinforce and improve the safety of small, poorly maintained
reservoirs. We supported work to prevent flooding and fight drought. We
supported the further mechanization of agriculture, and saw the overall level
of mechanization in ploughing, sowing, and harvesting exceed 61%. New types of
agricultural businesses were nurtured and supported. Improvements were made to
the policy for supporting grassland ecological conservation, and subsidies were
provided for 253.33 million hectares of grassland. We reformed the mechanisms
for managing government poverty alleviation funds, ensuring that these funds
were used to greater effect, and helped 12.32 million rural residents lift
themselves out of poverty. Steady progress was made in the pilot reform to
ensure guaranteed base prices for cotton and soybeans. The trial to
comprehensively reform the pricing for water used in agriculture was deepened.
We secured the completion of approximately 340,000 village-level public works
projects launched on the basis of deliberation by villagers and covered by the
government award and subsidy system.
Spending on social security and
employment totaled 706.609 billion yuan, 98.8% of the budgeted figure and an
increase of 8.5%. The shortfall is mainly due to actual spending on natural
disaster relief and subsidies for entitled groups being lower than the budgeted
amount. The total includes 69.988 billion yuan in central government spending,
and 636.621 billion yuan in transfer payments to local governments. We provided
social security subsidies and subsidies for public-service job positions to
assist those experiencing employment difficulties. We implemented an initiative
to guide business startups and encouraged university students to seek
employment or start their own businesses. Basic pensions for enterprise
retirees were raised by 10%, with per capita monthly benefits reaching 2,068
yuan. We merged the new type of pension system for rural residents and the
pension system for non-working urban residents, creating a basic pension scheme
for rural and non-working urban residents. As of July 1, 2014, the per capita
basic pension for people participating in the new insurance scheme was raised
by 15 yuan per month. We further raised subsistence allowances for urban and
rural residents. Work was done to ensure basic necessities for people
experiencing extreme poverty, and we supported the nationwide implementation of
the temporary assistance system. We increased subsidies and living allowances
by at least 20% for disabled military personnel, families of revolutionary
martyrs, Red Army veterans living in rural areas, elderly ex-servicepersons,
and other entitled groups. We worked to protect and manage overseas memorials
for Chinese martyrs who gave their lives outside of China. We established the
system for providing subsidies for the very elderly and senior citizens
suffering from loss of physical and/or mental capacity who are experiencing
financial difficulties.
Spending on medical and health
care and family planning came to 293.126 billion yuan, 96.5% of the budgeted
figure and an increase of 11%. The shortfall is mainly due to the decreases in
the actual expenditures on medical insurance for urban and rural residents and
in the spending on public hospital reform, for which arrangements were made on
the basis of progress in the reform of the medical and health care systems.
This total consists of 9.025 billion yuan of central government spending and
284.101 billion yuan made in transfer payments to local governments. Government
subsidies channeled through the new rural cooperative medical insurance system
and the basic medical insurance system for non-working urban residents were
increased to 320 yuan per person per annum. For this purpose, the central
government increased subsidies to local governments, and rates for individual
contributions were raised to 90 yuan per person per annum. We integrated all
subsidies for medical assistance to urban and rural residents, and expanded the
scope of assistance for medical care. We extended the major disease insurance
pilot scheme for rural and non-working urban residents to all provinces,
autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government.
We supported the establishment of a nationwide system of assistance for
emergency medical treatment. A further 737 counties and 17 cities were selected
to begin trials in comprehensive public hospital reform. We supported the
launching of a standard training program for 50,000 resident physicians
nationwide, and subsidized the training centers for the program. We increased
annual per capita spending on basic public health services from 30 yuan to 35
yuan, and weighted spending to favor rural doctors. Work on the prevention and
control of HIV/AIDS and other major diseases was strengthened, and support was
given to help achieve nationwide coverage with work on nucleic acid testing and
HIV/AIDS prevention for blocking mother-to-child transmission. We raised the
special subsidies given to parents following the death of their only child and
to parents whose only child suffers from some form of disability.
Spending on education totaled
410.19 billion yuan, 99.2% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 8.2%. This
total consists of 125.392 billion yuan of central government spending and
284.798 billion yuan made in transfer payments to local governments. The second
phase of the three-year action plan for preschool education was launched; a
pilot initiative for offering remote rural areas preschool education supported
by volunteers on a rotating basis was put into action; and encouragement was
given to the development of both government and private provision of education
services to increase the resources for pre-schooling. We further improved the
mechanisms for guaranteeing the funding for compulsory education in rural
areas, made a further 40 yuan increase to the benchmark for public funding per
student in primary and secondary schools in rural areas, and on top of this,
further increased public funding for boarding schools in rural areas. We
supported local governments in comprehensively improving the basic conditions
of schools providing compulsory education in poor areas, so as to narrow the
gap between urban and rural areas in terms of compulsory education. As of
November 2014, the subsidy given to those areas covered by the pilot scheme to
implement a national plan for improving the nutrition of students receiving
compulsory education in rural areas was raised from three to four yuan per
student per day, benefiting over 32 million primary and secondary school
students. We continued to support local governments to effectively solve the
issue of providing equal access to compulsory education for the children of
migrant workers living with their parents in cities. We encouraged local
governments to set up a sound, reform-oriented, and performance-based system
for the allocation of funds on a per student basis for higher vocational
schools. Adjustments and improvements were made to the method for providing
government subsidies for the waiving of tuition fees at schools providing
secondary vocational education; and by using awards in place of subsidies,
support and guidance were given to local governments to optimize the
distribution of secondary vocational schools and, on this basis, improve the
basic conditions at these schools. We improved the system for allocating funds
from the central budget to central government institutions of higher learning
to help promote an internal quality building model of development of higher
