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2013-5-10 18:38| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 174| 评论: 0|来自: 美国国务院

摘要: Joint Statement on Addressing Global Climate Change

Joint Statement on Addressing Global Climate Change



May 7, 2013


The Republic of Korea and the United States share the view that anthropogenic climate change represents a threat to the security and sustainable development of all nations. As two of the world’s major economies, and as members of the G20, the Major Economies Forum (MEF) on Energy and Climate, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Republic of Korea and the United States, by virtue of their national circumstances and capabilities, are each in a position to carry out significant and concrete action to reduce the threat of climate change and its impacts.


大韩民国和美国一致认为,由人类活动引起的气候变化对所有国家的安全和可持续发展造成重大威胁。作为世界的两个主要经济体和20国集团(G20)、主要经济体能源和气候论坛(Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate)及经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)的成员国,大韩民国和美国凭借其各自国情和能力,能够为减轻气候变化的威胁和影响采取重大和切实的行动。


Both the Republic of Korea and the United States are also making significant efforts towards implementing their 2020 mitigation pledges under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The United States will continue to strengthen measures to reduce its emissions through a wide range of actions in key sectors of the economy. The Republic of Korea is developing and implementing a set of mitigation and adaptation policies aimed at achieving a low carbon economy. Such actions will contribute not only to addressing the challenge of climate change, but also to building a more creative economy that generates new jobs and future growth engines. Through its successful bid to host the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Republic of Korea has demonstrated its ambition in assuming a leadership role in addressing climate change, including providing support for and contributing to the GCF. Both the Republic of Korea and the United States will make efforts for the early and successful operationalization of the GCF.




Cooperative efforts between the Republic of Korea and the United States demonstrate our shared commitment to advancing climate action in the multilateral context. Both countries will continue to pursue a post-2020 agreement that is flexible and applicable to all Parties in the context of the UNFCCC, with substantive contributions from Parties consistent with national circumstances and capabilities. We will also work together in the context of the International Maritime Organization, while respecting each other’s position, to further enhance energy efficiency and therefore reduce greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping. We highlight the importance of the MEF and Clean Energy Ministerial as complementary venues for dialogue as well as platforms for exploring joint efforts to take concrete actions in major sectors of our economies, with the goal of bending down the global emissions curve. In addition, we emphasize the importance of taking action to advance the near-term climate change agenda, including through the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants to support the achievement of the ultimate goal of the UNFCCC. A bilateral dialogue between both countries will be held regularly to exchange views on the climate change negotiations.




The Republic of Korea and the United States are engaged in a wide range of bilateral activities on climate change, particularly in the context of the recently approved 2013-2015 Work Program of the U.S.-Korea Environmental Cooperation Agreement. Under this agreement, we will intensify cooperation in a number of areas, including clean energy research and development, research on climate modeling, workshops on climate risk assessment and adaptation planning, and joint work on the development and adoption of smart grids and energy efficiency technologies that will produce new jobs and markets in this evolving sector.




The governments of the Republic of Korea and the United States will continue to treat climate change as an issue of high priority in the bilateral relationship as we work towards an ambitious and coordinated global response to this serious challenge.







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