6. Promoting coordinated and integrated development between regions and between urban and rural areas
In pursuing coordinated development, we will promote coordination between regions and integration between urban and rural areas. We will foster synergy between the Three Initiatives (the Belt and Road Initiative, the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt) and the coordinated development of the western, northeastern, central, and eastern regions to form a new pattern of regional development that gives play to the leading role of core areas and makes it possible for different regions to work together.
1) We will focus on implementing the Three Initiatives. We will coordinate work to advance the Belt and Road Initiative. We will fully implement the plan for the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, research and implement policies and measures related to controlling the number of new projects launched and effectively carrying out existing ones, launch projects to relieve Beijing of functions nonessential to its role as China’s capital, continue to support the three major areas-integrated transportation, ecological conservation and environmental protection, and industrial upgrading and relocation-in making initial breakthroughs, strengthen the trials and demonstration projects for innovation-driven development, and accelerate the establishment of the systems and mechanisms for coordinated development. In order to focus on ecological conservation and pursue green development in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, we will give top priority to restoring the ecological environment in the Yangtze River valley, while pressing ahead with the effort to develop a green, ecological corridor, a high-level integrated multidimensional transportation corridor, and a modern industrial corridor; and we will also encourage city clusters in the Yangtze River Delta, along the middle reaches of the Yangtze, and in the Chengdu-Chongqing region to lead the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.
2) We will press ahead with the coordinated development of the western, northeastern, central, and eastern regions. We will support Ningxia, Guizhou, and other parts of the western region in developing open inland economies, each with its own distinctive features, and help to establish innovation platforms and systems. We will increase investment in infrastructure and other needed areas in the central and western regions, step up efforts to protect and restore the ecological environment, and cultivate and expand competitive industries that take advantage of local strengths. We will implement a new round of strategies for revitalizing the northeast and other old industrial bases, and promote the development of city clusters along the Harbin-Dalian Economic Belt. We will introduce a new ten-year plan to promote the rise of the central region; drive forward the development of major economic zones such as the city clusters along the middle reaches of the Yangtze, the Central Plains Economic Zone, and the city cluster along the Yangtze in Anhui Province; press ahead with the development of the eco-economic belts along the Huai and Han rivers; and support the development of clean energy production centers in Shanxi. We will continue to support the exemplary role of the eastern region in leading the rest of the country in pursuing reform and innovation, transforming and upgrading industries, and improving the quality and performance of the economy. We will increase efforts to turn Hainan into an international tourist island. We will work to develop the marine economy and build demonstration zones for this purpose. We will move forward with the development of state-level new areas, demonstration zones for industrial relocation, and other major function platforms, and encourage all localities to lead the way and explore new paths in the reform of systems and mechanisms and in the pursuit of coordinated development between regions. Successful practices that have been developed in national experimental zones for integrated, complete reform will be applied to other regions in an orderly manner. We will promote the integrated development of key areas and support city clusters with suitable conditions in exploring the further integration of urban development.
3) We will advance people-centered New Urbanization. We will implement the plan to grant urban household registration to 100 million people. We will deepen the implementation of the guidelines on promoting the New Urbanization; accelerate reform of the household registration system and implementation of the residence certificate system; establish a sound mechanism for adjusting the land designated for construction, development funds, and transfer payments in line with the number of migrant workers that have been granted urban household registration in an area; and encourage and guide rural migrant workers in obtaining urban household registration. We will put urban land held in reserve for construction to better use and carry out trial reforms relating to rural land requisition, the marketization of rural collective land designated for business-related construction, and the rural land used for private housing. A plan for the national urban system will be drawn up. We will continue to promote the cultivation of emerging small and medium-sized cities, small towns with unique features, and new models of urban development, and, where conditions permit, we will help development zones and land border areas to improve the overall functions of cities. Great efforts will be directed toward developing smart cities, green cities, and sponge cities. We will develop urban utility tunnels and ensure construction starts on 2,000 kilometers of such tunnels. We will move faster to develop intercity railways in city clusters in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, and the Chengdu-Chongqing region.