education. Support was continued for the development of local universities and
colleges. We further improved the system of government financial aid policies;
extended this assistance to cover preparatory students from ethnic minorities;
and adjusted and refined the policies related to national education assistance
loans, benefiting approximately 6.6 million college students, 4.88 million
regular high school students, and 12.34 million secondary vocational school
Spending on science and
technology came to 254.182 billion yuan, 95.1% of the budgeted figure and an
increase of 3.5%. The main reason that total spending fell below the budgeted
figure was that the allocation of funds to major national science and
technology programs was carried out on the basis of their actual progress, and
certain programs fell behind the schedules set in early 2014 due to the great
difficulty of the research being conducted. This total is comprised of 243.666
billion yuan of central government spending and 10.516 billion yuan in transfer
payments to local governments. Safeguards were provided for the implementation
of major national science and technology programs, and important progress and
breakthroughs were made in electronics, information, energy, environmental
protection, biomedicine, advanced manufacturing, and other fields. Strong
support was given for basic research, strengthening the groundwork for making
national innovations. Impetus was given to research on cutting-edge
technologies and major generic key technologies, as well as research for the
public benefit, and the integration of science and technology with industry was
strengthened. We supported the building of platforms for innovation in science
and technology, including basic national science and technology facilities, and
key national laboratories, and worked to help ensure that scientific and
technological resources are openly shared. We launched the national seed fund
for encouraging the application of advances in science and technology, and drew
on market mechanisms to promote the use of advances in science and technology
for profit and for application in industry. Support was given to making major
advances in the development of the national defense science and technology
Spending on culture, sports, and
media totaled 50.815 billion yuan, 99.2% of the budgeted figure and an increase
of 8.3%. This figure is comprised of 22.269 billion yuan of central government
spending and 28.546 billion yuan made in transfer payments to local
governments. Efforts were continued to open more public cultural facilities
such as public libraries, museums, and memorial halls to the public free of
charge. Efforts were stepped up to extend wireless digitalized coverage of
central radio and television programming. Support was provided for the
protection of cultural heritage, and trials were launched to preserve 327 traditional
villages. Work was begun to provide funding through the China National Arts
Fund, and following assessment, 393 projects were selected to be granted
funding. Efforts were made to see that large stadiums and gymnasiums are opened
to the public free of charge or at low cost, and further improvements were made
to community sports and fitness facilities. Support was given for the
introduction of soccer in schools. Support was also given for the development
of cultural industries, and encouragement was given to the integrated
development of cultural and creative industries, design services, and other
related industries.
Spending on guaranteeing housing
totaled 252.978 billion yuan, 100% of the budgeted figure and an increase of
9%. This figure consists of 40.541 billion yuan of central government spending
and 212.437 billion yuan made in transfer payments to local governments. We
integrated the central government funds earmarked for low-rental housing,
public rental housing, and the redevelopment of rundown urban areas. Work to
integrate the operations of public- and low-rental housing moved forward.
Policies were launched to subsidize the interest on loans used to finance the
construction of government-subsidized housing in urban areas. Construction on 5.11
million units of government-subsidized housing in urban areas was basically
completed, and construction was begun on another 7.4 million units. Support was
given to the renovation of dilapidated housing for 2.66 million poor rural
Spending on energy conservation
and environmental protection came to 203.281 billion yuan, 96.4% of the
budgeted figure and an increase of 3.2%. The shortfall is primarily due to
spending on subsidies for encouraging the sale of energy-efficient vehicles
with engine displacement of 1.6 liters or less being lower than anticipated.
The total is made up of 34.453 billion yuan of central government spending and
168.828 billion yuan made in transfer payments to local governments. Support
was increased for efforts to prevent and control air pollution in Beijing,
Tianjin, Hebei, and their surrounding areas as well as in the Yangtze River and
Pearl River deltas. Support was also given for the building of over 1,400 air
monitoring stations across China. Trials were launched to comprehensively
improve the conditions of rivers, covering each river’s entire drainage basin.
We moved ahead the trials for the areas along the Xin’ an River basin to
compensate each other for their impact on water quality, and moved forward with
efforts to establish a mechanism for provinces to compensate each other for
ecological damage or the costs of ecological protection. A total of 14,100
kilometers of pipe networks was constructed to complement urban sewage
treatment facilities. Contiguous environmental improvement initiatives were
launched in 13,112 villages, directly benefiting approximately 15.8 million
people. Efforts were begun to ensure mineral resources are being used
comprehensively, and improvements were made to the environment in contiguous
mining areas. The trial to completely stop logging in key state-owned forest
areas was launched in Heilongjiang Province. We supported the implementation of
a new round of efforts to return 333,000 hectares of marginal arable land back
into forest or grassland. This year’s task of closing down outdated production
facilities in 15 key industries including steel and cement was completed. We
supported problem-solving in the development of technologies for new-energy
vehicles as well as demos and promotional work for the vehicles, and encouraged
the development of the energy conservation and environmental protection
industries. We extended the scope of comprehensive demonstrations of energy
conservation and emission reduction based on integrating financial policies.
Efforts were stepped up to develop new energy and renewable energy.
Spending on transport totaled
426.98 billion yuan, 98.3% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 3.3%.
Spending on stockpiling grain, edible oils, and other materials stood at 153.975
billion yuan, 110.5% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 21.6%. The
excess is mainly due to an increase in central government spending on
subsidizing interest payments made for stockpiling grain and edible oils and
the expenses for purchasing japonica rice and corn from northeast China.
Spending on national defense was 808.288 billion yuan, 100% of the budgeted
figure and an increase of 12.2%. Spending on public security came to 212.027
billion yuan, 103.4% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 9.7%. Spending
on general public services totaled 125.134 billion yuan, 100.5% of the budgeted
figure and an increase of 3.1%. |
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