三、建设和运营核安全示范中心 3. Establishment and Operation of Center of Excellence on Nuclear Security
The Center of Excellence on Nuclear Security (COE) of China, constructed with cooperation between China and the U.S., was completed one year ahead of schedule in December 2015, and went into formal operation in March 2016. The COE has integrated mature and advanced technology and equipment from both China and other countries, including technology demonstration and training building, analytical laboratory, environmental laboratory, mock nuclear material bunker, mock facility for nuclear material accounting and control, response force training and drill facility, testing field for physical protection, international first class education & training facility as well as supporting facilities. The main functions of the COE include personnel training, research and development, international exchange, as well as testing and certification, covering a variety of areas such as nuclear security, nuclear safeguards and inspection, nuclear material control, physical protection and ect.. The COE is a nuclear security exchange and training center with the largest scale, most comprehensive equipment and most advanced facilities in Asia Pacific Region and even beyond.
China will actively fulfill commitments by President Xi Jinping at the third Nuclear Security Summit, and take this COE as a platform to promote further exchanges and cooperation with other counties, the IAEA and relevant international organizations, thereby make contribution to strengthening nuclear security in the Asia Pacific region and the entire world.
四、加强高浓铀安全 4. Enhancing the security of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU)
China pays great attention to the safety and security of HEU and supports minimizing the use of HEU where technically and economically feasible. The core of the HEU research reactor in Chinese Institute of Atomic Energy was discharged in September 2015. The conversion of this reactor to using Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) was completed in March 2016 by Chinese Institute of Atomic Energy. The project of converting Ghana’s HEU research reactor is steadily making progress. The project entered implementation stage after China and Ghana signed in September 2014 an agreement for assistance in securing LEU for a research reactor. With the signing of a commercial contract between China and the United States in December 2015, production of LEU fuel elements for Ghana’s research reactor started.
China stands ready to consult with relevant countries on conversion of its China-origin HEU research reactors subject to voluntariness and feasibility, and is also willing to share with international community its experience and expertise in converting research reactors from using HEU to LEU.
五、强化放射源管理 5. Strengthening management of radioactive sources
China supports promoting
radioactive sources application in civil areas with the precondition of strict
management and ensuring security, and works hard to enhance its domestic
radioactive sources security. China strictly follows the security standards of
radioactive sources management, which cover all related aspects including
production, sales, transportation, use and storage of the radioactive sources.
China has made comprehensive efforts to upgrade the security level of
radioactive waste repositories in various cities in China, completed
compilation of the document “Security Requirements for Radioactive Waste
Repositories in Cities” and conducted cooperation with the United States on
radioactive sources security. China conducted security inspections of over
15,000 users of radioactive sources and properly disposed of disused
radioactive sources. China also works to promote capacity building of
radioactive sources security, actively hosts training courses and field
exercises, promotes research and development of radioactive sources security
technologies, and is conducting research on a tracking system of high-risk
mobile radioactive sources, as well as technical protection measures of
radiation devices. |
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