7. Promoting green, circular, and low-carbon development
In pursuing green development, we will drive forward the revolution in energy generation and consumption to make development more eco-friendly.
1) We will move faster to build functional zones. We will revise the plan for functional zoning, implement a negative list of industries for key ecosystem service zones, release a national functional zoning map and catalogs of major agricultural production zones and key ecosystem service zones, and draw up and implement provincial-level plans for marine functional zoning. We will carry out trials for spatial planning at provincial level and conduct research on establishing a long-term monitoring and early-warning system for resource and environmental carrying capacity.
2) We will use energy and resources more efficiently. We will release the 2030 Strategy for Revolutionizing Energy Generation and Consumption, push forward the transformation and development of the energy sector, and exercise control over both the total amount and intensity of energy consumption. In order to continue the dynamic development of renewable energy, we will work to address the issue of idle capacity in water, wind, and solar power by increasing the capacity of power grids to absorb electricity generated from renewable energy sources. We will actively develop distributed energy and smart grids, and apply an energy-saving, low-carbon approach to the management of power distribution. In order to expedite the growth of industries in relation to energy conservation, environmental protection, and ecological improvement, we will carry out green manufacturing programs, support green and clean production along with a comprehensive eco-friendly approach to the use of resources, and carry out major energy conservation and environmental protection projects. We will promote circular operations within industrial parks, a circular approach to constructing industrial systems, and pilot and demonstration projects for a circular economy. A plan for increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and promote the construction of green buildings will be implemented throughout the construction industry chain. We will take comprehensive measures to build a water-conserving society, and promote efficient and intensive use of land.
3) We will improve the quality of the environment and ecosystems. We will fully implement the action plans for preventing and controlling air and water pollution, release and implement an action plan for addressing soil pollution, and remain persistent in the fight against smog and water pollution. We will strictly control the expansion of coal production capacity and the capacity of coal-fired power plants, ensure cleaner use of coal in non-industrial sectors, expand the use of electricity to replace less environmentally friendly forms of energy and promote the use of electricity generated from renewable energy sources, and move faster to upgrade coal-fired power plants and the quality of fuel across the board. Third party governance will be introduced in the treatment of environmental pollution. We will launch a new round of efforts to return marginal cultivated land to forest or grassland, and intensify efforts to carry out the national afforestation project. We will move steadily forward with the establishment of a system of national parks. We will continue to advance the comprehensive governance of the water environment in key water basins and the environment in key areas, such as those at the source of dust storms affecting Beijing and Tianjin, areas afflicted by the spread of stony deserts, and areas where grazing land has been returned to grassland. A major biodiversity protection project will be launched. We will step up the ecological conservation of lakes and wetlands and establish ecological red lines for forests, grasslands, wetlands and the ocean. We will improve the mechanisms for compensating ecological conservation efforts. We will ensure the implementation of environmental impact assessment for strategies and plans and enforce stricter environmental standards for project approval. We will carry out ecological rehabilitation in cities to restore and improve their ecological functions. Pilot programs will be launched to place county- and prefecture-level environmental monitoring, inspection, and law enforcement bodies directly under the jurisdiction of provincial-level environmental bodies.
4) We will promote low-carbon development. We will continue to push forward pilot and demonstration programs for low-carbon development, move faster to create a national market for carbon emission rights trading, and formulate a complete set of rules and regulations concerning such trading and its oversight. We will constructively participate in international negotiations, work to ensure the proper design and implementation of follow-up mechanisms for the agreement reached at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, play an active role in guiding the rule-making process for global climate governance, and continue to strengthen South-South cooperation on climate change.
8. Improving the performance of the open economy
In pursuing open development, we will improve the plan for regional opening up, increase outbound investment and international cooperation, work to optimize imports and exports, actively utilize foreign capital, cultivate new strengths to give us a competitive edge internationally, and play an effective role in global economic governance.
