三、认真贯彻新预算法,做好2015年财政改革发展工作 III.
Properly Implementing the New Budget Law
and Carrying Out the Work on Fiscal Reform and Development
(一)加强财政法制建设。 1.
Strengthening the legal framework for managing public finances
Study and training sessions and
activities to inform about the newly revised Budget Law will be carried out to
ensure that the guidelines, principles, and each specific provision of the law
are thoroughly understood and the rule of law consciousness in budgetary work
is strengthened. We will consciously follow the provisions of the Budget Law as
our code of conduct as we exercise budgetary management, and perform our duties
including managing the public finances in strict accordance with the law.
We will step up the intensity of
work to revise the regulations on the enforcement of the Budget Law and improve
systems such as the general transfer payments system according to the
principles set in the Budget Law and its authorization.
We will coordinate the
enforcement of the new Budget Law with fiscal and tax reforms, strengthening
the links between concrete plans for fiscal and tax reforms and both the Budget
Law and the building of institutions that support it.
In accordance with the plans for
implementing the principle of law-based taxation, we will assist with
legislative work on real estate tax, environmental protection tax, and tonnage
tax, and actively promote the upgrading of existing interim tax regulations to
laws. Our work regarding the revision of the
Law on Tax Collection and Administration will be properly carried out.
(二)改善和加强财政宏观调控。 2. Improving
and strengthening macro-level regulation through fiscal policy
We will carry out timely and
appropriate anticipatory adjustments and fine-tuning on the basis of ensuring
the continuity and stability of our policies; place greater weight on making targeted
measures based on the proper exercise of macro-regulation to keep the economy
performing within an appropriate range; intensify efforts to carry out
structural adjustments; prioritize the provision of support for areas of
weakness; strike a balance between maintaining steady growth and restructuring;
keep market expectations stable; prevent economic growth from slipping into a
downward spiral; and create a good macro environment for ensuring steady
economic development.
We will work actively to support
efforts to discover and foster new areas of strong consumer activity that have
huge market potential and great future prospects, improve and properly
implement related fiscal and tax policies, promote information technology
consumption, and stimulate the development of the elderly care, fitness,
cultural, creative, and design industries.
We will advance reform of the
investment and financing systems; make innovations in methods of investment and
financing; move more quickly to launch projects that demonstrate the PPP model
in urban infrastructure development, the public rental housing sector, and in
business transformation of local government financing companies; and
effectively unleash the potential of nongovernmental investment.
We will improve the policies and
measures for boosting foreign trade, support increases in the export of
technology, equipment, and services, cultivate new strengths to give us an
advantage in foreign trade, and encourage increases in the import of advanced
technology and equipment, key parts and components, and resources that China
We will work hard to improve the
efficiency and quality of overseas investment, give impetus to the
implementation of major projects for strengthening infrastructure connectivity
with our neighboring countries, encourage international cooperation on advanced
technology, and help competitive industries to step out onto the global stage.
(三)落实深化财税体制改革总体方案。 3.
Implementing the overall plan for deepening reform of the fiscal and tax
We will, in keeping with the
requirements for deepening reform of the budget management system, review and
regulate tax relief and other preferential policies, carry out medium-term
fiscal planning, and reform and improve the transfer payments system. We will
raise the percentage of earnings from state capital operations that are turned
over to public finance, and research into bringing more SOEs under the
management of state capital operations budgets. We will promote sustainability
in the operations of social security funds on the basis of actuarial balance.
We will formulate and introduce the guidelines for fully promoting openness in
budgetary work, and go further to make budgetary work more transparent. We will
research into increasing the number of government departments required to
report their budgets to the NPC.
We will strive to extend the
trials for replacing business tax with VAT to the construction, real estate,
financial, and consumer service industries; and allow businesses to deduct the
VAT on their new real estate purchases or on their payments for real estate
rentals, and combine and lower VAT rates. We will continue to adjust the scope
and rates of consumption tax, and take measures where appropriate to levy
consumption tax on retail and wholesale instead of production. We will organize
the implementation of reform of the resource tax and fees on coal, and develop
plans for reforming resource taxes and fees on other types of resources aside
from crude oil, natural gas, and coal. For the reform of personal income tax,
we will develop a plan that integrates taxation based on both adjusted gross
income as well as specific types of incomes.
When carrying out reforms in VAT
and consumption tax, we will find a way to improve revenue distribution between
the central and local governments. We will develop and introduce guidelines for
appropriately dividing powers and spending responsibilities between the central
and local governments.
We will move more swiftly to
reform government procurement of services, establish a management system for
listing services for government procurement, and gradually expand the scope and
scale of government service-procurement.
(四)强化财政预算管理。 4.
Strengthening budgetary management
We will collect revenue in
accordance with the law and act to do so to the fullest possible extent
wherever revenue is due, while strictly prohibiting the collection of any tax
or fee not prescribed by law as well as any act, such as accounting tricks,
that boost revenue only on paper, thereby ensuring that revenue is as it should
be and remains free from tampering.
We will tighten constraints on
budgets and strengthen adherence to them, making sure that wherever there is
spending there is first a budget; where something has not been budgeted for no
expenditures are allowed, and where a planned adjustment to expenditure has not
gone through the legally prescribed procedures it may not be made.
We will improve the system of
standards for setting basic expenditures and project expenditures in the
budgets, optimize the management of project databases, and strengthen the
foundation of our budgetary work. We will improve the methods used for
formulating budgets; significantly cut down the total size of expenditure
budgets prepared by finance departments for other departments and projects;
place greater emphasis on practicability and detail in the formulation of
budgets; and make budget formulation more farsighted and accurate. We will
improve the mechanisms for exercising dynamic monitoring of budget
implementation, set up a sound system of accountability for budgetary spending,
and make the implementation of budgets more efficient and balanced.
We will practice thrift in
everything we do, and ensure that the system for ensuring strict austerity and
fighting waste firmly takes root. We will reduce general expenditures, strictly
control the spending of central government departments on official visits,
official vehicles, and official hospitality and, in accordance with the
regulations on the reform of the use of official vehicles, reduce expenditures
on official vehicles.
We will continue to rectify the
practices of doctoring the payroll and deliberate overstaffing. We will
categorize the ways to make use of available government funds, and establish a
sound, permanent mechanism for reviewing and regulating carryover and surplus
We will proactively move ahead
with cash management operations through the treasury by the central and local
governments. We will put into action the idea of linking spending with
performance and performance with accountability. We will raise the level of and
expand the scope for assessing budget performance; strengthen performance assessment
on expenditures that are of particular significance to the people’s wellbeing;
intensify accountability for budget performance; and improve the mechanism for
linking the results of budget performance assessment with budget allocation.
By the end of 2015, we will have
put into effect reform of centralized treasury payment in all townships and
towns where conditions permit, and we will gradually expand the application of
digital centralized treasury payment.
We will increase open access to
information on government procurement, and further standardize the management
of government procurement.
(五)加强地方政府性债务管理。 5.
Strengthening management of local government debt
We will fully implement the
guidelines for strengthening the management of local government debt, and strictly
forestall and control fiscal risks.
First, we will establish a
standardized mechanism for debt financing by local governments, which combines
both general debt and special debt. The central government will allocate quotas
for general and special debt to local governments principally on the basis of
calculation of objective factors, such as their financial resources. We will
improve the market-based pricing mechanism for local government bonds, have the
market play a more significant role in regulating local government debt,
protect the rights and interests of investors, and stabilize market confidence.
Second, we will establish sound
mechanisms for debt management. We will impose ceilings for local government
debt, which must not be exceeded. We will place local government debt under
budgetary management for general public finance and government-managed funds,
based on the type of debt. We will establish mechanisms for risk assessment and
early warning about risks related to local government debt, and give early
warning to regions where high risk is detected. We will provide guidance for
and urge local governments to set up mechanisms for dealing with urgent matters
concerning debt risks, and formulate contingency plans for the handling of such
matters. We will introduce a system for releasing information on local
government debt, and make regular public disclosures. We will move quickly to
develop a system for comprehensive government financial reporting based on
accrual accounting, formulate the rules for preparing the government’s
comprehensive financial reports and the guidelines for their operation, and lay
down the basic principles of government accounting.
Third, we will make appropriate
arrangements for handling outstanding debts and follow-up financing for
on-going projects. Outstanding debts which have been reviewed and approved
through statutory procedures will be placed under budgetary management, based
on the type of debt. Local governments need to raise funds through multiple
channels, and repay maturing debts on time. At the same time, a reasonable
grace period will be set, during which part of the follow-up financing may be
settled through bank loans within the limit set for on-going projects to avoid
any break in the chain of funding and prevent fiscal and financial risks.
Replacement is allowed as appropriate for those outstanding local government
debts which have been brought under budgetary management after having been
screened to lower the burden on local governments of paying more interest,
improve the mix of debt maturities, and make more funds available for key
(六)进一步严肃财经纪律。 6.
Tightening up financial discipline
Building on past achievements in
tightening up financial discipline and eliminating unauthorized departmental
coffers, we will continue to take a strong stance in fields where violations of
financial discipline and law are prone to occur or occur frequently, or where
there are sensitive issues involved; regularly carry out inspections to check
for strict compliance with financial discipline; and firmly prevent violations
of financial discipline and law from re-emerging once dealt with.
We will increase transparency of
information on policies. We will ensure that operation guidelines are issued
for every special-purpose fund and that these guidelines are released to the
public, so that the operation of government funds is transparent. We will
intensify oversight over government funds, especially funds that are of
particular significance to people’s wellbeing, and tighten oversight through
We will move more quickly to set
up systems and mechanisms for internal control of finance departments. We will
ensure that, in important fields and key positions within which power over the
allocation or use of government funds, or powers related to government
procurement are concentrated, the way power is exercised is determined on the basis
of the matter in question, the way power is arranged is determined on the basis
of the position in question, and the way power is delegated is determined on
the basis of the level of government in question. We will use the redesigning
of procedures and information technology to strengthen the prevention of risk
in fiscal activities and management, the control of such risks when they do
arise, and oversight and remedies after risks have been brought under control.
We will effectively prevent risk in every type of fiscal activity as well as
any risk that might pose a threat to keeping government clean.
Fellow Deputies,
The successful implementation of
the 2015 budgets is of vital importance. Under the leadership of the CPC
Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary, we will follow
the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory,
the important thought of Three Represents,
and the Scientific Outlook on Development,
willingly accept the oversight of the NPC, and seek comments and suggestions
from the CPPCC National Committee with an open mind. We will devote ourselves
to reform, work with diligence, strive to successfully implement this year’s
budgets and complete our work on fiscal reform and development, and contribute
to promoting steady, healthy economic development and social harmony and
stability. |
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