1) We will ensure the successful implementation of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative. We will increase the cohesion between the development strategy of China and those of other countries along the routes, steadily carry out signature projects aimed at strengthening connectivity and increasing energy and resource cooperation, build up a reserve of major projects for the Belt and Road Initiative, and set up a number of patterns for bilateral and multilateral cooperation. We will actively advance the development of international economic cooperation corridors, such as the China-Mongolia-Russia corridor and the China-Indochina Peninsula corridor. We will coordinate the development of China-Europe freight train routes, simplify customs clearance procedures along the lines, and expedite the building of international logistics gateways. We will steadily construct strategic maritime hubs and ensure that maritime trade routes are unobstructed. Information platforms will be developed, such as the official website of the Belt and Road Initiative. We will actively encourage Chinese culture and traditional Chinese medicine to extend their reach overseas, further develop and open up border areas, upgrade both border and cross-border economic cooperation zones, and enhance international and regional cooperation with neighboring countries.
2) We will expand international cooperation on industrial capacity and equipment manufacturing. We will create a project reserve for industrial-capacity cooperation based on key industries and countries. We will set up a sound mechanism for connecting our provinces, regions and leading enterprises with key countries, and improve the system for managing major risks. We will move faster to make arrangements for bilateral industrial-capacity cooperation and make full use of multilateral platforms to promote effective cooperation; we will actively engage in cooperation with developed countries on the third market, so as to support Chinese technologies, equipment, standards, and services in “going global”. We will improve related fiscal and financial policies, set up outbound RMB cooperative funds and bilateral and multilateral industrial-capacity cooperation funds, and encourage cooperation between financial institutions and enterprises in this area. In 2016, China’s non-financial outward direct investment is projected to be approximately US$130 billion, an increase of around 10%.
3) We will promote the steady growth and structural adjustment of foreign trade. We will effectively apply the policy of export tax rebates. We will put into action the policies and measures for reviewing and regulating fees related to imports and exports, strictly enforce the system of lists and catalogs of fees related to foreign trade, and accelerate the building of the Single Window System and the integration of customs clearance procedures to enhance trade facilitation. We will encourage processing trade to move to the central and western regions and to extend toward the medium-high end of the industry chain. We will encourage the development of new business models for foreign trade, push forward the development of integrated pilot zones for cross-border E-commerce while also expanding the scope of the pilot scheme, and support the building of overseas storehouses and exhibition centers. We will promote the integrated development of trade in goods and in services and vigorously support the export of services in finance, insurance, logistics, and maintenance. We will adopt a more active import policy to support the import of advanced technology and equipment and important parts and components; increase the reserve of important energy and resources; and appropriately increase the import of consumer goods. We will deepen bilateral and multilateral economic and trade cooperation, build an international network of high-standard free trade areas, step up negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, accelerate negotiations on free trade such as those on the China-Japan-RoK Free Trade Area, and facilitate negotiations on investment agreements with the United States and the European Union.
4) We will use foreign capital more
effectively. We will continue to improve the business environment. We will
advance reform to introduce a negative list in managing foreign investment. The
service sector will be further opened up in areas such as finance, education,
elderly care, culture, telecommunications, the Internet, trade, and logistics;
the manufacturing sector will also be opened wider and direct foreign
investments will be encouraged toward the high end of traditional industries,
strategic emerging industries, and modern services. The catalog of industries
with local strengths in central and western regions for foreign investment will
be updated to support the relocation of foreign-invested industries to these
regions. We will complete a timely review of and promote the experiences from
pilot free trade zones and continue to expand the pilot scheme to other
regions. We will promote the innovation-driven growth of development zones and
update the catalog of development zones that have been approved and published
by the state. Reforms of the foreign investment management system and foreign
debt management will be deepened, and the system for carrying out security
reviews of foreign investments will be improved. Non-financial foreign direct
investment is expected to be approximately US$128 billion in 2016. |
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